A number of parents have contacted Carenne Gate bloggers appalled with a photograph of a student holding a Reichskriegsflagge prominently displaying a Swastika in the latest school newsletter. Parents claim the photograph appeared on the page of Kelly Thompson and Angie Cranston's class. Parents say the photograph is anti-semitic, in poor taste and should not have been published in the newsletter.
The newsletter page says that students were learning about World War II with Anzac Day just around the corner but parents aren't impressed.
"I can't believe the poor taste in displaying a student with a Nazi flag with a Swastika on it. Prince Harry got grilled for wearing a Nazi uniform, this is just a disgrace, it is so anti-semitic," said one parent.
"What sort of an idiot would allow this photo to be published in the newsletter, who checks it?" said another parent.
"You might as well fly it on the flag pole at the front of the school, there isn't much difference. What if there is a Jewish parent? How will they feel. These people do not think" said another.
"Just because the school has Nazis in control of it doesn't mean that they need to be parading around a Nazi flag in the newsletter. What an incredible lack of judgment on the principal's part. He ought to be sacked for it."
The school is nazi control and the students are there soilders.
What sort of fuckwit would put this in the newsletter. What is wrong with you people? You do remember what Nazis did to disabled people don't you?
This is just outrageous, just when you think Carenne couldn't get any lower you do something stupid like this.
Next they will replace their pigpen with a gas chamber. I'm bitterly offended by this and can only hope its some sort of bad joke.
Lee is HITLER HERSELF should see how she treats some students along with her corpal MARG .
I have seen Marg pull Brianna by the hair so roughly she has had some of the poor girl's hair in her hand afterwards.
Anonymous 8:15 am
This goes on five days a week this is the kind mental people the det is employing to look after our beautiful kids.
it wasnt just the nazi flag there is a child holding the japanese flag as well they did awful things too nobody says anything about that should we assume that japanese parents would be offended by that as well the photo should have been shown in its entirety this would be a non issue if it wasnt for the other issues at the school seems that this is being used as a negative when it wasnt intended in no way to offend anyone should the teachers just omit parts of the war in their teachings in case someone is offended the nazis were a part of the war like it or not and a child holding the flag along with another flag in no way endorses or beautifies it but it is a fact would it have made a difference if the fellow who brought them in was holding the flag
Marg is a psycho
So is is Lee
April 2, 2010 8:47 AM
Sorry but I disagree, there is a HUGE difference between the Nazi flag and the Japanese flag. I don't see a problem with teaching it but I see a problem with publishing it and obviously I'm not the only parent who was appalled by it when others have contacted Libertarian.
Libertarian is just a drama queen like his homo mate Brian Carter.
anti semitic is hating jews that flag does not represent anti semiticism it is a symbol of a regime ,anti semiticism is a hate crime against the jews in no way would the teacher preach anti jewish propaganda to disabled kids she is the best teacher in the school you just have to meet her for a minute to know that i am not offended by it because i do not hate races
i wonder how the parents of the boy who has been put on this blog feel doesnt make any difference whether his eyes have been blacked out i for one would be pissed
what the japanese did was the same as the nazis
any wonder nothing on here is taken seriously by the department when the issues are becoming so petty i doubt very much that the teacher would be teaching her students that the nazis were good in fact she would tell them just how horrendous they were
anonymous 8.30am if you witnessed this child abuse why has it not been reported to docs so you stand by and watch a child being abused and do nothing about it why not intervene if we are to believe that this is true
I reported it under mandatory reporting as I was supposed to do.
9:16 AM
I am still offended by it. I know she wouldn't of taught the students how great they were but to open up the newsletter and be welcomed by the flag of the Nazi army was deeply offensive.
9:07 AM
It supports Christine Porter's claim to a parent that they put kids photos up.
9:07 AM
I for one would be pissed if I was the dumpling's daughter who her own MOTHER used to cover up who she was.
9:07 AM
Whatever you say "MOUTHY MARY". You are one of the Carenne Nazis
Anonymous 9:19am
Why isn't Nadine Dwyer reported to docks for giving nine year old students smokes"SHE SHOULD BE SACKED".
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