Former Carenne Special School principal and Director of Carenne Support Limited Terry Mahony has exposed the NSW Department of Education and Training to possible claims for unpaid and underpaid wages.
In a document supplied to the NSW DET Legal department, Mr Mahony claims that he is aware that he may have underpaid Brian Carter. In a letter provided by Mr Carter to Carenne Support (and subsequently forwarded to NSW DET Legal) Mr Carter claims he was underpaid over $10,000. On some occasions, Mr Carter was underpaid by as much as $3.38 per hour.
He was also unpaid for time he was required to be stationary in Lithgow

In a statement prepared by Mr Carter's lawyers and provided to the department's Employee Performance and Conduct unit in 2009, Mr Carter warned the department that Mr Mahony's signing of a claim form as principal (for the company he was a director of) could expose the department to liability for unpaid and underpaid wages under the state Industrial Relations Act as it is Carenne Support's primary contractor.
Despite Mr Mahony signing a statement claiming that Carenne Support had properly paid its employees when it had not, Mr Mahony also signed the form as a representative of the department approving payment. The department was aware that Carenne Support had not properly paid its employees. Mr Mahony's signing of a false contractor statement could also be a criminal offence.

As another example of how Carenne Support treats its workers, employees were owed superannuation from as far back as 2006 which Carenne Support had never paid. An investigation by the Australian Taxation Office in 2009 revealed that Carenne Support owed this superannuation and required it to pay all employees the owed superannuation plus interest.
This needs to go under the job ad in the local paper Julie. Who would want to work for this bunch when they treat their workers like this.
Terry Mahony sure is a "CRIMINAL"
They try to under pay jenny to until she challange them and probaly still are.
Julie where is the $185.000 going then because students are not getting therapy.
Yeah Happy Easter Terry you crook.
10:56 AM
What will happen is that if Jenny gets this "new" job they will pay her according to the federal modern award. This is something most unions are up in arms about because the federal minimums are far less than the state amounts.
Seeing as the letter above says the bus has more than 8 seats this is what will happen -
For a casual employee at Grade 2 of the modern award she would be paid $19.86 per hour.
For a casual bus driver under the NSW system she would have been entitled to pay of $24.77 an hour.
Looking at their advertisement that's a saving (for them) of almost $7000 a year. Works out pretty well for them doesn't it.
and richard webster will be on more money than jenny for less work. they are CROOKS
Another $7000 a year to pay porter who rips off disable kids.
10:56 AM and they call Jenny dumb lol. Look at these crooks.
if people are being underpay can they sue DET is this what you mean julie?
They can not put these two jobs into one ,jenny is employed as the bus driver they will have to sack her.
The Lithgow Bus only has seven seats.
How dumb is this old coot! He rang the workplace authority for advice on pays yet they were a state employer. Seems this bloke is owed quite a sum!
Who would work for someone who rips them off.
hahahahaha old coot i just fell off my chair
Make sure you claim workers comp for the falling off the chair injury. Simone Russell would!
11:18 AM
Complain to special transport 131071
Get the placed audit and sweary mary housler.
Jenny probaly is to someone wants to tell her.
Just looking at the Ombudsman's site and they say:
You can make a complaint by speaking or writing to us if you believe that a service provider has acted unreasonably:
in the way they provide or manage a service to someone
by not providing a service to someone
by withdrawing or changing a service to someone
by providing a service to someone that you believe should not be getting it.
Tell them how Carenne School/Support staff get therapy preference, especially Mary Housler and Geoff Salmon who are *HEAVILY* involved in Carenne Support.
What a nightmare of an organisation CLOSE IT
We want to see photos of the other people in this mess Julie
And certain teacher who have student at carenne who are one of the klan.And gets therapy.
Will the Western Advocate run this or is it too difficult for them to understand?? Perhaps
The Canberra Times
9 Pirie Street
02 6280 2122
would get into this after all they are not in NSW and as such not restricted by certain things.
Mr Mahony's signing of a false contractor statement could also be a criminal offence.
what would another carenne support director on "SERIOUS CRIMINAL CHARGES" be they say they sack people who are charged with things but you have TWO directors on charges at the moment
12.54 The Western Advocate wouldn't take a paid advertisement from Edward James yet they will take one from their friends at Carenne Fraud Limited.
12.03 Don't forget that the way Carenne Fraud Limited treats their employees is reflective on the Department of Education and Training and therefore Minister Firth and Puppet Premier Kenneally. They are aware of the Carenne Gate saga and continue to sit on their hands because Gerard Martin, a good friend of a corrupt teacher says everything is OK.
Carenne Fraud Limited is ruining the reputation of the DET.
1:32PM don't forget the CEO of the company is the one responsible for how the company is run also. CHRISTINE HOOD - steal from the poor/disabled and give to the rich.
The actions of the board of Carenne Support and its CEO Christine Porter have bought on a great deal of stress for Carenne School staff. They haven't thought about that and would rather drag the school down because of their mistakes and ass covering. They can't see that them prolonging things is affecting the staff and students, they are just looking to save their own asses and egos.
If a single one of these court cases against them wins they must all resign and a new board must be elected.
Julie I can prove Terry Mahony is a liar.
Carenne support ltd are useing tax payers money by getting the busses cleaned detailed by corrective services prisoners by pleading they look after poor disable children instead of paying to have the busses detailed themselves.
Christine hood is there stand over merchant she is there mouth does there dirty work for them a true low life.
The Western Advocate is a tool of government first and print media second.
The Papers in the ACT are not constrained by items which are before the court in NSW. It is good to be reading info which is part of the court process, it helps us understand how much bull$hit the KLAN post. It is amusing how the school is distancing itself from Carenne Support now, but the Public School has been naughty too. Verity Firth may be trying for an out but she and her Ministery staff are culpable in all this, not just Carenne but Seven Hills West and elswhere in NSW.
hatho 1:50pm
The whole board must be sacked and charged with fraud regardless if any of the three court cases wins,these people are corrupt.
Gail Vasic of special transport is well aware of what CARENNE SUPPORT LTD are doing and they are still getting away with it.
Which one of you scumbags printed this and distributed it at the assumption church?
11:08 AM
This would have been the "BEANCOUNTER" Mary Housler's intention. She has been providing financial advice as though she is a QUALIFY ACCOUNTANT and she isn't.
I will be ringing the CPA on Tuesday and report her for practicing as an accountant without a LICENCE.
printed what
oh no not the only catholic terry what a disaster.The good catholic will know all about you corrupt people.
Yes, printed what tell us ? whose is the “hidden email” address on the hatho post ? Perhaps we could send links to the politicians trying to take Verity Firths seat at Balmain. What do the politicians call some bad publicity “a festering turd” Verity Firth is fighting to keep her seat perhaps a link to the more salacious bits on this string about covering up child abuse and rorting of the public purse would put a fire under the DET and a few Ministers?
The mainstream media needs to get off its arse and report on the MASS of issues at Carenne. One could run a full page story a day for a year on this bunch of CRIMINALS.
Anonymous 4th april 20010.5:39pm
Have you the phone number of CPA please.
Has anyone got the phone number ofCPA please.
Has anyone got the phone number ofCPA please.
oh no not the only catholic terry what a disaster.The good catholic will know all about you corrupt people.
Gail Vasic of special transport is well aware of what CARENNE SUPPORT LTD are doing and they are still getting away with it.
11:08 AM
This would have been the "BEANCOUNTER" Mary Housler's intention. She has been providing financial advice as though she is a QUALIFY ACCOUNTANT and she isn't.
I will be ringing the CPA on Tuesday and report her for practicing as an accountant without a LICENCE.
Which one of you scumbags printed this and distributed it at the assumption church?
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