Concerned parents have contacted Carenne Gate outraged that their children have been unable to access Riding for the Disabled for the past three weeks because Melinda Gavin has been on holidays.
Both Carenne Special School and RDA have been questioned by parents about why there can be no RDA program just because Mrs Gavin has decided to take holidays in the middle of the school term. One parent said "I asked why the program was so reliant on Mrs Gavin and was told that she is the only person who can run the program because nobody else is trained, it was just like when her child was sick a few years ago, everyone missed out because of it, it is so poorly organised it isn't funny,"
"You would have thought then that they would of worked on making sure they had alternative arrangements."
Another parent said "I am concerned about the level of control Michael Auld and Melinda Gavin have over RDA, it is just like another arm of the school, nobody is allowed in there, it's Melinda or nobody."
nedkelly told Carenne Gate "I don't know why they can't train Jasmine Ryan up to do the job, that would make sense. She was given the job of filling in for Gavin in Auld's class because she was a 'horsey' person, why can't she run RDA when Gavin takes one of her breaks?"
It is believed that on the days that Mrs Gavin is away from the school and working at RDA that she continues to be paid by the school who have to also arrange a relief aide.
Carenne Gate has learned that there will be no RDA program again next Thursday as Melinda Gavin is participating in the Gulgong Endurance Horse Ride.
It's about time staff such as Melinda Gavin take their responsibilities to the students of Carenne Special School seriously and put student needs before their own.
Its only a select few students who go horse riding and the RDA should have nothing to do with Carenne School it never used to be till auld put his beck in.
Melinda Gavin is the only person who can run it because they won't let anyone else in there don't want people or the RDA to know they are corrupt.
Jasmine Ryan why would you want her involved in anything. She is the Blayney bus snitch.
Anonymous 7:57 PM
Michael Auld seems to have his fingers in everything that open and shuts and stuffs everything he touches.
8:30pm please explain your comment
Having just read the first few stories on this blog. When are you going to get Dennis Fergusson to work at Carenne?
I would of said Michael Auld, can't go anywhere without a kid.
June 5, 2010 9:00 PM
Yes he always has a goat with him doesn't he
Anonymous 9:07 Pm
Well said .
Where is the money you gave to RDA out of the $3.7million that was given to Denison College and Carenne for a Trade Training Centre Michael FRAUD? Couldn't that pay to train someone else to do the job?
Did you buy your new car with it Michael?
What business is it of yours how my beautiful school is ran? It's time you realise that parents do not run the school and neither does the shit associated with this blog. Cut the rot!
carennetruth 10:04 PM
Its not your beautiful school and never will be.
It doesn't look so beautiful from where I'm sitting!
Welcome back carennetruth, I now have proof of who you are and if you were so concerned about your school you would not of tried to threaten me and my child a student at your school, you are the one full of it. I am still waiting for you to come good with your threat about posting info on me for the whole world to see or did I beat you to it. I am not one to take threats to me or my family well.
Thanks for showing our readers what you think of parents Miss Churches.
Anonymous 10:13PM
Its not LEE CHURCHES has ruin a beautiful school.
You have proof of nothing. I am concerned about my beautiful school and its name being rubbished by people who go on with rot. I just wanted to show that you are a person who should not be trusted and that your word is worthless.
Libertarian I will say what I like when there are people going on with rot about my beautiful school. He is a person who can not be trusted, he is the dregs of society.
carennetruth 10:24 PM
keep telling yourself that lee you are the one who is the liar and your word is worthless.
Why would we believe Mein Fuher?
1. She called a 10 year old a slut
2. She claimed the same 10 year old initiated a sexual relationship with an older boy at the age of 8
3. She knew about David Withyman and did nothing.
4. She is alleged to physically abuse children.
Lee Churches has singlehandedly fucked Carenne and is CARENNETRUTH
Well wheres your proof about me from where i am sitting all i have done is posted what was said to me by my son, and you go off like a cheap bottle of wine and make a personal attack on me, who should not be trusted change your username to carennelies. My word is my bond and i can promise you now for threatening my child you will end up in court.
Read the other string you uneducated idiot.
Good luck suing me idiot, you need money for that.
I think Neil may need to write Shane a letter telling him that he is subject to Enclosed Lands.
Lee you are a disgusting bitch. Just because you claim to be educated (and it's doubtful) you are one of the dumbest people I know. You think you can get away with what you do, well in good time the walls are going to close in on you.
Yes I am sure 10.42pm that you have the level of education as Lee Churches who is regarded as one of the finest special educators in the entire state. Cut your rot
In case you haven't noticed 10.43pm Neil is a great principal. We are lucky to have him.
Need money you obviously dont know my family as well as you think you do, I might be the dregs of society and an uneducated idiot but they are not, before you go on with your rot please do your research. I only have eyes for you now. Atleast I have done and said nothing to discredit myself or lower myself as you have and also your schools rep. Who is really the uneducated dregs of society CARENNELIES.
Anonymous 10:42 PM
Yes and sooner then she thinks its just a disgusting human being.
Grow up and stop your rot.
I am defending my beautiful school from some idiot like you. You have already shown that you are just dregs so your word is worthless. I have no doubt you have eyes for me, you don't mind assaulting women do you Shane?
Bring it on, there is nothing you can say that will affect the outcome you have coming you should read more before even before trying to understand me
You obviously have my police record, and I am not proud of it, your going back roughly 15yrs. I have nothing against carenne just the cancer inside it which needs to be weeded out. And since your reading my record does that make me who I am today YES a better man
Carennetruth Churches you have the street smarts of a cockroach. It is not your school it belongs to all taxpayers as for your reputation as the best ...Give it time to get around and your reputation will be shit from Bathurst to Perth and Melbourne to Darwin Lee Drew Lee Churches Carenne Public School Bathurst racist, child abuser, bully and coward.
Enclosed lands, my god you are such a drop kick Lee Churches.
Not being educated as she says can someone explain what enclosed lands means please
Shane June 5,2010 11:49 PM
Shane they are not enclosed lands its the school grounds this idiot is talking about the school executives had a ugly fence put up to keep edward james out another man who is onto them for their corrupt ways they had this fence put up so they can charged people with tresspassing if they wish or so they seem think they can .Shane your more educated then LEE CHURCHES will ever be she nothing but a washed up idiot.
Shane June 5,2010 11:06 PM
Shane if Lee Churches has your Police record she would have got this information from Simone Russell ,Simone husband Scott Russell is a police officer and can get access to these things.Worth checking out with the local Police Station.
Hi Shane,
It's good to see osmeone with the balls to stand up to these idiots. There are a few of us working behind the scenes to bring them down, but parents like you can make the real difference.
I recommend speaking to your local police again and asking if you can find out who has accessed your records. You may need to do this under freedom of information legislation. All access to criminal records is logged with who accessed it and when. I whink you will find that Simone Russell's husband had access to your records and has provided this to the school.
You local police will advise you who to contact or if you are not sure if you can trust them, call a police station elsewhere in the state and advise them of the situation, they are normally happy to help.
People on the outside may not understand but DET at least in the Western region is like pre-Wood Commission Police. They will do anything to feather their own nests and protect each other.
You would not believe how protected Lee Churches is just because she is one of McDiarmid's cronies. There should have been parties and jubilation at the news that McDiarmid is retiring at the end of the year, but instead it is going to be more of the same because one of her cronies will be in the job so nothing will change.
Simone constantly brags about the access she has to information and until recently (until hatho switched sides) said that she used it for Carenne's benefit. She bragged about being able to get information from Scott. At times she even made stories up and said that they came from Scott just to give herself credibility.
Lee is probably the worst one at the school. This is the sort of person who abuses kids, covers up abuse, gets more benefit from Carenne Support for her class than any other in the school (because she is a director), interferes with workers comp claims by spewing lies to the staff and teacher support officers, makes false complaints about people and persecutes anyone who dares to question Carenne.
Michael Auld is another terrible person. He is equally as bad as Lee but people don't see it, he is protected because he is "such a nice bloke." Nothing could be further from the truth, turn around and he has his knives into your back. He was one of the key players in the Luffman/Richards scandal, he outed it and gossiped like an old woman!
June 6, 2010 10:22 AM
Lee Churches told me to tell SEA that Lyn Duncan was faking stress leave because her mother was ill and not because she was stressed, she told me to Jeanette that Nathan Carter was running his own business and that he had no intention of returning to Carenne and she told me to tell Jeanette that I had seen Prue downtown and that she had told me that she wasn't depressed.
This was even though she said nothing about Simone trying to claim compo last year when she had pneumonia and when Jeremy was in trouble or this year when she took 8 weeks off because her 16 year-old daughter got pregnant and had a miscarriage!
Thanks Anne I am going to local police today if response is negative will keep sourcing another police station
You have a lot of support both inside and outside of Bathurst Shane and I congratulate you on standing up to these bastards. They are nothing more than scum and are the real "dregs of society." They are disgraceful, putting on a big front about how they do all this for disabled kids, but they only do it while the money is flowing. If the money stops they wouldn't be doing it.
June 6, 2010 10:22 AM
The same thing happens at another local school about workers comp claims.
I bet if anyone interfered in Lee's claims she would jump up and down.
or Simone's. Imagine putting in a claim because your step-son got busted doing very bad things.
June 6, 2010 10:26 AM
I was told to tell district office that Lyn Duncan's problems were alcohol related. Michael told me to tell them that I saw her drinking at school.
I found out that Simone 'hatho' Russells compo claim from this year has not been accepted by GIO.
It appears that GIO are well aware of the issues at this school.
Why would they accept a claim that was because her daughter got knocked up by one of Jeremy's mates and then had a miscarriage? (although knowing the Russell's it would have been a forced abortion). Funny how that Simone told Lee in confidence and then the whole school knew what happened. It's good to see that there is at least one organisation associated with DET that isn't corrupt.
I still find it funny that only when Simone came back and only when Simone is in the office that information gets leaked by hatho.
Be careful harassing Simone, she will get Jeremy to post on Lee's blog about you.
Jeremy what a joke that sick bastard is. Laurie made a complaint about him trying to get on with a student and then took it back after she was harassed by Simone and Lee!
Where's the photos of the 17th birthday party that Lee was passing around Carenne, surely Lee gave them to someone to put up here.
11.16 I bet you that the phone bill is cheaper when Simone is in the classroom. All she ever did was be on the phone all day to her kids making personal calls, that is why she needed extra help in the office.
I still don't know how she got the SAMs job, she is so grossly under-qualified.
June 6, 2010 11:17 AM
Careful Bev she might get a police check done on you too. That family has issues and BIG ones.
Don't forget Simone used to buy Jeremy cigarettes when he was underage, it was common knowledge
I can just see it Monday, Simone won't be at work and will claim stress because of the blog. She can dish the shit out but can't take it.
No Jeremy did nothing wrong remember, they hired a private investigator to cover it up and say Brian Carter set him up! Then Simone said that Scott was going to set Carters up for something.
Just think Kym Tattersall was involved in that cover-up, Jenny told her that all Jeremy did was sit on the bus on facebook and texting young girls when he wasn't asleep.
Did Jenny go to the Police or did she just crap on about it to people at the school?
Of course she did nothing about it. That is the sort of person she is, blab on about it but do nothing.
Why would Jenny report him to the Police, sleeping whilst at work or being on facebook isnt illegal is it????
Shouldnt the powers to be at Carenne have handled the issues when they were reported to them.
It's illegal when she knew that he was grooming underage kids for sex. She knew about it bitched to Kym and did nothing else. She didn't even follow mandatory reporting guidelines.
I think you should come clean what you said about Shane don't you Jenny?
Isn't RDA just Michael and Melinda's plaything? Interesting how Auld only got interested in it after he was given Kym as his aide. Needed some excuse to spend time with Melinda didn't you Auld. How sweet!!!
Are you going to get Zoe an iPad Michael? You buy her all these other expensive toys and say they come out of your own pocket when they actually are bought by the school or Carenne Support.
I want to know something actually, why does Kym always have to be Zoe's aide? That is strange, it's like she is obsessed with the child.
Auld just siphons everything. He makes out he does all this good for the school buying this and that but it all comes out of the school's money. Then he does all this work on computers outside of school, that's right he just gets into people's stuff and shares it with the rest of the KLAN. He is the school hacker and one of the leaks. BUY THE MAN A NAPPY!
Isn't it great that the DET email system has been changed so that you can only access it through Portal. It makes it much harder to get into someone else's now unless you have the password. Auld used to use the files on certain people's computers. HACKER!
I bet half the reason for the new server was so that the logs showing his wrong-doing were destroyed.
Anonymous 1:35 PM
Lee jenny told me she reported jeramy to you also to lyn duncan and to terry mahony nothing was done ,also told kym he was on facebook on his phone not texting young girls you people are liars.
Anonymous 1>40 PM
Lee Churches why would jenny say anything about shane trying to blame someone else for your foul mouth.
June 6, 2010 3:18 PM
You told Kym he was texting young girls on the bus. You said he showed you photos.
Anonymous 4:48 PM
More lies out of your mouth lee churches it was you who set jeremy russell up lee wasn't it what information did you send a certain person about jeremy lee very destroying information you want careful what lies you tell lee.
it was molly who make wetsite about him and who post it to school. it was molly who tell people about it and laugh think it funny
it dont matter because he did it anyway and his mum covered up for him she should not be aid she lazy
michael not like melinda that way he was in sex relations with susan
melinda not only person who do this other could do it but melinda want to look good for it
You know what I am sick to death of this RDA bullshit. My son spends all week working at RDA instead of in the classroom learning and I am fed up with it. What benefit is it Mr Auld? When they have to work at RDA and they don't even run it when Mrs Gavin decides to go horse riding.
Then you can talk about how incompetent Auld is, never putting reports out on time, calling me at home and rambling on with rubbish that has no connection to my son and more.
Why is this strange little man still employed?
June 6, 2010 7:01 PM
Have you told Neil Moon you idiot? Getting on here and having a whinge isn't going to fix anything. How about you wake up to yourself.
Anonymous 7:05 PM
Lee Churches you speak lovely to parents.
Fuck off Anne we know who you are
7.05pm I agree, the wisest thing I have seen on the blog all week
Lee interfered in nothing it was Wendy and Janette who told us what to say and do.
carennetruth 10:18PM LEE CHURCHES
You are answering yourself "YOU" have lost the plot.
Lee interfered in nothing it was Wendy and Janette who told us what to say and do.
Anonymous 7:05 PM
Lee Churches you speak lovely to parents.
You know what I am sick to death of this RDA bullshit. My son spends all week working at RDA instead of in the classroom learning and I am fed up with it. What benefit is it Mr Auld? When they have to work at RDA and they don't even run it when Mrs Gavin decides to go horse riding.
Then you can talk about how incompetent Auld is, never putting reports out on time, calling me at home and rambling on with rubbish that has no connection to my son and more.
Why is this strange little man still employed?
Hi Shane,
It's good to see osmeone with the balls to stand up to these idiots. There are a few of us working behind the scenes to bring them down, but parents like you can make the real difference.
I recommend speaking to your local police again and asking if you can find out who has accessed your records. You may need to do this under freedom of information legislation. All access to criminal records is logged with who accessed it and when. I whink you will find that Simone Russell's husband had access to your records and has provided this to the school.
You local police will advise you who to contact or if you are not sure if you can trust them, call a police station elsewhere in the state and advise them of the situation, they are normally happy to help.
it was molly who make wetsite about him and who post it to school. it was molly who tell people about it and laugh think it funny
it dont matter because he did it anyway and his mum covered up for him she should not be aid she lazy
Carennetruth Churches you have the street smarts of a cockroach. It is not your school it belongs to all taxpayers as for your reputation as the best ...Give it time to get around and your reputation will be shit from Bathurst to Perth and Melbourne to Darwin Lee Drew Lee Churches Carenne Public School Bathurst racist, child abuser, bully and coward.
Anonymous 10:42 PM
Yes and sooner then she thinks its just a disgusting human being.
Anonymous 7:57 PM
Michael Auld seems to have his fingers in everything that open and shuts and stuffs everything he touches.
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