Staff at Carenne Special School concerned about the policy of restraining a student in the class of Ros Luther and Di Klavins' by having several staff sit on him have expressed dismay at the way in which a student with a similar disorder is treated by comparison.
Staff claim that another student can be equally as difficult when he is having an autistic episode and that instead of calling for backup staff to come and sit on him, they simply call his mother. Staff believe the special treatment comes from his mother's involvement in Carenne Support.
Staff claim that prior to the student's mother's involvement in Carenne Support that he would be subjected to similar barbaric punishments such as locked outside in the area identified as the pig pen, locked in a storeroom or pinned against the wall.
These types of punishments and strategies must be stopped before someone is seriously injured and Carenne Gate will continue to call for change at Carenne Special School. We also feel that staff involved such as Ros Luther and Di Klavins, who users on this blog have called "monsters" must be immediately dismissed.