In an email between Terry Neal and Peter Harvey discussing Prue Luffman's situation, Terry Neal has admitted to telling Mrs Luffman that female Carenne staff are gossipers.
In the email, Mr Neal says -
I also told her that she was working in an environment with significant female colleagues and that may at times, lead to other females noticing what may, or may not, be happening and the potential to spread gossip.The conversation came about when Mrs Luffman approached Mr Neal about a female Carenne staff member (believed to be Margaret Rowe, but not named in the email) at a local hotel who accused her of inappropriate behaviour around another staff member. Mrs Luffman didn't tell Mr Neal who the person was and Mr Neal provided advice on dealing with the matter.
During Mrs Luffman's employment at Carenne she was subject to a complaint by the teacher of her class Nadine Dwyer, according to the email.
The email also mentions the employment arrangement between Carenne and Mrs Luffman during 2009. Mrs Luffman has claimed that she was promised full-time work past the end of the year, yet according to Mr Neal he told Mrs Luffman and the class teacher Mrs Dwyer that the class was temporary and may or may not be extended at the end of the year.
Hatho claims that Mr Neal is lying about this as it was Lyn Duncan who gave Mrs Luffman and Mrs Dwyer the jobs and she overheard a conversation between the trio where Mrs Duncan told them the job was temporary to begin with but would become permanent next year at which time Mrs Duncan and Miss Churches would ensure Luffman and Dwyer got through the merit selection process.
When the class was extended Mr Neal claims that the school executive decided to fill the positions by merit selection. Hatho claims that Mrs Luffman went on stress leave due to marriage difficulties and to get back at Carenne for offering her no further full-time work.