The trio are charged with taking detrimental action against a whistleblower under whistleblower protection legislation and were bought to court by a private prosecutor, Nathan Carter. Mr Carter's solicitor Tim Cain told the court that the Director of Public Prosecutions has been approached to take over the prosecutions.
The three defendants, none of which appeared in court were represented by Shane Cunningham. Mr Cunningham told the court that they have applied for representation by the Crown Solicitor's Office.
Magistrate Jan Stevenson told the court that she had never heard a matter like this before and was unsure on whether the local court is the correct jurisdiction for it. Magistrate Stevenson said as some matters were referred to the Independent Commission Against Corruption there may be issues as the local court can not see documents from the commission.
The matter has been adjourned until 10 May 2010.
Photograph: Terry Neal (top), Lee Churches (centre) and Neil Moon (bottom). Used under fair use guidelines.
1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»How did Nathan Carter become a fucking cop?
Maybe he was undercover at Carenne. If he was half of you are going to be up the creek without a paddle.
Good job Nathan. It's about time someone got these pricks on charges.
Churches would be shitting herself.
there was a cop working at carenne?
I don't understand why it would be these three and not Michael Auld as well. All you would have to do is question the SSO at district office that he told if Nathan Carter returned to Carenne he would knock him out.
Simone Russell made menacing comments about Carters today. She was saying that she is going to make sure that Scott and his mates take the "cunts" down.
Read the story you idiots, Nathan Carter isn't a policeman.
April 19, 2010 9:25 PM
He has to be a cop you fucking idiots. Only police can charge people how about you read the fucking story cunt.
Thanks Julie for keeping us informed when our local media refuses to do so.
Hey nedkelly 9;04 pm We dont expect you to understand honest citizens are expected to do their civic duty, we doubt too many people would actually want to be a "cop" when considering what some "cops" have been caught doing!
Be advised that ICAC is an independent body, it has in the past ignored other issues which it has "looked at" these information’s which have been submitted to ICAC are now in a legal dead end. If they rule you have nothing which may be considered evidence then as I understand that’s it. But the whole child abuse rorting of time sheets and fraud is a long way from being a political dead end. I infer from the publication of this post that there is no suppression order. On a related issue I understand that Mr. Salmon's legal representation is being paid by the DET / taxpayers is that true? And if it is there may be an oportunity to challenge the use of taxpayers money to fund a private legal action. While someone can decide to do that, the correctness of that decision may be challenged in the ADT. He is alleged to have gone hands on with Brian Carter while Brian Carter was driving his van in a public street. Not something which could be identified as part of Mr Salmons job with DET surely? Seven, Nine, 2UE, 2GB, SMH and Telegraph were all given as much information as I could pull together about the court listings. It is a shame we could not have provided the media and politicians also with more info from those who were in the know, in the form of a general media release. No surprise the three defendants did not show their faces, perhaps they were busy checking tread depths on school bus tyres? Thanks Julie for working so tirelessly on this important public political issue.
Libertairian would you and Julie be able to post the mug shots and court report as a new link on Sydneyindy media. Making sure to advise readers that mainstream media are running a media black out on information about current issues with Carenne Special School. Is there any quotes from the court room which we may read?
Despite the Western Advocate having a reporter in the court yesterday there is no news on their website about it. Instead it is more important to write about the local council spending $5000 on water bublers, people pulling plants out of a footpath flower box and final planning for a reunion at St Stanislaus College.
It seems that the good old Bathurst rag doesn't think it's important to cover 3 out of 4 principals being charged for taking detrimental action against a whistleblower at a school surrounded by controversy. I would certainly think it would be more newsworthy than some flowers on a footpath but apparently folks like me from "this side of the mountains" don't understand what Bathurstians want to read in the paper.
Perhaps Grant Hatch contacted the newspaper and spun them a good yarn or made fun of the whole process. Perhaps he should have been out the front of the court house blowing a whistle seeing he thinks it's amusing to make derogatory remarks about whistleblowers.
Julie ,Churches Garden Centre advertises in the advocate also peter churches worked there for years and Lee Churches is one of them,enough said.
I can tell you all this the email that Michael circulated through the school that Christine wrote saying that nobody can be trusted at Carenne is true.
hatho of course Michael should have been charged, he probably did a deal to snitch on the rest of them knowing him. It's amazing how quickly these cunts turn on you, you should see how they are now treating the poor woman who gave honest evidence.
We all know Michael is involved in the leaks from the school, him and Simone both are. They were at the school over the holidays breaking things and getting into peoples private information. The so called saviours are right that he is a fucking fraud. He should be investigated but Auld is protected at Carenne even more than Churches. It's rot.
poor marg
dont tell me ned you told the truth i dont believe it.
April 20, 2010 8:01 PM
Fuck you, you don't want me to start talking about what I know.
please ned tell us
April 20, 2010 8:05 PM
Spit it out then !
April 20, 2010 8:05 PM
We really do
April 20, 2010 8:04 PM
I wasn't talking about me you fucking idiot. I was talking about someone else. Learn to read you moron.
klan crossed ned
Just say what you know, the Klan screwed you get your own back!
April 20, 2010 8:10 PM
Stupid move, I wouldn't cross Marg she scares me!
churches screwed marg
Well lets start with this. Who do you think it was that put pressure on Lyn Duncan to stop Brian Carter from returning to work at Carenne. That's right Lee Churches and Michael Auld. They even threatened the poor woman and compiled a dossier on things they could use against her.
I have a diary full of information you would love to get your hands on Julie. Might have to make that fucking happen.
Churches wants Jenny O'Neill gone because she says she is a snitch and that she was the one who outed her for jamming kids fingers in doors. She also said that she would make sure she got something on that "snitching bitch."
good on you ned it takes a lot of guts to cross churches
keep going marg dont let them intimidate you
keep going marg drop them all in it
come on marg send what you know to julie they would on you.
Everyone blames Lyn for not releasing documents under FOI to Brian Carter, Lee had a big part to play in that. On 31.7.09 Simone told me that Brian Carter had made a FOI request and that Lee had lied that she had nothing because she wasn't going to help no curly haired poofter.
having second thoughts ned they got you scared that churches
4.6.09 Lee sends the following email to a long list of people: "Oh my god - I cannot believe the hide of the man!!!!Does he really think we could work with him after all
those complaints against staff and with a law suit pending -AS IF"
4.6.09 Lee says that people who complain about Carenne have serious mental health issues.
nedkelly @ April 20, 2010 8:32 PM
Who was she referring to?
Who was this sent to?
ned hows churches getting away with all this shit
9.6.09 Lee Churches tells me that she wants to choke Brian Carter for all the trouble he has caused.
April 20, 2010 8:37 PM
I don't know how she has for so long. She is a horrendous person and will just bully and harass anyone.
ned who put the shit in the bus
You are doing the right thing.
don't let them low lives stop you marg
April 20, 2010 8:42 PM
Michael and Melinda did it. They wanted to harass Jenny O'Neill so she would quit.
thanks ned
Simone Russell told me she would get Brian Carter at any cost because she blamed him for Jeremy Russell being caught out.
ned what has churches got over moon
and it was churches all the time who got jeremy got out ned
come on marg don't stay in churches low life class
What do you mean?
April 20, 2010 8:54 PM
Lee was the first one at the school to know about it because her son told her.
ned didn't she set jeremy up with moollenkemp
Janelle Kemp has heard a lot of Churches' rot about people but won't say anything because she owes Lee for the job. Lee stitched up the interview panel so that Janelle would get the job and her and Lyn were saying about how they didn't know why they would have interviews because Janelle should get it.
When the decision to employ Kemp was reviewed, Churches blamed a woman who had applied for the job who asked Lyn why she didn't get it for complaining and said the "bitch had a fucking hide".
April 20, 2010 9:00 PM
Molly wasn't involved in it.
this is illegal ned what mahony say about this
April 20, 2010 8:55 PM
You think that's fucked, how about how Melinda gets to ensure that one of the school's best aides follows her daughter from class to class to look after her. It doesn't matter how useless the teacher is because Kym is there to look after her daughter.
She couldn't care less about anyone but herself, she was laughing at the shit in the bus with Auld at the front door of the school as Jenny drove out and then told everyone that Jenny shit herself in the bus.
ned why didn't brooke and di get shunted
What did Mahony say about what?
April 20, 2010 9:06 PM
I don't know. Lee wanted Di gone.
ned are you willing to stand up tell moon who put the shit in the bus
Michael covered up for Simone posting on this blog from school. You can bet he will do the same for Lee and destory evidence of the emails she has sent. Many of us still have them where she has said things about people.
hows mary housler tied in with churches ned
When Lyn Duncan started at Carenne and Steve used to drive her to work, Simone Russell said she found out through Scott that she had lost her licence due to DUI.
are you saying scott use police computer to do check. did he do one on jenny
Now that "normal" people are oversighting incompetant staff and management at Carenne 7.55 pm previous string keep in mind Carenne is just one of many dodgy schools that Labor Minister Verity Firth and her staff has let run down. This is the Minister who tonight tue 20 April told the Nations TV viewers white lies are OK. While she was talking up the teaching of integrity lessons to children at NSW Schools. As a normal person I want the rats nest and their supporters removed. I am never going to be grateful the tyres were replaced they are required to comply and everyone who ignored that put children who are for the most part defenceless in danger, while these grubs are still taking my tax dollars and doing the wrong thing. Heads should roll over what has already been revealed. I still wont be all that pleased. Some of what has gone on may be proved criminal certainly rorting time sheets and ripping tax payers off for friends and family is. There must be a paper trail because taxes will have been paid over the yeares this went on.
Pencil 24.6.10 into your diaries
If Scott did a police check on Jenny it would have been a waste of time- there wouldnt be a thing on it im sure, what the hell has she done for the KLAN to go after her??????
What kind of people put shit on a bus and stand there and laugh.... its absolutely disgusting the way people are treated at Carenne. Those involved in the KLAN must be really really terrible people, but dont worry Karma will come and they will get there own just a matter of time.
yes they are. they hate jenny and she is a good bus driver
Don’t wait for Karma and don’t wait for anyone within the school management, Carenne Support, Education Department or Government, least of all Verity Firth who was brought up being told white lies are OK. To act in the honest pursuit of good open governance of Carenne special school. Join public trust journalist and report what is certainly news to a growing number of interested readers accessing this string. If you want something done do it yourself get involved.
the klans time is nearer than they think there boat has been sunk
Ned whats going to happen on 24.6.10
Anonymous 7:05am
jennys record is blemish free not a scratch on it
threats not help you jenny
jrosenberg did you give barb her money back at school today you lowlife.
did you tell why window in bus broken you lowlife jenny
Lucy broke it and is blaming jenny if you have to ask we know its you trying to make it look as though you didnt do it
The bus window got broken when lucy turned around in the bus and hit it with her backside
jrosenberg "LUCY" why don'tyou inform us why the window was broken seeing you know everything trying to compete with nedkelly tonight are you lucy you are not in her class you volunteer.
Simone was saying that she wanted to set Brian Carter up for something. Do you think that maybe she had Jeremy, who has been seen lurking around Carenne on a number of occasions attack the bus so her and her corrupt copper husband Scott could try and set him up?
April 21, 2010 8:18 PM
Bullshit, it's not known who did it. Lee Churches is blaming Brian Carter but the shed was broken into as well. Lee Churches is obsessed with Brian Carter and blames him for doing everything anyway.
April 21, 2010 7:51 PM
You can all say that Barbara Woolfe was a great teacher and a great woman but let me tell you that she is as much of a lowlife as Lucy, she knows things that could sink Lee Churches and she would rather not rock the boat. It shows the true colours of the fucking woman.
Lucy is a liar ned, Barbara woolfe is not a liar.
Ned a lot of people are frighten of CHURCHES are you.
you have a fat ass to jenny
You are a lovely woman jrosenberg
April 21, 2010 8:42 PM
Not any more because I have the truth on my side.
so are you jenny oneal
Good for you Ned dont be intimidated any more
April 21, 2010 8:35 PM
That lovely lady showed more guts then you could ever muster you piece of ****.You didn't really stand up for the kids you are just having a sook because you got picked on LEE JR
April 21, 2010 8:54 PM
Bullshit. She has been at Carenne a long fucking time and knows a lot yet when it comes to the crunch she will bury her head in the sand like the rest of them at Carenne.
Who do you think refused to say she told the parents their son wasn't getting therapy. She was up to her fucking neck in that communication book go missing so don't fucking tell me she has more guts than me. She is nothing but a stick in the mud or perhaps that should be SHIT in the mud.
Dont get caught up in Lucys communication Book bullshit story would you front Mr moon about the shit in the bus?Will you stand up or hide behind your keyboard and pills?Your not fit to wipe the mud off Barbs feet.
If someone would just write a snitch naming those who put the shit in the bus and then send the info to management and publish it here. Then we can all discuss why nothing gets done. Most of the real smarties have gone quiet perhaps they are scared of the comming court actions?
Well, let's hope now that Nathan has made a move about the harassment he has received, other people will step forward and take action....
To all the "snitches"-Don't let them bully you into silence, take action and get something done!
nedkelly said...
April 21, 2010 8:54 PM
Bullshit. She has been at Carenne a long fucking time and knows a lot yet when it comes to the crunch she will bury her head in the sand like the rest of them at Carenne.
Who do you think refused to say she told the parents their son wasn't getting therapy. She was up to her fucking neck in that communication book go missing so don't fucking tell me she has more guts than me. She is nothing but a stick in the mud or perhaps that should be SHIT in the mud.
April 21, 2010 9:07 PM This book that went missing and the kid that was'nt getting theropy,if it's that bad why don't you people tell the parents so they can do something about it.I would be pissed.
You all knew this was going on and not one of you backed Barb up.You stood back and watched a GREAT teacher get shunted out the door and a great student put in a class that he doesn't belong in.
Anonymous April 22,2010 8:07am
You have spoken the truth there are plenty up at that school who are guilty of standing back and letting Lee Churches and the klan shunt barb out of the school and put a great student in a class where he does not belong but i will promise you this will all be bought out in the open and these people will be made to account for there evil actions.
Dont forget the Bathurst court attendance by legal council representing three senior executives of the notorious Carenne Specilal School namely Lee Anne ( Drew ) Churches, Terry Neil and Neil Moon is reported on sydneyindy media a very small part of an international site where public trust journalism may be published. Also this was published in the telegrph Your comment has been published:
Yes well the abuse of special needs children at Carenne Special School is a bigger issue with three senior executives Lee Churches Terry Neil and Neil Moon being brought before the Bathurst court on Monday. But hey lets promote a comedy TV programe.
The three of them should be stood down
Anonymous 12:16pm
This is right why hasn't the DET stood this PRINCIPAL and TWO DEPUTY PRINCIPALS DOWN till this matter befoer the court is settle.This is a very serious Criminal Charges these people have been charged with why are they still working in the place of employment where this took place.
Like bent cops they are well protected by their powerful mates until they cant be protected any more. As usual the people doing the right thing and blowing the whistle cop the shit while the corrupt elements close ranks and go into damage control. Gee that carennetruth is looking worn out.
Anonymous 5:50pm
No bent det employers are going to save these lot ,Carenne Public School will be cleaned out of the klan and Carenne Support Ltd.
Please God let it happpen.
Many politicians on both sides of government are working hard to keep this outrage buried.
just like michael auld and marg rowe colluding today telling each other what to say to det investigators.
It won't do them any good the lids just about to be blown right of this can of worms.
The person ultimately in charge of this mess should be on charges of perjury, but N.S.W. police refused to look into it. Also, a now retired principal in that region, a teacher 'welfare' officer and a currently employed Assistant Principal. All of them, from the Bathurst region, told lies in court in order to enable a win for their employer.
One of the big questions here is why is Nathan Carter having to prosecute these people? Is it another case of the Police protecting the DET like they did with McDiarmid and perjury?
April 22, 2010 8:07 AM
You really know fucking nothing do you. Barbara is far from a great teacher and you can think what you fucking like. If she was any good she would have stood up for that great student who wasn't receiving therapy instead of being involved in the communication book SHE WROTE IN going missing. Shows just what the woman is like so don't you fucking dare get on here and tell me how I am shit compared to her with what I have done recently. You can rot you fuckwhit.
ned what have you done recently
April 22, 2010 8:07 PM
Great question
Besides rubbishing someone else not much.
ned why didn't you tell neil moon who put the shit in the bus if you are so truthful or are you just like the ones you rubbished tonight at 7:54pm
April 22, 2010 8:07 PM
She snitched on Lee at court.
April 22, 2010 8:18 PM
Who says she didn't? She is a very honest woman our Marg.
Tell everyone who put the shit on the bus seat. So much of what gets posted here is just a waste of our time.
A waste of time?
A waste of fucking time?
Bet you didn't have a kid on the bus!
Anyone who had a kid on the unroad worthy bus should be making a much bigger fuss than we have witinessed. Mathew Carter has been left to take legal action as a private citizen. I am not even sure anyone has been charged yet? The magistrate confessed to being out of her debth and adjourned to have questions of jurisdiction looked at, some information may already be underconsideration by ICAC which if so may be in a legal dead end. I dont actually know any of this for a fact, I must guess because no one who attended the court made notes and reported to readers most of whom are supporters of the Carenne Staff who spoke out. It is expencive and not often rewarding financing your own legal action. There is a lot of silly stuff bandied back and forth between people like me and you 10.35 pm who are hiding their identity, there is very little of substance being aired on this string or anywhere else. Apart from what Julie brown and Libertairan post. Has anyone published copies of their formal complaint emails sent to Verity Firth Gerard Martin the Premier or Adrian Picolie it is not necessary to publish your name on line but it is long overdue for people who did have special needs children on the busses to start making their legitimate concerns much more public. Certainly others need to read about what people are actually complaining about. Expose the politicians for doing nothing.I understand a few people have written emails but nothing has been done to get rid of the Carenne KLAN Certainly it is long over due for politicians to be exposed for ignoring written approaches from parents and teachers. What the fuck are you waiting for someone else to fight the battle for you? No I did not have a kid on the bus. Did you? When will we be going to Sydney to hold a protest outside Verity Firths place of business at Parliameent?
April 21, 2010 9:07 PM This book that went missing and the kid that was'nt getting theropy,if it's that bad why don't you people tell the parents so they can do something about it.I would be pissed.
April 23,2010 12:51AM
I put this to you,how can they do anything when the people who have the knowledge of what is happening and has happened won't get off the fence and give up the proof so they can do something.Right or wrong they get on here with their "He said,she said","oh poor me but look at what they did" bullshit. They made their choice and I condemn them for this.These people can't go against the machine without it,trust me I know.PROOF is what they need,they need proof.They don't need anyone else to fight their battles they need PROOF.Adversity builds character.
So who willing to stand up and so some character.All I see here is people that have a spray and go back to lives thinking wow I feel great.But they don"t think about the people living this.But as long as they're alright.
Anonymous 8:17am
I for one will be willing to stand up and show some character but as you said if you don't have proof no matter how much you know your right it won't do yo any good without "PROOF".This has already been proven .
nedkelly April 22,2010 7:54pm
Christine Porter had Lucy Thornton get rid of the communication book so CARENNE SUPPORT could not be sued .
Do you think your libel of Carenne Support is going to help you keep your job?
With political prosecution of the wrongs exposed by those in the know at Carenne Special School, the rules of evidence which apply in a court of law are not applicable in the people’s court of public opinion which is political activity. But you may be sued if you go past the rather vague point which is usually identified by the person or entity which believes it has been damaged or defamed. The court of public opinion is where voters should be taking their action. The school is after all a public school and the people working there are paid by taxpayers. BTW libel, slander and defamation are all a matter of considered opinion not fact, until a court rules otherwise. The same with perjury, people may allege these and all sorts things, but until they are tested and ruled on a process which is expensive for both sides. It’s just alleged.
That book was never destroyed, it is safe. So wake up to yourselves.
when parent want it they not give it to them so wake up yourself
That's Margaret Rowe's IP address!
What the fuck are you waiting for someone else to fight the battle for you?
They are just gutless, haven't got the fortitude to stand up and fight, have to hide behind fake names and let everyone else do their dirty work, let julie and libertarian take the fall for outting it, lying about things when asked. It's pathetic. This blog is a waste of time because my colleagues at Carenne are gutless and not worth a thing.
We are awake smart arse 3: 29 pm Where is the dam book? Is it a fact that this public school was billing taxpayers for servicers not supplied to special needs children at Carenne Special School? And this "book shows that to be a irrefutable fact" Over to you Klansman or whoever has the dam book show us the unrefusable truth/proof! Photograph it and puiblish it on line. Either parents can access what are in fact public records / documents or they can not. Thousands of us here and on sydneyindy media are keen to get right down and dirty with the KLANs men & women. BTW who is the fool with the custom number plate Suzuki sum crap or other on the white two door shitbox ?? Do you like standing out in a small crowd? The plate is working well you have been noticed and noted you little darling kiss kiss.
Ring 0243419140 test the truth of asertions made by the KLAN.
So you are stalking Carenne staff again idiot.
You can be assured that these charges are frivilous and vexatious and will be beaten for sure. As for your comments about the crown solicitor, they have every right to represent these people who are being attacked by some lunatic who goes on with rot!
I know you probably won't listen to this but can I make a suggestion that writing that isn't going to help you Lee. You can deny being Lee Churches all you like because as we both know Julie and I know your identity don't we?
Hullo Lee Churches "carennetruth"
carennetruth "lee churches"7:45pm
Yes you say this the crown solicitor is defending you for nothing as you are a DET employee.
C/truth this is a political issue woman, our courts can do there thing in another place in there own sweet time. Right now the taxpayers many of them parents around Bathurst want to know why their politicians are covering up and protecting doggi DET empployees like your self from published allagations? You have been warned several times are you so desperate your cant stop posting silly stuff from a silly woman?
Do you think your above DET LAW carennetruth "LEE CHURCHES"
I know you are Edward James and you are going to be a great target for a big fat lawsuit. See we know about you and happen to know that you are more than worth suing for defamation. More so then the other snitches that use this piece of crap blog.
Who is the silly one? I am a government employee and have the full support of the government. You will have to dig into your own pockets. See if you are such a cocky old man then!
Jenny 8.05pm of course the crown solicitor would defend a public servant you idiot.
Jenny what is DET law?
Lee Churches and her KLAN friends have been protected by the education department for years.
i want to know why carenne now employ snitch over good aids they employ someone lee tell me a big snitch
They gave you a term's full work didn't they Lucy?
Lucy talking double dutch again
michael fraud tell me today that he is leak at carenne
Where's Peter Richards when you need him. I need my moron translator!
baracus because lucy is lees big snitch
hey Lee hows margaret rowe going been told she has put you in your place.
You all go on about how Carenne Support is supposed to of defrauded this and that but how about Lucy defrauding Centrelink?
You know lee churches you dob her in to centrelink.
I thought you told Lee's family that you did Jenny? That's what I got told.
it not the same thing
Of course it isn't you couldn't have stolen the amount Carenne Support has Lucy.
thats why you brag to lucy about poisen plant at nursary jenny
jrosenberg "LUCY Thornton" i would be very careful what you are accusing jenny off you might find yourself charged like your friend lee churches.Also Lucy Thornton you are a "LIAR"
Jenny 9.43pm you wouldn't have the brains to charge anyone and the police won't do it for you because they love Carenne and the staff there.
You get off threatening people don't you Lee. Perhaps Jenny should get an AVO on you.
Typical Lee Churches deleting her comments. Well lucky I saved it:
carennetruth said...
Jenny 9.36pm well you said to Lee's family that you dobbed her into Centrelink. You are a fucking liar Jenny. You said it now stand up and admit it snitch.
Thanks for breaching the employment guidelines by proving it is you posting on here that will help our case that you keep threatening. Look at what happened to Brian Carter Jenny, are you ready for the same?
April 23, 2010 9:44 PM
Look at what happened to Brian Carter Jenny, are you ready for the same?
What do you mean by this Lee?
carennetruth"LEE CHURCHES" 9:30pm
You are scrapping the bottom of the barrow bringing your own family into your shit how low can you get.
She's as low as Simone Russell and her using her poor daughter. These people are absolute scum.
Lee churches is trying to set Jenny up.
Lee Churches 9:45pm
You want to be very careful who you are threatening and i can assure you Lee Churches Jenny has more brains then you have ever had you moron.
at least jenny doesn't post on this blog like you lee
Lee Churches can try all she likes she won't winseting anyone up anymore.
jenny tell me her and her friends post here
why you turn on your longlife friend jenny
Is a longlife friend like longlife Milk? You keep it in the cupboard and bring them out when you need them?
what you talking bout
At least jenny doesn't pretend to be a saviour like you then double cross the true saviours like you have im glad julie brown knows you are a snitch.
Do you know what gives you away Lucy Rosenberg? You are the only person at Carenne who is as ILLITERATE and as STUPID as you are. At least get someone else to write on here you idiot.
Barbara was a long life friend of Lucy's. Use her and abuse her until her new Carenne friends came along.
how you say that you fuck barbara is one of my close friend and we still talk and i love her so how dare you say that about me and use her because i not.
Anonymous 10;18
has lucy got friends surprise surprise.
Blogger jrosenberg said...
how you say that you fuck barbara is one of my close friend and we still talk and i love her so how dare you say that about me and use her because i not.
April 23, 2010 10:21 PM
lucy very smart simone tell her how good aid she is
If Lucy was so great how come she was the subject of a very serious complaint recently?
Anonymous 10:22pm
jrosenberg just admitted she is "LUCY THORNTON"
Don't tell me she was getting it on with Peter Richards in the classroom like him and Prue were.
It was more serious than that Baracus. Isn't it funny that she is the one who keeps the Richards/Luffman affair story going. We all knew it was happening but we weren't as immature as Auld, Rowe, Russell and Thornton to be obsessed by it!
jrosenberg let me tell you that I am getting fed up with your continual abuse on this blog. You have serious self-control issues.
April 23, 2010 10:22 PM
why did you blame Barb for destroying the book then say it was Porter??
Libertarian and she calls herself one of the saviours how disgusting.
I'm telling you that book was never destroyed. It was given back and has nothing of any relivance to anyone, no proof of any wrong doing. SO GET OVER IT!
Anonymous 10:46pm
It was not given back you liar.
I am not a liar, I know for a fact the book was given back.
Anonymous April 23,2010 3:29pm
ANONYMOUSApril23,2010 10:50pm
I've seen the book. I know for a fact it is written in that book that the student was not given therapy. I know for a fact that Christine Porter lied to DADHC when questioned about it. If the book hasn't been destroyed it would seem Michael HATHO Auld is right again. Then again you lied about another student not needing surgery because of one of Porter's therapy stuff ups yet hatho has showed us the email where PORTER HERSELF SAID IT WAS LIKELY BECAUSE THE STUDENT WASN'T GETTING therapy.
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