Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lee Churches calls student a "slut", claims to have been "burned" by family

Once again, former Carenne Klansman turned whistleblower nedkelly has provided evidence showing how Carenne Special School assistant principal and Carenne Support director speaks about people when she believes they can not hear or see what she is saying.

This new piece of evidence also gives us an insight into the operation of the Carenne KLAN. In the email, sent to seven people, Churches calls on them to go to the principal next week and tell them that the placement of a student who she calls a "slut" is a bad idea after Churches' discussions failed.

Churches also claims that the student should not be at Carenne but Bloomfield, which nedkelly tells me is the local mental hospital in Bathurst. She says that the student would ruin "our beautiful school."

The email goes on to provide copies of emails sent to the principal by Churches about the student, presumably to keep her Klansmen informed of where she is up to.

Churches claims there to be a "deep history" with the child from their previous enrolment at Carenne, that she had a "worrying and intense" family and claims that they certainly got their fingers burned with this student before.

Churches goes on to blame the student about an alleged sexual liaison and claims that the student made it up and instigated it and claims that "some of our beautiful boys will be at risk of serious accusations."