Once again, NSW Premier Kristina Keneally has passed the buck on issues relating to Carenne Special School to her education minister Verity Firth, who has a history of simply ignoring complaints from people associated with this website.
On the 10th of June I sent a complaint to the premier relating to the conduct of Lee Churches, in particular the calling of a 10 year old student a "slut" and claiming she initiated a sexual relationship with a student when she was aged 8. I also complained about the claim made on this site that Anne Baskerville had a tent in her classroom used by some students as a "masturbation tent" and the continuing inaction by Peter Harvey and Gary Bevan against Lee Churches' behaviour on this blog including bullying and harassing parents, leaking confidential information about them and admitting she has access to school files and police records through another staff member which she uses to get a "one-up" on dissenters. Both of these men have been provided with proof that Lee Churches is "carennetruth" .
Today, I received a letter from the Department of Premier and Cabinet informing me that my complaint would be looked at by the education minister who misled parliament last May over the department providing legal representation to a contractor. In the past I have been told the same only for Ms Firth to not get back to me.