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What lies beneath the facade at Carenne Special School in Bathurst...
well done
Its wonderful Julie ,well done
Thanks Julie its this blog that gives me the energy to keep going
did you change sign at carenne julie
No Lucy, you, Gary and Brian Carter were seen changing the sign. You better go and check it.
wait for the im not lucy
the sign has been changed back
Get someone to read the story and you will see that the sign was never changed to begin with. You were seen driving past the school to check today and besides that your complete stupidity proves who you are.
tell me this idiot isnt a teacher at the school
No just an aide and not a very good one.
i a teacher not a aide
a teacher? "i a teacher not a aide" dont you mean " I AM a teacher, not AN aide"??? god help us if this is what is educating the future of our country!
It's scary to think someone like that is even in a classroom isn't it?
It certainly is, i have absolutly no ties to this school or DET but i think its rather sad that children all over the community are being educated by teachers who cant even seem to write properly, i mean how can they possibly teach if they cant get their words right on a screen in front of them?
It is trully eye opening though, i now think if DET doesnt change within the next 3 years my children will deffinatly be home schooled...if these people can educate a child surely i could do a better job! no chance i would trust these people with such precious little lives.
I am an employee of DET and can tell you that the problems are state-wide. Carenne might be an extreme example (and when you have aides like jrosenberg who are illiterate yet remain employed by a puppet principal it is truly frightening) but there are problems in a lot of NSW schools.
And something needs to be done about all of it. These children are precious little lives and being in an environment like that, no matter how extreme or otherwise, is not healthy. I really do hope karma comes back 10fold and bites these people on the arse big time.
It can't be healthy for them when so many people have had to have time off for stress.
maybe the kids need stress leave as well...if the place is taking such a toll on adults i can only imagine how the kids are feeling...
The stress comes from being exposed not doing the job your paid to do.
8.33 that isn't the problem, the problem is that she has issues at home and is using stress leave to pay for time off to sort them out. No surprise for a habitual fraudster.
How about you morons actually talk about something you actually know about.
How about you do a job you are qualified to do. You were demoted because you were shit as the school's SAM. The school went downhill because of you and your mismangement Simone. Lee and Lynn are far better than you ever were.
How about her snitching fucking step son running stories back to brian Carter. The real reason you are on stress leave will come out soon enough. Another dodgy stress claim from you because of what is happening at home.
why can't you moron's get it through your thick heads - simone was not demoted is not demoted and has not been demoted. She chose to move to an aide position - by the way that is not a demotion.
Anonymous march26,9:16pm
you can't just blame simone for the office mess she took orders from lee churches as well.
March 26, 2010 10:52 PM is correct, going from the SAM's job to an aide is a promotion not a demotion.
March 27, 2010 3:16 PM Lyn Duncan is the one to blame for most of the mess at Carenne. She ran it into the ground.
hatho "simone" easy blame someone who is not there.Hope she comes back to haunt you and auld and churches.Taken snowden's lead have you.
hatho 5:31pm
Lee,michael,simone,marg are to blame not lyn school run into ground a long time before lyn took over.
March 26, 2010 10:52 PM Why can't you bitches of westwick get it through your thick heads that aides do not run the school. You give yourselves away everytime by talking up how you are higher than anyone else at the school. A SAM is a higher classification than an SLSO so even if Simone didn't get demoted it is a backwards career move.
Of course they will blame poor Lyn. She came in and tried to clean up the Churches, Auld, Russell and Rowe mess and she got stabbed in the back at every opportunity.
What ever you reckon "LEE"
How about you do a job you are qualified to do. You were demoted because you were shit as the school's SAM. The school went downhill because of you and your mismangement Simone. Lee and Lynn are far better than you ever were.
a teacher? "i a teacher not a aide" dont you mean " I AM a teacher, not AN aide"??? god help us if this is what is educating the future of our country!
tell me this idiot isnt a teacher at the school
Get someone to read the story and you will see that the sign was never changed to begin with. You were seen driving past the school to check today and besides that your complete stupidity proves who you are.
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