Mary Housler, Administrator of one of the organisations central to the Carenne Gate Affair - Carenne Support Limited has been proven to be incorrect about claims that all the trouble and complaints appear to have started when Brian Carter was dismissed at the end of 2008. With the release of a letter from Gail Vasic, Manager of Special Transport it is proven that Mr Carter first made a complaint to the department in August 2007.
Mrs Housler commented on this blog on 26 January 2010 and said:
All the so called "trouble" and complaints appear to have started when your "whistle blower", no doubt Brian Carter, was dismissed from employment for breaching the employment guidelines.According to hatho and savecarenne, Mrs Housler is claiming she did not make the comment and is being "set-up", to clear any confusion about this the IP address that the comment was posted from was An email provided by savecarenne proves this IP address was the address of Mrs Housler on that date.
It appears his full time job now is thinking up more stories and wild accusations against anyone involved or associated with Carenne School.... no doubt I will be next.
Based on this letter from Mrs Vasic, Mrs Housler has been proven to be a liar, a bully and someone who holds whistleblowers in complete contempt.
Libertarian Thank you for Ip address Brian Carter is not the only person interested in knowing this ip address.Thank you once again.
Libertarian 9:35 am
Mary Housler bully ,liar and one klan member.
What reply has your foul mouth got for that story mary housler.
I didn't know about any complaint in 2007. Mary wants to be careful saying things about whistleblowers
Oh poor Lee wasn't kept in the loop on something. Seems she doesn't know quite as much as she likes to think she does.
You aren't really the king of the castle who's shit doesn't stink are you Lee. What a shame.
She has been making ridiculous claims about how it ended up posted on here. Notice she has stopped since complaints were made about her to Neil Moon and Gail Vasic.
Her computer was hacked by someone from here and that is how it ended up on here. She never wrote such a thing, she is being set up.
Could you be more full of shit if you tried Lee? She wrote it and then after she got reprimanded about it after saying "you can't do nothing to me because I am a contractor" and looking like a complete idiot she had to lie and say "oh no my computer was hacked it wasn't me."
Nobody believes your bullshit anymore. You have come up with so many ridiculous claims about things that we all just sit in the staff room and laugh at how stupid the old hag from the top of the school is. How do you feel about that Lee? You and Marg aren't the only ones who slander people behind their backs. You are the butt of most of the jokes amongst decent staff at Carenne and you know why - you and the fucking Klan are a joke.
You should have retired long ago. You are burnt out and past your use by date and are of no value to the school. How about you fuck off Lee, you won't be missed. While you're at it take loud-mouth foghorn leghorn with you.
The only people who use hackers are the Klan who use them to hack into people's emails and to take down this blog.
hatho April 12,2010 9:54pm
Well Said hatho no truer words have been spoken keep the good work up.
Is hatho simone russle the one with friends in the police ?
What ever you reckon "LUCY"
Where are all the carenne support? Not to spry when you can see the evidence is being considered in Sydney. I hope your suspect supporters ae still full of their own prattle, and ready to do your biddin.
Anonymous April 14,2010 11:18 am
What do you mean by this posting does not make sense.
What ever you reckon "LUCY"
Could you be more full of shit if you tried Lee? She wrote it and then after she got reprimanded about it after saying "you can't do nothing to me because I am a contractor" and looking like a complete idiot she had to lie and say "oh no my computer was hacked it wasn't me."
Nobody believes your bullshit anymore. You have come up with so many ridiculous claims about things that we all just sit in the staff room and laugh at how stupid the old hag from the top of the school is. How do you feel about that Lee? You and Marg aren't the only ones who slander people behind their backs. You are the butt of most of the jokes amongst decent staff at Carenne and you know why - you and the fucking Klan are a joke.
You should have retired long ago. You are burnt out and past your use by date and are of no value to the school. How about you fuck off Lee, you won't be missed. While you're at it take loud-mouth foghorn leghorn with you.
The only people who use hackers are the Klan who use them to hack into people's emails and to take down this blog.
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