On Monday, "hatho" sent Carenne Gate bloggers a copy of the contract Carenne Support drivers are expected to sign when they commence employment with the company. Hatho claims that Christine Porter, Paul Knight and Terry Mahony had designed it to try and have a particular employee forced out.
Hatho says that they recall Lee Churches, one of Carenne Support's directors claiming that she had concerns about the contract where Carenne Support had tried to place responsibility back on the school to keep drivers up to date on changes. Hatho claims that Lee wrote a complaint to Gail Vasic complaining about it.
As yet another example of the poor treatment gives its employees, the contract proves that Carenne Support is breaching it by replacing the Lithgow driver's job. The contract says -
I understand that while this is a casual position termination of this arrangement isHatho claims that Carenne Support has changed the job to try and push bus driver Jenny O'Neill out of her position by making her redundant. Hatho claims that this was schemed up by Christine Porter and Mary Housler towards the end of last term during discussions at the school.
dependent upon (i) a failure to abide by the above items or (ii) Carenne Support Limited’s loss of the tender for the bus runs with Department of Education. In the event of a loss of tender Carenne Support Limited undertakes to give the driver as much notice as possible of the termination of the run.
Well done Michael, glad to see you helping Jenny. I posted tonight that you were the one who was passing this around. Well done fuckwhit!
Another good person screwed by Carenne Support, I wonder how legal this contract is. Probably illegal knowing them. Did they use DET solicitors to draft it?
Look how paranoid these klan cunts are having to put in clauses to cover talking to people like us.
Hopefully they can use it to get rid of that snitch Jenny.
It just shows that Carenne Support treats their drivers like shit. So much for Christine's rot that "without drivers there is no Carenne Support". Another email Michael shared around Chris!
Michael told us all that people were hacking into emails because what was posted on Indymedia came out of them. Of course he knew it when he was the hacker.
Michael Auld must be sacked.
Michael Auld is nothing more than a complete fraud. He has messed up the computers and cant get them right, he snoops around people's stuff, he does dodgy deals for his ALP mates. MICHAEL FRAUD
May 5, 2010 9:37 PM
Don't forget he told us all that the school was bugged and there were hidden cameras. The guy is a idiot. Just wait for Mary Housler to defend him again.
May 5, 2010 9:40 PM
It's not his fault remember, it's all Willy and Tony's fault they put the new server in. He forgets that he was the one who sold us all on it saying that it would be more secure. Yet another Auld fuck up.
May 5, 2010 9:44 PM
That's why he had to take long service leave to try and fix his screw ups. Two weeks and he still can't get it right. You are a useless little prick Michael.
Michael Auld is that bad he lied to the DET lawyers when they came to interview him a couple of weeks ago. He is trying to cover up how he screwed the Carters. He fucked Brian Carter over then Nathan Carter. He was involved in both. He can't help but to fuck people over and it was all because he was exposed for doing the wrong thing.
May 5, 2010 9:46 PM
He's great at stealing people's files and sharing them around like this proves. He has been getting into things he shouldn't have for years and Lee Churches knows it.
May 5, 2010 9:48 PM
Why hasn't he been charged ned?
He tried to bribe Prue too. He stole the reports about her off of Terry Neal's thumbdrive and gave them to another staff member to bribe them.
Michael isn't the only bad one in that school. Ros Luther is an evil witch too. She is doing a number on Di Klavins and Di is too dumb to see it.
Ros has Di convinced that Lee Churches is trying to push Di out. It's not true. Ros has been saying how she needs a decent aide for ages particularly with the new student.
May 5, 2010 9:57 PM
The new aide is another friend of a friend...
Don't tell me that either of them are decent people, they both used the pig pen that Terry Neal, Terry Mahony and Lyn Duncan approved. Both are useless they have autistic students in their class and when they get too hard to handle they used to lock them outside by themselves in the pig pen. They are cunts.
May 5, 2010 10:04 PM
You and Lee have your own pig pen don't you? You just lock kids in the centre courtyard unsupervised or you yell abuse at them. How dare you criticise people for doing the same.
Are you saying that there is another pig pen at Carenne?
Staff in the junior school do use the courtyard to place distressed students in but those students can be clearly seen through windows and the doors open directly on to there. The area also has softfall and is far safer than the pigpen used by Ros and Di.
Who in the junior school uses the courtyard as a pigpen?
Janelle Kemp, Yvette Smith, Lee Churches and Margaret Rowe. In the past Clare Moore, Sally Reedy, Melinda Gavin and Karina Mollenkamp have used it as a pigpen.
Janelle Kemp, Yvette Smith, Lee Churches and Margaret Rowe. In the past Clare Moore, Sally Reedy, Melinda Gavin and Karina Mollenkamp have used it as a pigpen.
May 5, 2010 10:04 PM
You and Lee have your own pig pen don't you? You just lock kids in the centre courtyard unsupervised or you yell abuse at them. How dare you criticise people for doing the same.
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