Former member of the group of senior staff at Carenne Special School known as the Klan "Hatho" has provided another damning email send from Lee Churches to a number of staff. "Hatho" claims that Ms Churches will often write emails to one person at Carenne and then forward it on.
The email appears to be a follow on from the email mentioned by nedkelly about Brian Carter wishing to return to work.
In the email, Lee Churches admits to being obsessed about whistleblower Brian Carter and claims he has a hide for wanting to return to Carenne and claims that he has an "evil plan".
I can't get Mr BC out of my mind - and you must be the same - the hide of the man!!!!!Should you seek legal advice as to the implications if you are forced to put his name on a casual list - I just can't imagine what he is thinking because I guess us sane people can't even begin to think how these people think!!!!What has the man got planned next as this is obviously the next step in his evil plan.Churches then says that Carter's casual number should be blocked, presumably so he can not work.
Does he actually have a casual number - i certainly hope not. if he hasn't can it be blocked at that end or certainly held up or lost in the mail.The email provides further evidence of the complete and utter contempt Churches holds for whistleblowers and those who stand up for their rights and shows that she would resort to dirty tactics such as losing or blocking someone's casual number to stop them from working.
Simone is in the office Friday and Michael was there and this gets leaked. NO SHIT WHO YOU ARE HATHO
Who care who hatho is a least hatho has the guts to try and stop Lee Churches and Michael Auld and the rest of the klan.
Healthquest, Lee needs you. Sane? WTF
This man Brian Carter was dismissed on all lies by the klan.
This is not the first person Lee Churches has done this too more will come out on her evil ways.
Lee Churches and Simone Russell tryed to block jenny o"neill from getting a teachers aid number.And did.These people destroyed jenny's personal files.
Anonymous 9:30am
Has churches got a thing about bus drivers who does she think she is what a nutter.
They are trying to do the same thing to Jenny as they did Brian Carter. You are right, they hate bus drivers because they believe they are "lower" than them. Why would you block someone from getting an aide's number?
Lee should use this email in court and plead insanity!
Anonymous 10:38 AM
Don't worry she will to save herself from jail.
brian carter was sacked for two serious offences one speeding and one taking disable boy to lithgow but they all knew about the disable boy on the buss is what terry tell me. look at lee she is on charge and this email prove she is a lier and a nutter.
yes jrosenberg 11:59am this is right your not telling porkies for once lucy.
April 25, 2010 11:59 AM
Well done Jenny. You can remember what you were told idiot.
listen Lee Churches it wasn't jenny who posted
why is it that everything that is posted you fuck wits asume its jenny well your wrong.
it was lucy thornton "JROSENBERG" your the idiot lee.
A speeding fine is not a sackable offence and Brian Carter payed the fine himself and reported it to Terry Mahony as soon as he got back from the morning run.And Terry Mahony gave permission for the student to travel to lithgow on fridays as a reward for being good all week so Brian Carter was sack based on lies.
Get the proof published on here and everywhere else, there is no point in waiting.
Ask the Minister for Education Verity Firth if public money is being used to represent private interest. Put the same question to the State Ombudsman. See what pops out.
April 25, 2010 6:13 PM
You will find out soon enough who pays for Carenne Support's legal team when and if Big Ken takes us on. We beat Brian Carter and we are going to beat you Jenny so waste their money.
April 25, 2010 9:07 PM
While you are at it ask them about your friend Edward James, the government considers him its Peter Hore.
Lee and the other terrified KLAN may wish to visit this link http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/breaking-news/google-fined-for-paedophile-libel-against-priest/story-e6freuyi-1225858163031
A court in the state of Minas Gerais ruled in favour of the 54-year-old priest, identified by his initials J.R., after rejecting Google's argument that it was not responsible for what users posted on its Orkut social networking site.GOOGLE has been sued for what an anonymous person put up on their blog site. We are lucky because apart from a few scared people changeing hard drives, which you all know only removes the source record not the WWW records all the KLAN do have something to worry about.
ANONYMOUS April 25,2010 10:33pm
Leee Churches Carenne Support ltd Have not beaten brian carter as you keep on saying and will not beat brain carter in the unfair dismissal court nor will carenne support ltd beat jenny if she takes them to the unfair dismissal court.
Anonymous April 25,2010 10:33pm
Lee Churches are you trying to make out your paul knight now nice type friend you are.
Anonymous April 25,2010 10:33pm
If jenny didn't get the bus supervisor job who did get it do you know.
April 26, 2010 7:47 AM
Nobody is trying to impersonate anyone, except you maybe trying to impersonate a human being. Everybody knows that you are trying to get your union rep to help you, YOU even posted his name on here you idiot. Cut the rot Jenny, it's not helping you.
April 26, 2010 1:28 AM
Are you going to sue Livejournal and Brian Carter who runs blogspot are you Edward? We will just produce evidence to support what has been said about you by carennetruth so you will lose. Willing to put your plaza on it fuckhead?
April 26, 2010 7:38 AM
Carenne Support will beat any legal proceedings bought against it because it is doing the right thing, unlike you Jenny who is breaching the employment guidelines by posting on this website.
Keep threatening us with court Jenny. It just proves you are breaching the employment guidelines.
April 26, 2010 8:30 AM
For someone so smart about computers Michael you are a dunderhead. Blogspot is owned by Google you idiot. Just because Geoff says the blog is ran from Brian Carter's house and that he owns Indymedia doesn't mean it's true.
Anonymous 8:31 am
From what the readers of this blog observe is you people are threatening Jenny not her Threatening you lot.
April 26, 2010 8:33 AM
You think we are stupid you idiot. We had the AFP investigate this site and all you morons on it and it was found along with Indymedia to be ran from Brian Carter's house. Are you saying the federal police are liars fuckhead?
April 26, 2010 8:39 AM
Bullshit, she is the idiot who has been slagging Carenne Support's good name off ever since she was told we were changing the nature of her job. She is the one who is leaking information and threatening us with who she says is the biggest union in Australia. Isn't it funny that when we spoke to her mate Ken that he said she deserves to be sacked for posting on this blog!
April 26, 2010 8:41 AM
I'm saying you are the liar. You have been running with ridiculous stories anyone considered an enemy of the state of Carenne for ages.
The federal police did no such investigation did they? Lee's blog (where Jeremy Russell posted death threats that he bragged about to a number of people) says that it was a private investigator. The KLAN just can't get their story right can they?
It's just like you, Lee and Peter claiming that Indymedia is an illegal website and that the police were going to close it down. That was a stupid thing to say wasn't it?
The only way you can shut this site down is through your friend omerta.
April 26, 2010 8:43 AM
I hope she sues Carenne Support for the nasty things you have said about her on here. I hope she ends up with a nice big house with a golden bus as an ornament in her driveway to remind her that bastards like you made her rich.
April 26, 2010 8:48 AM
I have no association with this school of horrors as it has been termed but the State of Carenne sounds like it is appropriate. Who is the Grand Poobah?
Anonymous 8:39am "GEOFF SALMON"
Have you proof Written Proof That Jenny O'neill is posting on this blog if so post it on here othe wise you will be charged with bullying , another court case for the det legal team to fight for you.
michael auld he put the shit in the buss
You liked that poo-bar didn't you Jenny.
April 26, 2010 8:56 AM
Of course I do fuckhead. I have it in writing from the AFP.
you call everyone criminals who go against you but you are the criminals arent you lee and geoff.
April 26, 2010 8:59 AM
So you admit that you are Mr Salmon do you? "Of course I do" to a question posed to him.
I suggest you post this letter for all to see. We want to see it, but I doubt it exists, probably another bullshit yarn from the master of spin.
Anonymous 8:41am "GEOFF SALMON"
You think we are stupid you idiot.we had the afp investigate this site and all you morons on it and it was found along with indymedia to be run from brian carter house.Are you sayong the Fedral Police are liars .Fuckheads.
Jenny tells me this same conversation was repeated to her when Geogg Salmon rang her at home on the 26.2.2010 asking her was she going to sue carenne support. A foam of bully i would think to ring a employee at home. Also jenny tells me she has a cousin in the Fedral Police and she rang him to check GEOFF SALMON story out and he reported back to Jenny he said that it was all lies.People here you have a board member of CARENNE SUPPORT LTD who is a bigger liar then Lee Churches Herself.Stopping Honest people from working "NICE PEOPLE AIN"T THEY"
Anonymous 8:56am
of course i do fuckhead.I have it in writing from AFP.
GEOFF SALMON ADMITTED HE IS Anonymous 8:56am.What a well spoken man.
The state ombudsman will be contacted on tuesday and asked why the det are paying Carenne Support Ltd Legal Fees and Geoff Salmon Legal Fees sure they will be quite interested.
People here you have Geoff Salmon a Board Member Of Carenne Support ltd and makes out he is a well to do property owner and business owner of Oberon and he is nothing but a bully.
" PHONE" HOTLINE 1800 451 524.
" PHONE" DIRECT 02 92861000
April 26, 2010 10:28 AM
Geoff Salmon is paying his own defence you fuckhead.
Did Nathan Carter tell you to call the Ombudsman? He's the Ombudsman snitch! From what I hear they didn't help him.
Anonymous 10:28 AM "LEE CHURCHES"
We will soon find out tomorrow who is paying Geoff Salmon And CARENNE SUPPORT LTD legal fees the OMBUDSMAN will anyhow.
The Det must be paying for GEOFF SALMON legal fees if LEE CHURCHES says they not you can bet anything she states that is happening the opposite apply's.
It must be clear to many people reading this string, not a lot of thought goes into the anonymous comments posted here by KLAN supporters, most of them are a waste of readers time. Several hours ago people were advised to ASK not tell the DET and the State Ombudsman of their concerns about public money / resources (det legal) alledged to be being used to fund certain private legal actions. Please understand an adminastrativce decision can be made to do that by someone senior in DET if they believed it is DET business. The correctness of that decision may need to be tested in a seperate case before the ADT if you want to remove the governments backing / support which if left as is will simply bleed a private action dry after a few years. Then that decision would first need to be overturned in an ADT ruling. I also notice a link to the ruling overseas where the service provider Google was held responsible for publishing a libel and fined. Here is a part quote "By making space available on virtual networking sites, in which users can post any type of message without any checks beforehand, with offensive and injurious content, and, in many cases, of unknown origin, (Google) assumes the risk of causing damage" to other people, judge Alvimar de Avila said.... With that in mind, people using this public forum have been warned ages ago to consider “would you sign your name to what you are about to post?" If the answer is NO then do not post it using aliases. As a proven supporter of the Carenne Staff who spoke out to Julie Brown. I have no respect for the people fighting to maintain their little fiefdom at the local public school, the same people who ask really stupid questions and make dumb threats on a public access site. The advice about Google is just a heads up to the gooses who are writing absolute $#it here telling readers the Federal Police are involved and have checked out this site and indymedia. Clearly you dont have much experiance with Federal Police or State Police for that matter.
It is a shame others who support the political fight to have the school cleaned out dont write more letters like this which ran in the Telegraph on line
Your comment has been published:
Yes well the abuse of special needs children at Carenne Special
School is a bigger issue with three of it's senior executives Lee
Churches, Terry Neil, and Neil Moon being brought before the Bathurst
court on Monday. But hey lets promote a comedy TV programe.
To view your comment online go to: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertainment/tv/channel-tens-good-news-week-upsets-families-after-continued-jokes-about-autistic-children/story-e6frexlr-1225856088974
This is a link http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/into-a-sea-of-trouble-20100423-tj3x.html to a most extraordinary turn of events exposed by the Sydney Morning Herald. When you read it you may understand why it is so hard for parents and teachers to expose the abuse of power and position. It is rather obvious entities like ICAC and the State Ombudsman work first to protect their own and then those who have influence to peddle. Then every now and then they pillory some one from the working class or in rare cases someone or an organization which has really blown it and everyone knows the truth about it anyway for example Wollongong Council. Read the story and perhaps inform yourself about just how bent the system and governments who support it really is!
The reader is left in no doubt Maritime services need to have much of their legal work audited and ICAC also comes into close focus for being a little too quick to send problems back for the attention of those who created them. Hardly a winning formula for getting rid of the rats in the ranks!
Jenny I advice you to contact nsw office of Industrial Relations 0n 13-1628,They are the ones who deal in bullying report these people to them this is who deals with bullying in the work place.
Jenny also you can contact Discrimination and Harassment Anti-Discrimination board on 9268-5544
or Work cover on 13-1050 if i was you i contact the three of these places and see what they can do for you.
i contact workcover today for jenny harasing lucy and they told me that she can be charge
michael and simone are hatho
April 26, 2010 9:53 PM
I'm not even going to start to say what is wrong with that.
you admit you jenny then
lucy you dufus it was a public holiday today you are such a liar try again lucy
Good job Lucy, prove yourself to be a liar and full of crap by claiming that you called a government agency on a public holiday and spoke to them.
Workcover were closed on the 26 April, so you just managed to prove that you are full of crap, and you expect us to beleive what you say.
western advocate today "autism has challenges,but its not the end of the road.
Autism has challenges, but it's not end of road
28 Apr, 2010 12:00 AM
Mr and Mrs Halliday like so many other parents live with the constant anxiety of what will become of their son Daniel, when they are no longer able to provide the full time attention and care he needs! Autism month is a very important time for the many parents whose children have special needs, needs which are not always obvious to the casual observer. Those interested in improving the lot of these families can become involved with parents, siblings and relatives in focus groups. They may even make approaches to politicians who control the government purse strings with request and perhaps ideas which may one day improve the way special needs children and their families are supported, perhaps in the future some of these children can be helped to become where possible self functioning members of a true community in greater numbers.
These special children are the dearest children you ever wish to meet and deserve the community utmost attention and care.
Yes they are! Yet taxpayers have to put up with cunts abuseing their positions of trust.
Yes they are! Yet taxpayers have to put up with cunts abuseing their positions of trust.
These special children are the dearest children you ever wish to meet and deserve the community utmost attention and care.
it was lucy thornton "JROSENBERG" your the idiot lee.
This is not the first person Lee Churches has done this too more will come out on her evil ways.
People here you have Geoff Salmon a Board Member Of Carenne Support ltd and makes out he is a well to do property owner and business owner of Oberon and he is nothing but a bully.
April 26, 2010 8:48 AM
I have no association with this school of horrors as it has been termed but the State of Carenne sounds like it is appropriate. Who is the Grand Poobah?
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