Monday, June 7, 2010

"Michael Auld should be charged": Gretel

New Carenne Special School whistleblower has come forward with stinging allegations that Michael Auld was involved in the bullying and harassment of Nathan Carter following Mr Auld believing that Brian or Nathan Carter had made a complaint about him to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Gretel claims that following Mr Auld being interviewed by Gary Bevan by the department's Serious Misconduct Unit on behalf of the ICAC he told her that he knew it was one of the two Carters and that he had been told by Peter Harvey to admit nothing during the interview as it would further harm the school's reputation. Gretel claims that Michael told her that Nathan Carter "had to go" and if she didn't do something about it he would. nedkelly has previously made similar allegations against Michael Auld.

Gretel alleges that prior to the July school holidays that she was sent an email by Michael Auld saying that he would not work alone with Nathan Carter over the school holidays because he didn't want anymore problems from him and that he knew it was Nathan Carter who had made the complaint about him to the ICAC.