A Carenne Special School whistleblower, jrosenberg alleges that the education department's Employee Performance and Conduct unit (which includes the Serious Misconduct Unit and Child Protection Unit) threatened her for making a series of anonymous and serious complaints anonymously about her concerns at Carenne.
Rosenberg told Carenne Gate that she had previously made complaints about certain staff at Carenne in the same manner and that it was encouraged by Meredith Brown, Peter Harvey and Gail Vasic. She was told by her union that the only way to be certain of protection was to make the complaints anonymously.
Almost one year on from the threat, Rosenberg has decided to go public about the threat made by Malcolm Barnett, who describes himself in the email as "Chief Investigator".
In the email, Barnett tells Rosenberg that he is concerned about her continued claims for anonymity and that failure to come forward and assist the department could be considered to be misconduct. Rosenberg believes that Barnett was threatening to have her investigated for misconduct due to making the complaints.
The NSW Ombudsman acknowledges that complaints may be made anonymously and that anonymous complaints still receive protection under whistleblower legislation. There was no reason why the complaints could not have been dealt with by Barnett, he instead turned a blind eye to them and threatened the whistleblower involved. Mr Barnett should be criminally charged under the whistleblower legislation, but as we have seen on this very blog, the authorities are uncomfortable in taking action against certain DET staff.
When Rosenberg asked Barnett what protection could be offered to her if she came forward, Barnett didn't reply further showing how disinterested he was in the complaints.
Rosenberg states that by this stage she had heard a number of remarks made about her pseudonym Jake Rosenberg by Lee Churches, Simone Russell and Lyn Duncan. Some of these included threats to choke Rosenberg, to make sure she was dismissed, to ruin her or to attack people in her family.
The behaviour of Mr Barnett and senior Carenne staff show that they will do anything to suppress complaints.
Lucy Thornton isn't a fucking whistleblower she is just some fat cunt who has made complaints about people for her own advantage. She is nothing but a cunt. She said that she saw a group of us in the release room writing letters on green paper and that the cleaners saw us but it was fucking bullshit. Lucy was the one who wrote them and it has worked out well for her didn't it. Lucy Thornton is nothing but a cunt, liar and a bitch.
Lucy doesn't qualify for a protected disclosure because she was a volunteer!
nedkelly 7:26 PM
jrosenberg produce proof you don't.
Is this why Lee has been on a campaign against Lucy? Is this why Lee posted that horrible blog about Lucy that wasn't even her son. Sounds to me like it was payback. Did you complain about Lee Lucy?
There is no doubt the Department of Education and Training are actively involved in accommodating the wrongs complained about on this blog and elsewhere. I warned people about the government and the way it dumps on whistle blowers. Now is the time to challenge these bullies by repeating the allegations which are common knowledge and CC them everywhere. The Health Minister lost his job after he tried to intimidate Nurses by banging the table in his office. What I read here allows me to believe so called responsible people are not interested in getting at the truth they are keen to discover if they can get away with hiding complaints about the abuse and bullying. These people are confident no one above them wants to expose their disinterest which may be identified as malfeasance. Have a look at Whistle blowers documents exposed
http://wbde.org/ many teachers and police have been bushwhacked by the Labor government, and had their lives destroyed even the woman who helped put Labor Party Milton Orkopoulos in goal for thirteen years for being an adulterous drug using paedophile cunt, has been destroyed for her trouble. Carole MacDiarmid is on the WWW identified as having perjured herself during an inquiry and at least one doctor identified during that process as having lied under oath was sacked. But the whole truth is still hidden. The people destroyed by the State are numerous, and many are still whistle blowing. If the parents and teachers who want this to stop don’t use the avenues offered to you over the past months this will drag on for months. Has anyone phoned 9288 3413 and asked to speak with Maralyn Parker about the young child smoking cigarettes supplyed by the school and the other matters which are being canvassed on this blog? There may be nothing to fear but fear itself.
What readers and posters? Is this string too hot to be involved in, Klan members ? The News Limited number 02 92883413 is not bugged. Some of us are watching and we see this important public interest being buried because those who want change are not willing to take the enormous risk and step up and come out in public and protest! Dumpling would really like this to go away because she has put her husbands careeer at risk and she and he know it. Little grubs in positions of power do you really care about children who cant defend themselves? Parents should be able to trust government to protect their special needs children, but clearly they can't.
Where are you lee terry neil and the fish do you feel people generally are just sick of the shit you four are generating?
These four are being protected by the government at our expence. has DET really pushed the issue of blogs on overseas web sites. We all understand that Lee Churches is Carennetruth and as such is Libeling people by name off shore in the USA. She is doing that as an employee of the state government DET it is their responcibility in dollar terms . In the big picture Carenne is being exploighted by lee and her KLAN mates. Certainly there would be no problem if all the staff were relocated to other schools. Except these people the Klansmen and women have their special ways which wont fit with complying schools .
Anonymous May 25,2010 10:05 PM
LEE CHURCHES the KLAN would not get in the front door of complying schools they are corrupt and bullys.
Lee wouldn't cut it in another school because nobody would put up with her incompetence, bullying and bullshit. She goes on about how highly experienced she is - SHE HAS SPENT HER LAST 20 YEARS AT CARENNE. A highly experienced teacher would have taught in a variety of locations.
The new staff of the school - Kelly Thompson and Kylie McDonald are the ones that know what they are doing and its because they haven't spent their whole career sheltered and protected like Lee Churches.
May 26, 2010 7:43 AM
She could get a job at BWPS, they are as corrupt as Carenne and MacDonald is evil. They got rid of a lovely teacher and SAM to put some of her own friends in.
Anonymous 5:20 PM
Sounds Just Like Lee Churches And Carenne School.
May 26, 2010 6:07 PM
They don't let teachers get it on with students and say OH ITS OK HE WAS 18!!!!
Fuck jrosenberg she needs to be sacked don't you Lucy. Snitching fucking bitch.
May 26, 2010 6:07 PM
They don't let teachers get it on with students and say OH ITS OK HE WAS 18!!!!
Anonymous 5:20 PM
Sounds Just Like Lee Churches And Carenne School.
May 26, 2010 7:43 AM
She could get a job at BWPS, they are as corrupt as Carenne and MacDonald is evil. They got rid of a lovely teacher and SAM to put some of her own friends in.
nedkelly 7:26 PM
jrosenberg produce proof you don't.
These four are being protected by the government at our expence. has DET really pushed the issue of blogs on overseas web sites. We all understand that Lee Churches is Carennetruth and as such is Libeling people by name off shore in the USA. She is doing that as an employee of the state government DET it is their responcibility in dollar terms . In the big picture Carenne is being exploighted by lee and her KLAN mates. Certainly there would be no problem if all the staff were relocated to other schools. Except these people the Klansmen and women have their special ways which wont fit with complying schools .
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