I made a trip across the mountains to Bathurst today where I sat in the back of the Local Court there to report on an Apprehended Personal Violence Order listing initiated by Carenne Support CEO Christine Porter against whistleblower Brian Carter before magistrate Jan Stevenson.
After hearing some of the other cases and noting the difference between proceedings in Sydney and Bathurst the case was briefly mentioned.
During the course of the proceedings, Mr Carter told the court that he would not consent to the order and that Porter had been involved in an investigation by the ICAC. The magistrate told Mr Carter "that just tells me you don't like each other very much."
Mr Carter said he was seeking to return to work and that the order may prevent that.
Mrs Porter then told the court that she had a letter from the principal of Carenne Special School telling the court that Brian Carter had no need to go near the school and has no authorisation from him to be there. The magistrate said she wasn't interested in what Mrs Porter was saying and that she would make an order with a provision to cover Mr Carter returning to work. Mrs Porter attempted to speak but wasn't allowed to by the magistrate.
The magistrate told the court she would make the order and mark it as being made by consent with no admissions.
1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»Trust Neil Moon to protect Porter. How very unprofessional from the man who employs incompetent aides.
ANd moon had nothing to do with the school last year when these lies were suppose to happen to porter.
Christine Porter used to tell people in the office that she wanted an AVO because she was told by the Police that it would give an excuse for Geoff Salmon carjacking Brian Carter and to stop him working at the school. She named the police officer but I can't remember it.
Did us taxpayers pay for her legal fees as well.
hatho 8:24 PM
These people don't mind destroying innocent peoples lives do they.
jenny will get avo on her if she keep going
May 3, 2010 8:26 PM
Not at all. It is part of Porter's plan. She is in the thick of it.
I hear that Lucy keeps making complaints about Simone so she can steal her job.
Are you going to get an AVO in your real name Lucy or will you put "Jake Rosenberg" on it?
hatho porters plan is about to come to a sudden end with a few of her buddies.
Hatho I agree she is a dangerous woman who cares nothing for the kids only herself and the Klan.
jrosenberg go to bed nobody is interested in your crap
8:36PM yet you keep comment. your friend jerry tell lucy what you say bout her you will get avo on you for it and i will laugh at you jenny because you a snitch
May 3, 2010 8:36 PM
You need to realise when you look at how Porter plays that she needs the job she has at Carenne Support, it fits in with her lifestyle. Part of the purpose of Carenne Support is to give her a job.
Have you noticed how lately she goes around classes trying to look as though she is going OT, telling teachers and aides what sort of technology they need.
What has annoyed me with her is how she blames classroom staff for her therapy timetable and saying its Carenne's fault kids aren't getting therapy when it is hers. Look at the therapy list and you will soon see who gets preference.
Well done Brian for naming her as corrupt.
May 3, 2010 8:36 PM
Lucy Rosenberg is just a fat, lazy, snitching bitch. Thanks Neil Moon for giving her paid work, no other principal did.
May 3, 2010 8:40 PM
Who's the snitch you fat useless piece of decaying turd?
piss off ned you won't tell moon who put the shit in the buss
8:47PM fuck off marg
You wish I was Margaret. Just like the rest of you cunts at Carenne ever since Margaret told the TRUTH you have given her shit. I can't wait until something happens there.
Give us the dirt on Lucy Rosenberg...
Lucy was reprimanded last term for inappropriately touching children. Of course, Neil Moon deal with it under the local management policy and didn't report it.
no lucy not that meeting about mitchel alan and not about lucy doing thing wrong. neil love lucy that why lucy get all casual work because she good aid
Learn to spell AIDE that might help fuckwhit
May 3, 2010 9:00 PM
Lucy covered up therapy mistakes of two students for Christine Porter.
Where's PETER RICHARDS? I need my moron translator to understand Lucy.
Hey Lucy how come you and Simone only get the easy classes at Carenne that are well suited to incompetent, lazy aides?
Hatho May 3, 2010 9:02 PM
Then both should be charged and stood down.
What are you going to do about Lucy giving out a student's name on this blog our fearless leader?
May 3, 2010 9:07 PM
Half the school should. Auld, Churches, Rowe, Russell, Tattersall and Kemp need to be added to that list.
What did Janelle do to you?
Shame on you Lucy this might be the final straw for you the once rewarded for covering therapy mistakes blunder that you are.Peter Harvey parents are watching do something about this woman!
This school and this woman should be reported to docks this is so wrong its the same as the student who is 9 years old getting bought smokes and let smoke them in front of a teacher, What is the world comming too.
It has been observed that one young student smokes in the park opposite the school or smokes with a tall stocky grey/black haired teacher out the front of the factory next door to Carenne.
If you know for a fact that the teacher is supplying them report it to the NSW Health Department 1800 357 412. It is a $55 000 fine for supplying smokes to minors. I wonder if the school is paying for it?
They are very cunning Libertarian these teachers and aides cover each others hide and lie for each other so very hard to prove they are buying this child smokes. But will get a photo of him smoking them in front of the factory next door.Do they think they are in the right if he smokes on somebody else property.
Wonder if the local rag covers this?
amy call police on student today
May 4, 2010 2:00 PM
Peter Richards smokes out the front of Glenray because Neil Moon told him not to smoke out the front of the school because it looks bad.
Neil Moon this snitching cunt Lucy is what you are employing at Carenne, a useless incompetent fat bitch that you keep giving work to it.
dont blame nadine for buy smoke for will because kelly tompson was doing it to
Jrosenberg"LUCY" You won't have to worry who's buying smokes for much longer you have been reported to docks you wonderful aide .
oh piss off rosenberg and stop telling lies to make you story sound better - amy is a valued casual teacher and did NOT call the police - keep making up your ridiculous lies
May 4, 2010 7:10 PM
Why refer to rosenberg as rosenberg Lee, We all know you know who it is. We have seen the email you sent her and probably keep talking about the rest of us behind our backs. You are the one who protects her and makes sure Terry and Neil give her work. What are you scared she might snitch on you Lee?
anonymous 7.09 are you an idiot - its docs not DOCKS that is where you might find a ship!!!!
May 4, 2010 7:25 PM
I'M ON A BOAT..... It's just like she spells BUSS lol. Good on ya
jrosenberg everyone at carenne knows you are "LUCT THORNTON" so who is protecting you are you still snitching on the saviours to PETER HARVEY and LEE CHURCHES you low life.
May 4, 2010 7:25 PM
You can't be an employee at Carenne, you can spell! Not like the incompetent morons we see on here.
Lee Churches should be Carenne's principal. Neil Moon should piss off and Lee should get the job. She is a true leader, not like Mahony, Duncan, Neal and Moon. These bullshit charges are just going to make her a stronger person and a better leader.
LUCT lol
Lee will be busy soon just wait
May 4, 2010 7:25 PM
Or the Carenne staff!
May 4, 2010 7:46 PM
I hope you mean she will be the principal. We love her, she is a true leader not a weak pathetic leader like we have had.
Terry Mahony taught Lee everything she knows. I don't know how you can possibly say he was weak, he is the best principal Carenne has ever had.
Fuck off Terry you old cunt, you are the fuckwhit that made this mess and then ran away like a gutless little cunt. Perhaps I should start telling people some of the shit you got up to how would you like that fuckwhit?
May 4, 2010 7:09 PM
Jenny, perhaps I should report you to DOCS as you were the only person at Carenne who knew that the parent reported it to DOCS. Shooting your mouth off again...
Lee Churches went for it 3 times and never went in a bull's roar of getting it so she got no hope.
May 4, 2010 7:25 PM
Regretting getting her the job yet Lee?
May 4, 2010 8:00 PM
Lee has never applied for the principal's job.
and you call me stupid
nedkelly 7:24pm
Is this email where lee churches congratulatons jrosenberg.11.9 2009
looks like jenny be put into docs what shame she just a bitch and amy did have police come to carenne today for student you lier lee how would you know you not in that part of school you think you know all but dont you just some washed up cow
May 4, 2010 8:05 PM
I'd say so. I got sent a copy of that too.
yes simone you the hatho snitch and i have the prove
how do you feel simone after making storys about lucy knowing that peter want you gone and lucy to be his aid. he say you useless and you call lucy dumb
You wouldn't have anything to do with that would you Lucy. I don't know why you are still at Carenne after the allegations made against you. Neil must be an idiot to keep employing someone of the calibre of you. You are just gutter trash.
yeah lucy gutter trash because she not have money from stealing from people like you hey simone
May 4, 2010 8:11 PM
She's still at Carenne because she is Lee and Peter Harvey's snitch!
Lee Churches is carenentruth 4 posting about herself.
May 4, 2010 8:12 PM
Prove it lardarse
8:15 PM
toucy about that arent you simone because it true. your hubby is corrupt
Lee Churches knew what her stepson did and she covered it up. Lee Churches is an evil woman.
How did he get a promotion then you idiot Lucy? Nobody is going to believe what the school thief says.
concerned 7:59 Pm
How wrong you are.
How about you idiots actually look at fixing the school instead of spending your time on the blog attacking each other.
May 4, 2010 8:25 PM
I'm going to laugh at you Jenny when the parent gets an AVO on you. Looks like you won't be getting the job now for posting that on here!
Bet you are on the phone to her now Jenny. You are done after this!
and you say lucy dumb jenny
You are an idiot Lucy, I'm sure the parent told more than just Jenny you idiot. Just trying to cover up for your own little error aren't you?
what nedkelly'MARGARET ROWE "your dougie getting the bus drivers job is he.
So what if Doug gets the driver's job? At least he is capable of doing it not like you Jenny. There have been lots of reports about your driving, some even from your own escort.
What reports would they be Ned
May 4, 2010 8:51 PM
Ones about her erratic driving on the road between Bathurst and Lithgow. Stopping at service stations, etc.
Jenny has permission to stop so the kids can go to the toilet or would you rather the kids soil themselves.I follow the bus at times and have never seen any erratic driving and with the speed cameras there now it would be difficult to do that.
and feeding kids on the bus in front of others. She thinks Gerri is her friend but she is snitching to Churches so that Richards can get the next AP job!
May 4, 2010 8:59 PM
Sure you follow it you idiot. She isnt meant to stop thats breaching the rules and the speed cameras are for trucks and they pick up SPEEDING not driving as though you are drunk. Wake up fuckwhit.
How are the kids supposed to go to the toilet then if they need to because ive just googled the distance and its a long way.What are the rules in this regard IF there are any?
Is this the idiot who doesn't check tyres?
May 4, 2010 9:07 PM
There are no rules and Jenny has been caught taking a kid who lives in Kelso to Lithgow and back too.
9:07 PM hi jenny
i hate jenny and i even say you are a lier marg jenny not take kid to lithgow you a lier. brian carter did it only because roz and terry and lee told him to
May 4, 2010 9:12 PM
Don't forget Di Klavins knew. How can she lie when she is supposed to be a good christian. SHAME ON YOU.
8.26pm It doesnt look like anyone is interested in fixing the problems at the school at all.All they want to do is attack one another it has become there entertainment,they would be lost without it.
Ros Luther will say Di Klavins knew about it and that she didn't to protect herself, same as what she did about the pig pen. That's why she didn't get the job, her supposed best friend Ros stitched her up.
Shame on you Ned
May 4, 2010 9:14 PM
It's the hot topic in the staffroom, who attacked who last night
May 4, 2010 9:16 PM
Shame on you covering up the truth about that bitch. I won't lie for any of you cunts after what you have done.
Margaret you are a lying, backstabbing bitch.
margaret rowe you are foul mouthed.
9.18pm Point proven
May 4, 2010 9:24 PM
Get fucked cunt
May 4, 2010 9:26 PM
It's the real life days of our lives. They live for this blog.
9.24pm Your point proven
May 4, 2010 9:26 PM
We love you ned!
May 4, 2010 9:27 PM
In case you didn't get it the first time - GET FUCKED CUNT
The cunts at Carenne are going to keep getting away with this shit because you cunts rather get on a blog and bitch instead of doing real things like Margaret did. You are nothing but fucking cunts.
Where's that fucking cunt that goes on about the shit on the bus. You told Lucy you have the dirt on Lee how about you fucking expose what you know instead of writing on her about the fucking BUSS you fuckwhit!
Yeah no reply to that hey cunts
Ned you really live for this shit dont you.
Like sand through the hour glass so are the days of our lives.
Where's HealthQuest when you need them?
May 4, 2010 9:35 PM
Get fucked cunt. I will do what I fucking want and you won't tell me what to fucking do. You can get fucked alright.
Healthquest would have there work cut out for them with Ned wouldnt they?
Have another drink Ned I'm hanging to see what comes out next
I am shocked at the language of these people. Terry wouldn't have tolerated it, he ran a tight ship where staff respected each other.
May 4, 2010 9:38 PM
They would just use Healthquest to push me out like they do all good staff. I've read the history on these cunts I know what they do.
Get fucked Terry you didn't care about it. You loved there being two factions in the fucking school you miserable bastard. It's how you kept the control. The school is far better without you in it.
May 4, 2010 9:36 PM
Healthquest is sitting back waiting for LEE to fall on her face
interesting that you were one of those "cunts" until recently hey marg!
9.39pm Most of us are shocked at the foul language it doesnt look like they respect each other anymore its out of control.That would have to be a record on the amount of f****s in one sentence wouldnt it?
You do realize dear ned that your language gives you away. Only Marg Rowe and Mary Housler use that kind of disgusting language. Really shows how classy you both are, both belong in the gutter.
May 4, 2010 9:43 PM
10 points for that comment
May 4, 2010 9:43 PM
You want to hear their language in the staff room, they use it all the time. I have made numerous complaints about it.
May 4, 2010 9:42 PM
The time for her to fall is now why she is on charges, she could always use a mental health defence!!!!
May 4, 2010 9:45 PM
fuck up Coleen, you are the childish cunt that whinges about the language in the staffroom. How about you say to people you don't like it instead of dobbing like a bitch.
Looks like the AVO will be on Rowe next for the way she is abusing people on here.
Why is nedkelly turning on the Klan all of a sudden?
Marg, I don't think this is going to help Doug get a job. You are another one who should have never gotten a job at Carenne, just someone who was looked after aren't you?
Margaret "the snitch" Rowe
Complaints get you no where at Carenne except a big fat bulls eye painted on you
I can see it now Margaret Rowes childs first words
Margaret:"Darling say mummy"
Margaret:No darling say mummy"
Margaret:"No sweety say mummy"
Child:"Fucken cunt"
Pay that one LOL
May 4, 2010 9:54 PM
Of course and when you tell the truth you are screwed. That is why they want jenny gone they know she won't lie for them. They are just bullies and thugs, the worst being Churches, Auld and Russell. They are now targeting the one person who told the truth in court about David. Fuckwhits!
May 4, 2010 9:54 PM
Too right. Neil Moon says the real bullys at Carenne are people who make complaints.
May 4, 2010 10:09 PM
is it true that neil moon wants jenny gone
May 4, 2010 9:58 PM
Yeah and Jenny O'Neill's kid "Who put the shit in the buss?"
Perhaps its time I expose her for what she really is. She was part of Lee Churches plan to get rid of Brian Carter, she was promised the job if she would promise to lie about things that happened which she did. Everyone knew about the student going to Lithgow but the ones who knew the most were Terry, Ros and Lee. Simone and Jeremy knew too.
May 4, 2010 10:11 PM
Yes because she complained about staff, made a complaint about people in Carenne Support and made complaints about the bus. He says there is no place for people like her in his school.
Hatho is Simone Russell and she is using Michael Auld to leak information. Michael used to go through people's computers outside of work and get documents that he could use to bribe them. Lee, Simone and Michael were going to bribe Prue about coming back with documents he stole from Terry Neal.
Michael Auld also bragged to the Klan that he came up with a sure-fire way to stop Nathan Carter returning to work, he said that he told the SSO that if Nathan Carter came back to Carenne he was going to "knock the snitching prick down" because he had complained about him.
Margaret Rowe wrote anonymous complaint letters about herself to the principal and to district office under the name "Silent Admirer" so that she could get sympathy. She also sent numerous complaint emails about herself.
Fuck off hatho. You are still in with those Klan cunts. You two have done a lot of damage at that school and only started keeping evidence to bribe people. You are a pair of fucking cunts.
By just reading this blog I can see that there is nothing wrong with this school. Why don't you all grow up instead of being all tough behind a keyboard. You are a joke.
May 4, 2010 10:22 PM
You incompetent cunt, you can snoop around in people's files and leak things but you can't get anything to work
May 4, 2010 10:25 PM
There are lots of problems at Carenne, these cunts just want to cover them all up because they know that once the lid comes off them its all going to be blown out.
We are all waiting for that lid to blow
nedkelly 7:24pm
Is this email where lee churches congratulatons jrosenberg.11.9 2009
May 4, 2010 8:05 PM
We would like to know more please
nedkelly is "MARGARET ROWE" and Jenny has evidence to proof it.And is giong too.
Anonymous 10:57 PM May5,2010
Lee Churches sent a email to jrosenberg on the 11.9.2009. congratulatons lucy thornton made out she was one of the saviours and found out what they knew and snitch back to CHURCHES and HARVEY what they said. This email from CHURCHES to THORNTON was to congratulate her on a job well done ,This is how LUCY THORNTON keeps getting work at CARENNE SCHOOL.She also snitches to NEIL MOON.
Just heard on the grape vine Doug Rowe husband of Margaret Rowe got the bus supervisor job so Lee Churches can keep Margaret Rowe from snitching on the klan and Carenne Support.They have screwed jenny another good bus driver gone.These people need sacking themselves.
Anonymous 6:40 AM
There is more than you who has a copy of this email LEE CHURCHES sent to jrosenberg"LUCY THORNTON" on the 11.9.2009 and it will be used for evidence in due time .
Jenny O'Neill is done for. I have made a complaint today about how she leaked information she was told in confidence about a student to this blog for the second time.
She had also leaked information about the same student in the past.
May 5, 2010 7:04 AM
You didn't go to Lithgow today did you Jenny? That's why you are posting on here at 7:04AM. I hope Doug does get the job, at least he might be able to keep his mouth shut about confidential student information unlike you. It looks like DOCS will be on to you as well as your friend Lucy Thornton. I might have to write a statdec for Neil Moon about the disgusting things you have said about Lucy.
May 5, 2010 7:45 AM
You showed me that email this morning didn't you Jenny?
more fool you for telling the bus driver
concerned 1:01 PM
Marg you do what you like jenny has done nothing wrong ,gone out of her way to help you she has nothing to hide so bring it on.
Concerned 1:00Pm
Marg Docs will be interested what you tell strangers about, You might be sorry if they get in contact with the bus driver.Bus driver has has nothing to hide.
concerned 1:00 PM
Marg docs will be interested that you are threatening innocent people on a world wide web site i'm sure.
concerned 1:00PM
Marg what about you not one kind word for lucy and always dobbing her in to the principal and anyone who will listen.
Jenny you fucked up now face the consequences.
Jenny you complained about Lee naming students before but you are doing the same thing. I promise you this Jenny, you won't be working much longer after this.
you working with lee are you margaret.
concerned 6:27 Pm
Margaret i'd be very careful who you are threatening i hope you ave proof for what your saying because you might just end up in court.
Jenny hasn't named any student on this blog more lies.
Just the parent, whats the difference? She is a nasty piece of work that woman
i did name a student on blog and im sorry it time i come clean i am jenny the bus driver
You people are pathetic. You need to go to a mental institution you bunch of nutcakes!
Everybody knows that jrosenberg is Lucy Thornton there is nothing clean about her
7.07 Couldnt agree more they are insane
Well done Lucy Thornton you obese lazy, incompetent moron. Why don't you crawl back under the rock you came out of you lying piece of shit.
7:09 I can't believe how crazy these people are, they are beyond belief
concerned 7:03 PM
Didn't you name jenny what's the differance only jenny done nothing wrong.
A Chinese mother - unable to handle her violent mentally handicapped 14-year-old son and find proper treatment - has chained him up for much of the past five years, state media says.
The boy has been chained to the kitchen door of the family's remote rural farmhouse in the eastern province of Zhejiang due to repeated bouts of violence that began when he was nine years old, the Qianjiang Evening News said on Wednesday.
Did your Labor party Chinese loving friends teach you this Carenne?
I would believe that Jenny is jrosenberg. Everything I tell her gets posted on here as jrosenberg.
I can tell you all that jrosenberg is NOT Jenny O'Neill. I know the real identity of jrosenberg and it is someone who works INSIDE Carenne, not a bus driver.
Who is rosenberg?
7.15pm You are gullible then arent you,you shouldnt believe everything you read
jrosenberg is Lucy Thornton and I have the proof.
Jenny Oneiil has proof that jrosenberg is "LUCY THORNTON.
Post the proof then big mouth
posted ned prove it.
May 5, 2010 7:23 PM
Sure you do Jenny O'Neill. You are a lier and a backstabber aren't you.
Thats not nice 7.24pm Ned doesnt have a big mouth
There was an email sent between Lee Churches and Jake Rosenberg. The email was signed using the name Lucy. Lee and Peter know that Lucy is jrosenberg.
No thats your caper margaret not jenny's.
I can just see it now, the big announcement at Carenne tomorrow:
Verity Firth: "I announce today the closure of Carenne Public School and the handing over to Greater Western Area Health Service"
*shock and awe from crowd*
Carmel Tebbutt: "Thankyou Verity, I wish to announce that we are going to convert this site into Bathurst's own dedicated mental health institution, for years the education department has been placing washed up crazy teachers here and today we want to give them that little bit extra because they deserve it. From today, we will provide the state's first mental hospital just for teachers"
7.29 Keep naming parents you moron
Is Verity Firth going to be at Carenne tomorrow?
Anonymous 7:29pm
Margaret you name staff.
There are two Jake Rosenberg's. The first was traced by Nick to Barbara Woolfe. The second (and current) is Lucy Thornton.
May 5, 2010 7:38 PM
Tony Kelly is going to be and Verity Firth will be in Lithgow so you figure it out. She will be there with her friend Gerard Martin. Michael Auld would have teed it all up with his old mate. Just like he does everything with his ALP mates.
Thank you hatho 7:39 PM
May 5, 2010 7:39 PM
Hang on, as a parent she has a RIGHT to complain about staff. You as Carenne Support staff have no right to complain about parents on a public forum.
You really need to look at part xi and xii of your employment guidelines.
Parents have no rights to complain
Anonymous 7:48 PM
Ok LEE CHURCHES what ever you reckon.She has no right telling lies.
May 5, 2010 7:48 PM
I am sure a parent would know specific parts of the employment agreement too.
May 5, 2010 7:54 PM
They would if they were on the board of Carenne Support or if they had been given a copy of the contract that Michael stole from the school computer system.
Just so everyone else can be on the same page as the person who posted at 7:48PM these are the two parts they are claiming:
I agree that I will conduct myself in a respectful and professional manner at all times as a
representative of Carenne Support Limited. I agree that I will not participate in any
negative and damaging social behaviour towards the organisation, its employees, Carenne
Public School and staff members, other contractors, students or their families.
xii. I agree that I will not approach the media or comment if requested on any matter relating
to Carenne Public School and school staff, Carenne Support Limited and its employees,
other contractors, students or their families.
hey Lucy I just saw you on Hey Hey its Saturday: Fat Susan
she'd spend the $500 at hungry jacks, they would get their money back
She wouldn't know how to get physical with anything other than paper, glue and scissors.
all watching hey hey its saturday are we, thats why its quiet.
May 5, 2010 9:02 PM
or food
May 5, 2010 7:52 PM
I certainly complained about you Jenny.
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