Monday, May 17, 2010

"Nathan Carter has to go": Michael Auld

After weeks of comments on this blog stating that Michael Auld should have also been charged under whistleblower protection laws, former Carenne Klansman turned whistleblower "nedkelly" has provided evidence that Mr Auld had conspired to have Nathan Carter relocated from Carenne.

Supporting this, nedkelly claims that she has an audio recording of a conversation she had with Mr Auld in May 2009. The relevant part of her transcript appears below:
Ned Kelly: "How are the complaints about you going?"
Michael Auld: "Good. I think Gary Bevan bought my story about the whole thing. It doesn't matter anyway, I know who it was that put me in"
NK: "Really, who?"
MA: "Nathan Carter"
NK: "But I thought you two were pretty close"
MA: "Yeah well since the beginning of last year he changed"
NK: "What are you going to do about the cunt?"
MA: "I am going to make sure he pays for what he has done, he has to go"
NK: "Mmmmmm"
MA: "I have something up my sleeve"
NK: "If I can do anything to help get rid of that little cunt let me know"
MA: "Put it this way, I am going to make sure that he knows that I know it was him that put me into the ICAC. I will do whatever I can to make his life difficult here."
Nedkelly claims that following this conversation that she was asked by Mr Auld to make complaints about Mr Carter to the principal which were false. She also says that she would hide CDs and other materials that he needed to do his job to try and make him look foolish.

Nedkelly said "Michael and Lee's plan was to make sure that he would leave so that they didn't look bad. They just wanted him to walk."

Nedkelly claims that Michael Auld, along with other staff made work difficult at Carenne for Mr Carter.