Friday, June 18, 2010

Review recommendations hidden from parents

Carenne Special School executive staff have deliberately kept parents from knowing what the recommendations of the Snowden Review were according to staff. Carenne executive staff and those running the review have already been criticised on this blog for failing to follow the department's School Development Policy.

It was alleged in March that Neil Moon, the current principal of Carenne who is presently facing a serious criminal charge before the Local Court did not inform parents what the terms of reference were for the review.

Our expert on school reviews tells us that it is ordinary practice for the actual review report to be released to parents and the school community, even if only in part. In the case of Carenne this has not been done, despite Neil Moon claiming on 31 May 2010 that:
"We now need to build a scaffold to respond to the recommendations - set up a timeline to meet the recommendations; we have already started responding to the recommendations."
This statement by Mr Moon in staff meeting minutes makes a mockery of claims by Assistant Principal, Lee Churches (better known to our readers as Carennetruth) that the review found nothing. The recommendations by Snowden's team must have been numerous for there to be a requirement for scaffolding to meet them.

If school management has required so many changes then there are obviously a plethora of issues at Carenne which Mr Moon is now keeping from the parents.