Former member of the group of staff at Carenne Special School identified as the Klan turned whistleblower, "hatho" has provided Carenne Gate with partial proof that special transport manager Gail Vasic and Carenne principal Lyn Duncan leaked a complaint email to a hacker via Carenne Support CEO and then director Christine Porter.
We reported last month that Vasic had been involved in the leaking of a complaint by "Jake Rosenberg"
In the email, Duncan acknowledges that the contents must remain confidential as a student is named. Hatho claims that Duncan provided the complaint email to Porter so that a hacker known only as "Nick" could trace who Jake Rosenberg was.
It shows the dirty tactics senior DET staff will go to to protect themselves.
Well done Simone/Hatho! You are back in the office today and now another email is leaked. I wonder who it is. Snitch!
i saw michael and simone whispering i bet he is in on it
oh lee so jenny not the snitch your friend lucy thornton was wrong, who is the idiot now lee.
If there is confidential student information what the fuck was Duncan doing sending it to Porter? Porter DOES NOT WORK FOR CARENNE/DET and never will!
Michael Auld and Simone Russell are the snitches. Michael proved it when confidential information about Prue Luffman ended up on this blog! It proved that who he was accusing wasn't doing it because they were long gone (and the new server which can't be hacked was in)
Anonymous 5:59 AM
Porter is in with Lee Churches and was in with lyn duncan trying to do a staff member over by hacking into there email,"LOVELY CORRUPT PEOPLE"
This just shows that the problem isn't just Carenne but a whole corrupt education system in NSW. Did Porter actually deliver anything other than piss and wind? We all know how full of shit that woman is! She has lied to us for years, why would she stop now!
Barracus 8:30 PM
Porters lies are about to catch up with her big time.
Perhaps people want to ask about the deadbeat aide getting a lift to school in a Carenne Support bus without DET approval on Wednesday.
What do you expect from the woman who was involved in Geoff Salmon's lies to get funding that should of been allocated to the Spastic Centre in Orange.
I thought hacking people's email was illegal.
Not if you are the Klan. Christine was running around bragging about how she would find out who Jake Rosenberg was because her friend Nick was going to hack into Rosenberg's email to find out who it was. She didn't manage to do it because she is as big of a fraud as Michael.
I love how Michael leaked the email Porter sent saying nobody at Carenne can be trusted!
Anonymous 10:58 AM
Carenne support don't mind breaking special transport rules does it quite often.
I like Porter saying I hope your email is secure when she knows her mate Michael would get into it eventually!
Quite frankly I am fed up with you people crucifying Michael Auld, one of the most dedicated staff at Carenne who gives much of his own time to make sure things are on track. You disgust me.
May 29, 2010 11:26 AM
You should put Knock!Knock!Who's There in front of that statement it's such a JOKE!!!
Anonymous 11:13 AM
ever reckon he one the klan and corrupt.
where students computers auld
May 29, 2010 11:36 AM
He is trying to shaft the parents and buy shit for a sensory room that won't get used. He has been crapping on about this since Jock was at Carenne so you know how likely it is that will happen. Even if the students get laptops don't expect them to work, look at how the school's computers are because of the fuckwhit and he blames it all on the server, Tony or Willy. So much for Janelle Kemp helping him to run the system, it's still fucked. When you can't burn discs to send home or watch DVDs on computers there is a problem. How about you fix it you fuckwhit instead of spending all your time sneaking around the school stealing people's data. You are just a cunt.
Nedkelly 12:14 pm
Just wait until we have solid proof of who is who on this blog. Hope you liked your jobs then!
Anonymous 12:34 PM
May 29, 2010 12:34 PM
Great start with LEE CHURCHES!!
We all know Lee Carennetruth Churches is identifed. And there is no doubt the DET legal people will have done a forensic investigation of the schools hard drives as a matter of due process. The funny thing is so many people simply concerned about the fraud and abuse who have and continue to post on here have nothing at all to fear.
Anonymous 2:42 Pm
I can't believe that the DET would not have stopped Lee Churches"Carennetruth"from posting on here after the way she speaks and bullys and lies about people on this blog.
This link is instructive because it provides insite into the personal values of Klan members and their supporters. I notice the photos of the young boy refered to on indy media are now forbidden.
May 29, 2010 2:42 PM
When it was written on here that a DET computer had been used to post to this blog in February Michael Auld did some work on Simone Russell's computer so that it couldn't be traced back to her. He told us all that the new server would let him see who is hacking into the school and now he says that it can't. He blames everything on everyone else. Wind back 12 months and we were told that Michael was the real one behind how well computers ran but one person leaves and it falls apart. He didn't even look at a computer in Barbara Woolfe's class last year. It broke in Term 3 and it never got fixed. You wonder why we call him Auld the fraud!
The Inside Carenne blog shows just what the people we work with on a day to day basis are really like. I wonder what the police would think of an underage girl drinking with a police plaque behind them.
The police generally are like most other government paid workers; they like and need to be paid, it is called job security. So for the most part they do what they are told, thats right Fu(k the democratic process. Police who blow the whistle suffer just like nurse’s and other government employees and teachers who blow the whistle.Gillian Sneddon dumped on Milton the horribal Orkopolous a adulterer like John Della Bosca and David Campbell all Cabinet Ministers in the Labor Governmment. A Government with a history of turning all their powers against whistleblowers. Consider Val Kerrison who had a problem with aboriginal students at Kempsey TAFE technical and further education being discriminated against. She has an enormous legal bill and a very good understanding of just how dodgy our government and its politicians actually are. People like Gerard Martin and local councilors, incidently many of these paid reps will be card carrying members of the Labor party, thats right your paid representatives actually are loyal to the very party accomadating the alledged abuse of special needs children at Carenne Special School Bathurst NSW.
Just remember one of the key players in the Carenne Gate scandal - Michael Auld, the man who stands accused of ripping off the school building program for an external organisation while trying to impress a woman is a member of the Labor party.
May 29, 2010 6:05 PM
I SEE A BAD MOON RISING.... That's right we got the reject from Cowra! Bring back Lyn!
May 29, 2010 6:06 PM
How dare you say that about the man who gives so much to Carenne for so so little.
May 29, 2010 6:06 PM
Leave her where she is. She was the WORST PRINCIPAL EVER to walk through the door at Carenne. Lee Churches should be the principal at Carenne, there has never been a more deserving person. She loves the kids and is a lovely lady.
Love you Lee.
May 29, 2010 6:13 PM
oh he gets things in return i can insure you of that
May 29, 2010 6:19 PM
What will you insure me for Jenny? Being attacked by a snitching former bus driver?
May 29, 2010 6:19 PM
Well she did threaten Geoff and Terry. She told Terry she was going to attack him in his own house. Lovely woman aren't you Jennifer.
May 29, 2010 6:21 PM
Just wait until she is told in two weeks time that she deserved to be sacked. Just like Brian Carter did. She is a loser. CSL WILL TRIUMPH OVER EVIL ONCE AGAIN!
cls 6:21,anonymous 6:21 PM,Ivan Borowski6:19 PM
Telling your lies again LEE CHURCHES.
Is Boroeski and Lee Churches into each other in a special way? Go IVAN perhaps you can turn the tables to the peoples advantage? Dobra Day
cls will lose 6: 22 PM
Brian Carter and Jennifer O'neill will win in the Fair Work Court against CARENNE SUPPORT LTD because they have thruth on their side.
i have copy of this email and micharl give it me and warn me that they do this and want to track me down then simone said that it was carter that was rosenberg that pi told her because she obsess with him too like lee
May 29, 2010 6:50 PM
Oh there's a story there...
Anonymous May 29,2010 6:21 PM
Terry wants to have proof of this because jenny has a witness that will say she did not threaten terry or anyone else for that matter Mary Housler.Carenne Support Members and associates are grabing at straws now ain't we,more lies from your quarters.
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