Staff of the senior section of Carenne Special School continue to use outdated methods for dealing with autistic students. It has been reported that once again today, a student in Ros Luther and Di Klavin's class was subjected to being sat on by a number of staff before having the Police called on him to terrorise him further.
Staff complain that it has become a regular occurrence supported by principal Neil Moon for autistic students to be sat on by much larger adults.
When Police arrived at the school, staff which were sitting on top of the student were warned by office staff that Police had arrived and to get off the student indicating that they are well aware that their actions are probably illegal and are child abuse. Staff refused to tell Police that they had been sitting on the student for almost an hour until they arrived.
It has also been reported that Ros Luther has asked for a male aide to work with the student, who she described as being a "bastard" but Neil Moon would only approve an aide for a few hours every week.
It shows the continuing child abuse and neglect going on with the support of senior education department staff, Verity Firth and Gerard Martin at Carenne.
You know what? How many of you supposedly decent people idly let this happen? Why didn't you tell the Police that they had assaulted the student?
How many of you sick people watched this happen?
Ros is one of the best teachers at Carenne and is trained in how to restrain children. There is nothing wrong with how this was handled so instead of making up shit how about you get it right?
Why did you have to be warned that the Police were coming and got off the student if it was the right thing to do then?
Does telling a journo clear your conscience you low down dirty dogs? I want to know how many of you supposed SAVIOURS let this happen without intervening or without reporting it. It is child abuse to sit on a kid for an hour.
You people make me SICK. To think that you are the dirty DOGS who stole funding from the Spastic Centre in Orange for your Carenne Support SCAM.
Let me tell you all this, your day will come when you ROT IN HELL for this. No normal person would possibly stand there and let it happen or not report it to the authorities. YOU ARE AS BAD AS THE PEOPLE WHO DID IT. YOU MIGHT AS WELL OF JOINED IN.
Keep digging, this teacher abused mainsteam kids when she was teaching in a primary school.
There are many skeletons in Luther's closet.
Who were these staff members that sat on this poor tiny fellow.
A long time ago a person named Edmund Bourke said words to the effect; all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Perhaps the reason people do not blow the whistle is they know Labor government don’t like whistle blowers. Consider what has happened to people who have acted on the side of right. Nurses who complained about Liverpool and Campbelltown Hospitals, Val Kerrison a teacher who blew the whistle when aboriginal students at Kempsey Technical College were being discriminated against. After more than fifteen years she is still fighting to get back all she has lost for blowing the whistle. Consider Jillian Sneddon an electorate office staffer she helped police get evidence on Milton the Horrible Orkopoulos the Labor MP for Swansea. Her employment came to a screeching halt. She is left out in the cold because Mr Torbay I think it was in NSW Parliament says she did not follow the procedure required by the Whistle Blowers Bill. Deborah Locke wrote the book, Watching the Detectives http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/lm/stories/s938081.htm
her life destroyed after blowing the whistle, there are other police who have been screwed over too. Start asking the owners of News Limited why this story is not getting a run in the Western Advocate.
Libertarin May 14,2010.10:35 PM
None of them would they are gutless and cowards think of their own pocket before these poor little students.Then write to julie and say how wrong it is I bet if it was there child it would have been stopped.
Is this teacher provokeing this student to get her friend steve a full time job.
LibertarianMay 14,2010 10:35 PM
It is child abuse againts the law and this school should be reported to docs.
Anonymous May 14,2010 11:11 PM
Neill Moon, Michael Auld,Laurie Healey,Kim Tattlesall.
You can't half tell that Lee Churches is throwing the dead duck act at the moment can you? We aren't seeing about snitches who go on with rot!
May 15, 2010 7:23 AM
You are a liar, I suppose Terry Neal did too?
May 15, 2010 7:09 AM
Steve couldn't handle this student. He had to have a student no where near as severe restrained to and from Lithgow.
Steve Minshull is one of Luther's friends.
What more do you expect from the infamous Ros Luther who shared a classroom with Anna Blackburn. That in itself is enough for me!
You thought sacking Jenny would stop the leaks... HOW FUNNY IS THAT!
Anonymous 7:59 Am
How would sacking jenny stop the leaks jenny was never in the school to know anything to leak.
Anonymous May 14,2010 11:11 Pm
Sorry forgot Terry Neal he sat on this child too one Principal and one Deputy Principal what hero's.
The stupid KLAN thought that Jenny was the leak! That is how stupid and paranoid Churches and Co are!
May 15, 2010 8:12 AM
Of course he did when he was in Sydney! It wasn't who you claim involved in this. It did happen but you named the wrong people.
Seeing you know so much about autistic students tell me this Libertarian - how else can these students be controlled when they are assaulting staff. We have a right to a safe workplace and mongrels like this who should have never been placed at Carenne in the first place need to be controlled.
Hang on, you just called a student a mongrel? WHERE DO YOU CARENNE CUNTS GET OFF?
lee calls them worse. how about the poor girl she said she didnt want at the school because she was a "whore" and this was a child of 10 years old
Churches is just a washed up old hag.
She looked terrible yesterday. Simone was going on about how Lee was faking it to try and get out of the charges but I don't think she was she looked really crook.
Simone would want to keep her fucking trap shut, shes has done far worse than Lee and gets away with it because of Inspector Plod. How fucking dare she slag Lee off.
simone did not slag lee off - you are just making up more lies - like the liar who said terry neal sat on the student - it would have been a bit hard for him to do that when he was in sydney!!!! and the other lier who said lee probably pushed the teacher down the hole - how bloody ridiculous when lee was at school on her class when the incident happened. I did follow this site but no more it is just a pack of lies to make you cause sound better well it doesn't make it sound better so stop makimg uyp stories please
Anonymous 10:37 AM
Its the klan members who are making the lies up.
Fancy you wonderful staff standing by and letting this happen to this student no matter who it was you all should be sacked.And it was the staff you cannot deny that can you all.
May 15, 2010 10:37 AM
I deliberately baited that person about Terry Neal because we all know that he was in Sydney with two male students. I think we all agree that some of the comments on this blog are absolute bullshit and others are true.
It was much like Margaret "nedkelly" Rowe saying last week that Lee hits kids with rulers in the junior AP's office. That is bullshit. Lee never ever takes a student into that room. Margaret Rowe is the one who assaults students not Lee.
What really makes me laugh is Michael Auld and his bullshit that all the information on this blog comes from Brian and Nathan Carter, they could not have possibly known what happened at the school yesterday. He is the leak and the sooner you realise it the better.
May 15, 2010 10:37 AM
You did slag Lee off Simone "hatho" Russell. I bloody heard you say it.
Why would Ros tell the Police the truth? She lies to everyone to save her own skin. Her and Di knew the kid was going to Lithgow one day per week (like all of the school) but it was Rowe, Tattersall, Churches and Auld who bribed Terry Mahony about it.
I notice you aren't denying it happened just who took part.
Brian Carter and Jenny O'Neill must have been there watching because they are the people who write on this blog hey Michael and Lee you fuckwits!
May 15, 2010 11:05 AM
Instead they get on here and call the student names and write as though it is OK to do what they do. There is not a single decent person in that school reading this. Who saw it and did nothing? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. I think a protest at the front of the school is in order this shit must stop.
May 14, 2010 10:32 PM
Probably the same sick bastards who watched Anna getting it on with David Withyman. That school is sick.
Kylie MacDonald said they do the same thing to students at the tute centre so it isn't child abuse, its allowed.
fuck off di
How about the likes of Ros Luther and Di Klavins who can't look after these students other than by abusing them or putting them in the pigpen resign.
You are just a pair of washed up old witches and must go.
employ jenny as this students aid
These children are never going to be road scollers bring this school back to what it was when it was first strated many years ago a place for these children to go for respite care for them and there parents and carer's and a place for these children to have fun not to be abused.
What is a road scholar? Someone who studies roads?
Carenne prepares students for life, that is why its motto is "Quality Education, Towards Independence". It is not a respite centre, if parents want to treat it as such they should withdraw their children and use a respite service.
May 15, 2010 6:48 PM
Is that why students are abused emotionally, physically and sexually?
What more can you expect from Luther and Klavins - the staff who only know how to lock students in the Pig Pen unsupervised for hours on end.
I have a solution for all the problems at Carenne.
Sack everyone and re-staff the place. Problem fixed.
1.11pm are you serious,this is what i was talking about in my post yesterday at 6.05pm ,on another string, this sort of ridiculous statement proves my point entirely.
lee churches told me she put up fake comment to try and discredit blog. she do this alot.
Lee Churches is the queen of ridiculous at Carenne. Hackers, buses being bugged, offices being bugged, putting moronic comments on this blog. They are all the mainstay of Lee Churches!
LUCY "JROSENBERG" THORNTON you have a copy of all the school photos that you used for the bags and tea towels which were sold by the P&C because you put them through a cartoonizer don't you? This is where the staff photos are coming from.
Shame shame shame.
I was wondering where the photos have been coming from. Good work Hunch!
Not may of us care what Lee churches admits as she has a credability problem which is biggger than Gerard Martin
oh for god sake - stop blaming lucy - EVERY staff member at Carenne has access to those photos
May 17, 2010 1:36 PM
Her credibility problem is bigger than Gerard's nose which is always stuck up Michael Auld's arse!
May 17, 2010 5:57 PM
No they don't. Lucy has the CD and Michael Auld has access to them on the server so it is one of the two of them.
Just like Michael stealing the Prue documents from Terry's thumbdrive. You will deny that too won't you Lee?
I think its great. You all blame Jenny for the leaks and they continue after her dismissal. Congratulations you idiots.
How court go today.
I'm proud to be one of the leaks at Carenne. It's about time the cunts who abuse kids and the psychos are exposed. It's about time that psyc evaluations are done on Carenne staff, Lee Churches would be the first to fail she has lost the fucking plot.
Good onya Marg. It's good to see you have come across to the side that is standing up for the rights of disabled students.
Save the file and look at the name. You will soon see where it came from.
Shame shame shame.
I want to know when this pair of witches are going to be sacked. When are you going to get another Kelly Thompson to teach these kids Neil? You are a joke of a principal and ought to be sacked already. In 6 months Carenne has become an ever bigger joke than it was under "Dr Duncan" (Dr Death).
Nadine Dwyer and Kelly Thompson need to be sacked for supplying a nine year old with cigarettes.
7.29pm teachers do not supply students with cigarettes you are an imbecile
2795 well he has them sits on the back steps near his class rooms or over in georges park and smokes them and nadine dwyer sits next to him on the back steps so someone is supplying this 9 year old with them this is a breech of duty of care docs should be informed.Fancy letting him smoke at all and on school grounds.
Take some photos and inform DOCs then!
Yeah and come tomorrow he won't be doing it will he Lee. You are just a covering up old bitch who is so done she can't even remember what she was doing two seconds later.
Since this was posted, the student hasn't been smoking on school grounds at the direction of the school executive. So much for it being all lies!
I made a report to the Health department about Kelly Thompson and Nadine Dwyer supplying this boy with cigarettes, you will sack me when you find out who I am won't you. DON'T DARE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT CARENNE!
Anonymous 8:30 AM
What is a nine year old boy doing in georges park smoking when he should be in school anyone could come along and kidnap this child and this does happen.More to the point what is he doing smoking at all. "9 YEARS OLD"
Was this 2 year old associated with Carenne in some way? http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/1055633/boy-throws-fits-when-refused-cigarettes
I suppose the KLAN will use it to justify giving a 9 year old child cigarettes.
May 18, 2010 10:24 PM
Yes Michael we have already seen you use that word to describe Margaret today haven't we. You are just an incompetent moron who should be sacked. STAFF ARE SUPPLYING KIDS WITH CIGARETTES. Dwyer told me that it "keeps W*** calm"
A small pack of ciggies would be a huge chunk out of an hours wages for many people. I cant believe teachers would be handing out packs of smokes but the occaisional smoke yeah mayby. But isn't it almost the same as us giving grog to our under age kids at a party? Supply means supply. Children are not allowed to buy smokes so it must be wrong for DET employees to supply them. Also the school has a duty to keep the children safe and on the school grounds. That child wandering in the park across the road is neglect if it is occuring on a regular basis. May even be serious misconduct if the same teacher is letting the same student wander off. What say you Deputy Principle is DET OK with their employees supplying smokes to students or could it be smoko WTF whats the answer? These are the days of our lives.....
May 22, 2010 2:19 PM
What can you expect when you had Lee supplying her son with alcohol from a younger age and when you have the Russells (and an Inspector of Police) supplying underage kids alcohol at a party.
Simone was also buying smokes for her step-son when he was underage.
It really shows that the students welfare means nothing to staff at Carenne.
Bring back the pigpen, it's the only way we can stop the violence. You can't control this bastard of a kid he is an uncontrollable little bastard who should be in juvie and not at school.
I support the pig pen 8:23 AM
How dare you speak of a student like this i gather you work at carenne school to know of this student this poor disable student cannot help the way he is and i hope the parents of this student finds out who you are and sue's the ass of YOU and the DET.
May 23, 2010 9:29 AM
You spend a day with this bastard and then tell me that he is a "poor disable student". He shouldn't even be at Carenne he is far too dangerous. STAFF HAVE A RIGHT NOT TO BE ASSAULTED BY BASTARD KIDS! It's a safety issue.
It has been so peaceful in that class ever since the student has been in Orange, if only he could stay there permanently.
I support the pig pen - which one of the two wicked witches of the senior school are you - Ros or Di?
1.00pm do you really have to call this student a bastard that is so wrong.Even with your concerns about being assaulted you don have to call him that.
Anonymous 1:17 These staff need sacking.
Students have a right not to be assaulted by teachers who sit on them. Thank god you don't sit on him Dianne or the poor child would be dead.
It's like this, if you can't handle the job LEAVE. You and Ros are nothing but pure evil torturing children.
"It has been so peaceful in that class ever since the student has been in Orange, if only he could stay there permanently." The student would probably love that too what hope does he have if he is being called that horrid name if thats what you call him how do you treat him when hes there maybe thats the reason he acts out,he knows you are not for him only against him
Anonymous 1:33 PM
This is right you cannot bounce these special children they need love and compassion and not to be called dreadful names from staff.
Anonmyous 1:33 PM
And these people call themselves Disable teachers What hope has this student got.
I support the pig pen 1:00 PM
You staff at carenne don't mind naming students on a world wide web site you all should be sacked.
May 23, 2010 1:33 PM
They have an extra aide in that class, part-time to help with this student who Ros and Di say horrid things about. Ros had been agitating the student because she wanted Steve Minshull to work in the class but after the bus debacle she ended up with Mick Biddle's (the former president of RDA) son in there.
Anyone can see that the problem is with the teacher and aide in that class, they are both incompetent and should be sacked.
I will tell you all this - this student MUST be moved to another class where there are staff who can look after him without calling him names or assaulting him. If this isn't done I will come to Bathurst and lead the call for these two people to be sacked.
May 23, 2010 8:23 AM
Every child has a right to an education and if you can't do the job GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. It's time DET had a massive clean out at Carenne, let's start with Class L.
Its funny jenny never had a cross word with this student he face would light up every day when she greeted him so how can you say these awful names about this student.She said he was a wonderful student.
Of course it is funny. They say he is worse than the child who was on Steve's bus who had to be restrained in transport and then they have the hide to say that Steve was a good driver. That's just because he's friends of Mark Luther isn't it Ros?
is that mark luther the car dealer?
No it isn't
he used to be 7:22 pm
is he the rip off dealer that got into trouble
So he is a liar just like his wife?
Yeah but he doesn't abuse children by sitting on them.
wasn't steve minshull in trouble with special transport when he was a bus driver.
How about Ros Luther pinning the student against a wall and staff watching on? This MONSTER must be sacked along with her useless aide.
May 24, 2010 7:24 PM
Ros wasn't even at school today you liar.
May 24, 2010 7:28 PM
Come off it you bullshitter. You can't tell the fucking truth can you Lee? You just can't help yourself but to fucking lie can you? You are an incompetent old bitch who has been no good ever since you had that stroke. Everyone else is too afraid to say it well I fucking well. You need to retire you old cunt.
ned churches has always been a liar not because of the stroke.
The story about the Ritalin is completely false, it does not happen. Louise Smith did leave her pain killers unlocked and a student ended up at the hospital after overdosing on them. Another fantastic and incompetent assistant principal at Carenne.
Yet she is the only one who isn't facing criminal charges. She can't be that bad!
How about Ros and Di locking the student in a storeroom?
Anonymous May 24,2010 9:23 PM
I suppose this is the same student who gets sat on by six adults and pinned against the wall this teacher should be sacked.
Anonymous May 24,2010 8:57 PM
Lee Churches dobbing on your work mate Louise Smith and so called friend are you"WELL DONE".
Ros probably learned about pushing people against walls from David Withyman, he didn't mind pushing Anna up against the wall and having his way with her did he Ros?
Anonymous May 24,2010 8:57 PM
Lee Churches dobbing on your work mate Louise Smith and so called friend are you"WELL DONE".
Ros probably learned about pushing people against walls from David Withyman, he didn't mind pushing Anna up against the wall and having his way with her did he Ros?
May 24, 2010 7:28 PM
Come off it you bullshitter. You can't tell the fucking truth can you Lee? You just can't help yourself but to fucking lie can you? You are an incompetent old bitch who has been no good ever since you had that stroke. Everyone else is too afraid to say it well I fucking well. You need to retire you old cunt.
The story about the Ritalin is completely false, it does not happen. Louise Smith did leave her pain killers unlocked and a student ended up at the hospital after overdosing on them. Another fantastic and incompetent assistant principal at Carenne.
How court go today.
May 17, 2010 1:36 PM
Her credibility problem is bigger than Gerard's nose which is always stuck up Michael Auld's arse!
Even Lee Churches admitted this happened at http://carennegate.blogspot.com/2010/05/carenne-teacher-falls-into-drain.html?showComment=1273912471371#c8060994088813501753
he used to be 7:22 pm
I have a solution for all the problems at Carenne.
Sack everyone and re-staff the place. Problem fixed.
Carenne prepares students for life, that is why its motto is "Quality Education, Towards Independence". It is not a respite centre, if parents want to treat it as such they should withdraw their children and use a respite service.
employ jenny as this students aid
I notice you aren't denying it happened just who took part.
May 15, 2010 10:37 AM
You did slag Lee off Simone "hatho" Russell. I bloody heard you say it.
simone did not slag lee off - you are just making up more lies - like the liar who said terry neal sat on the student - it would have been a bit hard for him to do that when he was in sydney!!!! and the other lier who said lee probably pushed the teacher down the hole - how bloody ridiculous when lee was at school on her class when the incident happened. I did follow this site but no more it is just a pack of lies to make you cause sound better well it doesn't make it sound better so stop makimg uyp stories please
Steve Minshull is one of Luther's friends.
What more do you expect from the infamous Ros Luther who shared a classroom with Anna Blackburn. That in itself is enough for me!
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