Prosecutor Nathan Carter wasn't present in court due and was excused by Magistrate Jan Stevenson. The three defendants didn't appear but were represented by barrister Anna Mitchelmore on behalf of the Crown Solicitor. At the last mention, the court was told that the defendants had applied for representation by the Crown Solicitor which has now been granted.
The defendants have made a plea of not guilty to the charges.
The magistrate ordered that evidence be served and listed the charges for further mention on 29 June 2010.
EMailed to the puppet premier:
With the Karyn Paluzzano affair, another whistleblower has been ostracized by your government after he was sacked by the NSW Department of Education and Training for blowing the whistle on child abuse, corruption and other matters at Carenne Special School, Bathurst. The whistleblower has had to file charges himself and is presently running the prosecution himself against defendants being provided representation by the Crown Solicitor. After the Paluzzano affair and your comments of the whistleblower once again the government protects those who take action against whistleblowers while giving no assistance to the whistleblower themselves.
We are well aware Labor have no time or respect for public spirited whistleblowers. The puppet premier Kristine Keneally is no different to a succession of NSW Premiers permiers who went out of their way to put the Party above their constituents. The party politicians at the grass roots of this entire terrible goings on at Carenne Special School, they carry the greatest burden of responsibility for the way their senior party members focus on protecting the party and put that increasing need above the rights of the special need children. Certainly there is a need for concern when court appearances are being hidden from the general public certainly the names of alleged miscreants are on the court list but they enjoy an unusual rectitude on the part of local Western Advocate when it comes to reporting the days court matters. It is censorship and it occurs because big media like to build a pool of political favours which they can then trade for special leaks on other stories which are not detrimental to a failed Labor government.
A barrister for the local court? Isn't that a bit of overkill? How much is this barrister costing the taxpayers of NSW?
Libertarian why are the taxpayers paying for this barrister.
We are well aware Labor have no time or respect for public spirited whistleblowers. The puppet premier Kristine Keneally is no different to a succession of NSW Premiers, premiers who went out of their way to put the Party above their constituents on one occasion the constituent was another MP of Bob Carrs Government . The party politicians at the grass roots of this entire terrible goings on at Carenne Special School, they carry the greatest burden of responsibility for the way their senior party members focus on protecting the party and put that increasing need above the rights of the special need children. Certainly there is a need for concern when court appearances are being hidden from the general public certainly the names of alleged miscreants are on the court list but they enjoy an unusual rectitude on the part of local Western Advocate when it comes to reporting the days court matters. It is censorship and it occurs because big media like to build a pool of political favours which they can then trade for special leaks on other stories which are not detrimental to government. There is always a surprise when the education department arrives with top level legal representation. Someone with the authority makes an administrative decision and the tax payer will pay the cost arising from that decision. Do not kid yourself there is a reason government / taxpayer funding is often perceived as government using taxpayers money to pursue a legal argument all the way through the available appeal processes until the “whistleblower” is beaten into submission by the sheer cost of the legal process. When the prospect of this happening is understood then the "victim" perhaps already trapped under the weight of the government money may attempt to find some relief by asking the administrative decisions tribunal to rule on the decision to use public money to defend something which is not Department of Education and Training business. That move should have been the first move, if there was a prospect of winning. With this case the education department will argue they are defending themselves as those charged were acting as employees of DET. Should they be found guilty of breaches of the whistle blower legislation things may be easier. But I believe it has been argued before this in another well know whistle blower issue the person/whistle blower did not have the protection of the whistle blowers legislation because they did not follow the formal process of complaint. This is all just conjecture and is not legal advice as I don’t know any more than the hundreds of others around Bathurst and beyond who are reading this string like following the twist and turns in a midday soap opera.
Lee and Simone are trying to run a campaign to discredit Carter, they are trying to set him up for something so he looks bad and can't proceed.
Why are the taxpayers paying for these bastards? Let them pay for their own defence. It just shows how the ALP will do anything to screw the good honest people who blow the whistle.
Anonymous 6:39 PM
They should be the wages they earn.
Why should they have to pay for actions bought by a disgruntled nut that are frivolous and vexatious?
like jenny o'neal?
Fuck off Lucy
It's special education week isn't it?
One only has to look on here to see the grubby comments by Mary "it wasn't me" Housler about whistleblowers and how much they detest them.
Michael Auld told her to say her computer was hacked to explain away her posting on here even though we all knew it was her because she was bragging about it.
Surprise surprise that the bastard who gets into everyone's stuff and shares it around is the one who says "it was a hacker"
or the school is bugged... Face it people MICHAEL AULD IS A LEAK
I don't get why Auld isn't up on charges, he was the one who said if Nathan Carter came back to Carenne he would drop him for making a complaint about him. Is he snitching on everyone else?
Mary Housler did post that on here. She hates Brian Carter for being a whistleblower against Carenne Support because Christine Porter told her all about the complaints he made to EPAC and the ICAC about Carenne Support and Carenne. Christine said that Brian wants to ruin anyone associated with Carenne. Mary Housler's views are her own and if anyone should be charged it should be her.
Michael isn't in with Carter what rot!
If i was earning christine porters wages a week that she is getting you understand why she does not want carenne support exposed to the public.The figure would blew normal people out of the water for 1 day work a week and does nothing.
carennetruth May 12,2010 10:19 PM
Lee Curches don't tell us Mary Housler has bit the dust too and fell by the wayside with you.
May 13, 2010 4:26 PM
Carenne Support was set up to put her in a job and get Salmon free therapy. Nothing more, nothing less. Certainly nothing noble for St Geoff to be treated like royalty when he comes for a visit like he is.
Carenne Support has FUCKED the school. Hope you are proud.
FACT: Without Carenne Support no child would get therapy at Carenne.
FACT: Without Carenne Support students from the Lithgow district would not be able to come to Carenne.
FACT: Without Carenne Support there would be no special education technology.
FACT: Carenne Support is a champion for the rights of disabled children.
FACT: Carenne Support has the most modern and best vehicles under the special transport system at Carenne.
FACT: Jenny O'Neill and Brian Carter go on with rot and anyone who listens to them are idiots.
FACT: Julie Brown is an idiot.
FACT: And She Will Be Bought To Justice.
FACT: Carenne Support LTD Does Not Give All Students Therapy Only A Few Chosen Few.
FACT: The Parents Who Complain There Children Are Hassled And Abused By You.
Everyone would want that very lucrative contract. Just think how it goes to supporting child abusers.
baracus you are snitch bus driver arent you
jrosenberg "LUCY THORNTON"
baracus is no snitch but you are lucy snitchs to harvey and churches ,moon thats why you get work and defraud centrelink.
Just ask the Klan who the snitch is at Carenne and they will soon tell you it's Lucy "jrosenberg" Thornton
Baracus 6:40 PM
Baracus 6:40 PM
Everyone would want that very lucrative contract. Just think how it goes to supporting child abusers.
FACT: And She Will Be Bought To Justice.
FACT: Carenne Support LTD Does Not Give All Students Therapy Only A Few Chosen Few.
FACT: The Parents Who Complain There Children Are Hassled And Abused By You.
May 13, 2010 4:26 PM
Carenne Support was set up to put her in a job and get Salmon free therapy. Nothing more, nothing less. Certainly nothing noble for St Geoff to be treated like royalty when he comes for a visit like he is.
Carenne Support has FUCKED the school. Hope you are proud.
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