Wednesday, June 16, 2010

When are you going to admit you have some real problems inside Carenne Neil?

When will Neil Moon, the current principal of Carenne Special School who is facing criminal charges in the local court along with two of his assistant principals show the courage to admit that the problems at Carenne are coming from inside the school?

Only last week, Mr Moon and his boss Peter Harvey were provided with evidence showing that Michael Auld has been leaking information from the school. Both of them of course did nothing.

Over the past week we have seen "carennetruth", widely known to be Lee Churches post disgusting comments about parents including one's alleged criminal history which she claims to have received from Simone Russell. We have also seen Ms Churches post that a specific parent would be being prosecuted for not sending their child to school.

Last night, we saw postings on this blog from Seymour and carennetruth indicating that they were aware that parents had made complaints yesterday to Kate Price at the Bathurst Schools Office.

We have also seen posted information about an issue with Lucy Thornton allegedly changing a student in class against the rules and when interviewed by Neil Moon about it claimed there was nowhere nearby to do it. Who else would know this besides Carenne staff?

My question to you Mr Moon is if these problems are all caused by outsiders how do they know so much detail?

In Mr Moon's staff bulletin for Term 2 Week 8 he said -
"I know it is tough at times with outside influences. We need to maintain our focus on the students. The other will disappear in time"
Mr Moon also noted that a team of personnel from DET Security, IT Security and Legal Branch are working on the email and ongoing issues from "last week". According to the minutes of the meeting held on 31 May, this blog was discussed and staff were told to keep their passwords and emails secure.

My second question of the day to Mr Moon is if all these problems are caused by outsiders how do I have a copy of your meeting minutes for nearly all meetings this year and how do I have your staff bulletin?

I think it is time that you look at the obvious instead of you keep running with the ridiculous.

When will Lee "carennetruth" Churches be stood down pending an investigation into her leaks of personal information to this blog?
When will there be a full and proper investigation into child abuse claims at Carenne?
When will the persecution of those who speak out end?
When will Neil Moon be man enough to admit that there are problems at Carenne?
When will Neil Moon admit that his SS Carenne leaks like a sieve?

... and one final question for Mr Moon - are you an imbecile to believe there are no problems at your school and that all the issues are coming form these "external influences"? I don't believe you are Mr Moon. I believe you are an intelligent man who is just too scared to be screwed like former Carenne principal Lyn Duncan was.