Monday, June 7, 2010

Bathurst Staff Support Officer identified as corrupt

It comes as no surprise to readers of this blog that the NSW government is entrenched with corruption and cover-ups and it is probably even less of a surprise that staff in the Western Region of the Department of Education and Training are involved in corrupt activities.

nedkelly has implicated Bathurst Assistant Staff Support Officer Janette Crawford in supporting false worker's compensation claims and interfering in claims of those known to be against the KLAN.

nedkelly claims that a comment posted by an anonymous user was true in part. nedkelly claims that she was told by Lee Churches to call GIO and make a report that Lyn Duncan was faking stress leave arising from her being named and shamed on Sydney Indymedia because she was an alcoholic and that nedkelly had seen her drinking alcohol during school hours in her office. nedkelly says that Churches told her that this tip had come from the Staff Support Officer at district office.

She claims that she was told by Janette Crawford that she should refuse to be interviewed by GIO over Nathan Carter's stress claim as there were pending investigations involving the ICAC. nedkelly alleges that Ms Crawford told her "we don't look after whistleblowers here, he should suffer for what he has done." She also claims that she was told to tell anyone that asked that she had learned that Nathan Carter had started his own business and had no intention of returning to Carenne. nedkelly claims that she knew this was not correct but was told to "toe the line" or be dismissed.

nedkelly alleges that Janette Crawford had a duty to report and take action against Michael Auld after Ms Churches and he schemed up a plan to stop Nathan Carter from returning to Carenne. nedkelly was aware that Mr Auld had told Ms Crawford that he would "smack out" Nathan Carter if he returned to Carenne. She said that Mr Auld told her that Ms Crawford thought it was funny.

nedkelly also alleges that she was told by Janette Crawford to be prepared to lie about Prue Luffman's claim if she was asked to be interviewed and to say that she was faking being stressed and that at no time had anyone said anything to her about being in a sexual relationship with Peter Richards. When she questioned whether or not this was put in writing, Ms Crawford told her that any records showing that would be destroyed to protect the school.

Save Carenne also provided a response when contacted by Carenne Gate. She said that she was told that Janette Crawford had told Bev Masters not to pursue a worker's compensation claim because it would make the school bad and just to take sick leave for stress, she also claims that district office was supportive of two claims made by Simone Russell, one when she was sick with pneumonia and her step-son was being investigated and another this year when she took time away from the office because she couldn't do the job and also because she wanted to be at home with her daughter. According to Save Carenne, Mrs Russell told her that she was furious that GIO had rejected her worker's compensation claim and said "I deserve some sort of compensation from being put through hell and back in that place."