Staff of the senior section of Carenne Special School continue to use outdated methods for dealing with autistic students. It has been reported that once again today, a student in Ros Luther and Di Klavin's class was subjected to being sat on by a number of staff before having the Police called on him to terrorise him further.
Staff complain that it has become a regular occurrence supported by principal Neil Moon for autistic students to be sat on by much larger adults.
When Police arrived at the school, staff which were sitting on top of the student were warned by office staff that Police had arrived and to get off the student indicating that they are well aware that their actions are probably illegal and are child abuse. Staff refused to tell Police that they had been sitting on the student for almost an hour until they arrived.
It has also been reported that Ros Luther has asked for a male aide to work with the student, who she described as being a "bastard" but Neil Moon would only approve an aide for a few hours every week.
It shows the continuing child abuse and neglect going on with the support of senior education department staff, Verity Firth and Gerard Martin at Carenne.