After receiving a complaint via the department's Employee Performance and Conduct directorate, Gail Vasic (Manager of the Special Transport Unit) conducted investigations into a number of claims made by Carenne whistleblower Brian Carter, she however limited these investigations to what happened in 2009 not what happened during the time frame in which Mr Carter complained about.
In the letter, Ms Vasic claims:
As you are aware Terry Mahoney is no longer the principal of Carenne School therefore I have restricted my response to the current operation of the School Student Special Transport Scheme as it applies to Carenne Support Limited.
This claim indicates that the department had no interest in investigating allegations made about Carenne Support's activities prior to 2009 as Mr Mahony was no longer principal of Carenne Special School. Despite this, Mr Mahony remained a director of Carenne Support and was still an employee of the department (who was on long service leave) when the complaints were raised.
When these complaints involve defrauding the government, breaching child protection guidelines and the roadworthiness of vehicles used to transport special needs students they should have been thoroughly investigated.
Gail Vasic she be investigated this is putting "DISABLE"students at risk what kind game are these people playing.
I wonder what the students "PARENTS" think about their childrens lives being put at risk while you people play your dangerous games.
What do the BATHURST PEOPLE think they donated these busses to CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL,not CARENNE SUPPORT LTD to steal them and make a profit of them.
Consider this as an example of how the DET and other government interest avoid having the full truth exposed for taxpaying parents. This response published here on Julies string duplicates the way a politician who has been asked a clear question, which the politician has no intention of answering, first they rephrase the question or change key wording to suit themselves and then answer that rephrased question. What is exposed is more of a systemic cover up predated upon the assertion Terry Mahoney the responcible school principal don’t work here no more. That does not void the allegations made by Brian Carter in 2007 all that dose is make the author of the DET letter look like a tool of government. When we know complaints were made years ago we do want to know why the slow reaction perhaps many of the problems now being identified here and on sydney indy media would not exist if public servants including politicians had done their jobs? How is the police inquiry going into the improper use of COPS?
It should be investigated so that these claims can either be cleared or the blame be laid on the appropriate person.
Terry was involved with the buses on a daily basis and Carenne Support was reliant on his information. If there was anything done incorrectly it was done without the knowledge of Carenne Support and by Terry himself.
No. There should be no investigation because Brian Carter is just some disgruntled bastard who makes up lies about a beautiful school and the beautiful people who worked there.
Terry did nothing wrong.
Oh come off it Lee. You don't want an investigation because you know you are stuffed if there is. You were up to your eyeballs in the whole mess.
Only the guilty keep banging on about BC, even they know it has gone way past the very real issues which he raised. Now Julie Brown is beginning to widen the cracks the guilty can see their years of rorting coming to a grisly end. It may not even take two more years the way the snitches are turning on each other and sending copies of insider information this way and that.
Keep dreaming snitch
There is an election or two coming which will flush some of you KLAN criminals out!
I wonder how MICHAEL AULD is going to feel when he knows it's his boggie deals that cost Gerard Martin his seat and it's boggie stimulus money like he siphoned to RDA that is going to hurt the Rudd government! Well done Michael.
carennthruth April 12,2010 8:39pm
Lee Churches it should be investigated because Brian Carter was sacked on the bases of lies that You,Margaret Rowe,Michael Auld,Kim Tattlesall,And the rest of your foot soliders made up about him and you all should be sacked.
Lee Churches ...............My beautiful School. Are total opposites. Why would Lee Churches be attracted to the school? Consider how she behaves and you have your answer. I am keen to read some more doucuments perhaps some stuff from the schools police contacts?
Lee Churches is the old hag who has ruined her own beautiful school. You fucked it, you fix it Lee.
Lee Churches won't be able to fix anything very soon she will be busy burrowing her way out of trouble.
Lee Churches burrowing like a hairy nosed wombat no doubt, ha ha
Perhaps the police interest can run interference on behalf of Lee, dumpling and the russel family stepson ? What do you reckon omerta and ned kelly?
Wheres hatho has not posted for awhile hope the klan hasn't got rid of her.
Lee Churches burrowing like a hairy nosed wombat no doubt, ha ha
I wonder how MICHAEL AULD is going to feel when he knows it's his boggie deals that cost Gerard Martin his seat and it's boggie stimulus money like he siphoned to RDA that is going to hurt the Rudd government! Well done Michael.
Keep dreaming snitch
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