On 3 October 2009 I reported that a student required surgery following the negligence of therapists and staff at Carenne Special School/Carenne Support Limited. Following the release of a document by "hatho", it can be proven that Christine Porter, Marion Baker and Lyn Duncan knew of this possibility as early as 29 April 2009.
In an email between Mrs Porter and Mrs Duncan, Mrs Porter pointed out that the student was supposed to be in his walker twice a day and had only been placed in it three times per week by classroom staff. Mrs Porter said that the student's therapy had "slipped significantly" in his new class. She warned Mrs Duncan noted that the student may require corrective surgery if their therapy regime isn't followed. Mrs Porter also claimed that the student had demonstrated a "marked decrease in muscle length and tone."
hatho reported that the email was supposed to be destroyed but she kept a copy of this valuable evidence.
It demonstrates the complete negligence displayed by Carenne Support's therapy leader and Mrs Duncan when they were aware of the issue six months before the student required surgery.
I hope the parent sues the pants off Carenne Support over this
Don't forget that "CHRISTINE HOOD" the bullie went around to the parent and threatened her after this was first exposed on indie. She told her that Indymedia would put a photo of the student up.
and you say that DADHC's therapy service was poor and told parents to tell Nick Packham that it was far worse than Carenne Support's. What a laugh that is.
Once again you write about things you don't even know about Julie. I wish you would get it right instead of listening to your snitch friends like Simone "Hatho" Russell who are obviously only doing this to cover their own ass.
Marion Baker isn't even employed by Carenne Support, she works for GWAHS so get it right if you are going to report on it.
Mary how about you get it right you loud-mouthed idiot. Christine co-ordinates the therapy for Carenne students irrespective of who pays them. She is the one responsible for this.
rack off "BEAN COUNTER"
The parent should get an AVO on "CHRISTINE HOOD" to stop her from harassing her like she did last time.
I don't know what has made you change hatho but keep up the good work!
you must be so proud of creating this piece of shit mr salmon
Yes hatho keep up the good work took a lot of guts for you to do this "WELL DONE"
This student is not the only one to be neglected there are a lot of others who are not receiveing therapy.
Marion Baker did work for carenne support went back to gwahs because she would not lie for carenne support.
Christine Porter needs sacking destroying students and parents lives.
Christine Porter needs sacking destroying students and parents lives.
I hope the parent of this student knows her legal rights in this.
What about the student who porter said was getting therapy and wasn't then destroy the proof so they couldn't be sued.
Hey churches and salmon and knight julie website still telling lies and don't exsist bet your sorry you pushed jenny to wall ain't you all.
Hey Don't forget sweary mary she in this up to her neck.
Also porter she was the bearer of the corrupt news.They thought know one would stick up for jenny how wrong they were and was warned before hand stiil went ahead with there corrupt ways.
Carenne Support has a lot to answer for. Their corruption and lies has caused a lot of undue/stress/anxiety on CPS staff. This could have all been nipped in the bud early on but they decided to keep lying, cheating and misleading the rest of us. These are people who care nothing for the special kids at Carenne and who will do anything to cover their own misdeeds. It took a long time for me to realise this but as which ordinarily happens in these matters I woke up to how evil and corrupt the Churches Klan is.
Thank you hatho well said.
Hatho who put the shit in the hoist bus.,do you know.
No sorry the non hoist bus.
10:30AM I don't know honestly
everyone knows what the other is doing at carenne i dont believe that you dont know it would have been talked about
Ok someone knows who put the shit in the non hoist bus who has the guts to stand up and name the people who did it and back jenny up with neil moon.She will find out one way or another.
Questions need to be asked about Christine, Lyn, Gail Vasic and 'Nick' the hacker too.
That just proves that you are Simone Russell. Of course she wouldn't know who put the shit in the bus because she was away on fake stress leave. You can have Jeremy attack my property if you like Simone because I don't care. You think you can protect him because Scott is a police officer, shame that you told us in the Klan as you now call it all about things you've had Scott do. I will be going and seeing the Police tomorrow about the whole lot of it and the fact Jeremy was investigated by one of your family friends.
Don't worry Marg there is plenty more that I know to come out yet. You forget just what you tell people with that huge mouth.
oh you are tough margaret rowe what does simone have on you rowe you loud mouth bully.
Thanks Carenne Support for FUCKING Carenne School because of your LIES.
Hey marg rowe someone knows who put the shit in the bus and when jenny finds out who they are they will be sacked and sued.
Hey "GAIL VASIC" how does it feel to know that the contract you have with Carenne Support is paying for therapy NOT to be done by corrupt CHRISTINE HOOD?
The parent should sue DET as well. They neglected their duty to this poor boy.
Special Transport another corrupt department of the education department.
You have been exposed for the lying mongrels you truly are. Perhaps a report to DOCS about how this lot neglects students it is looking after is in order.
For those who are sitting on the fence too afraid to speak about what is happening at Carenne, come out and talk. We all have stories to tell about that shocking place. It is a liberating experience to finally get the lies, abuse and deception out in the open. You will feel so much better from doing it.
nedkelly 11:01
You wont have any property to attack very soon.
how about "PORTER" lying to DOCS and DADHC about a boy getting therapy and saying he did after parents saw barb write that he wasn't. She must be jailed for this.
Yes hatho right speak up save the poor children who are getting abuse day in day out.
11:14 AM Fuck off fat bus driver.
Just call Porter the "BUTCHER OF BATHURST"
Barb is not the only one who knows this boy wasn't getting therapy there are two other people who know he wasn't.
Marg, upset that your friends are being exposed are you? Won't be long before your lies come out will it?
11.17am and they haven't got the guts to say a thing do you LUCY and ANGIE?
The Fat Bus Driver is Going Know Where Margaret""in her face.
When this came out last year she blamed the aide in the class. You are the therapy co-ordinator Christine, you are responsible for what is and is not happening.
You knew about it and did nothing to stop it.
Fancy maragret rowe calling bus driver fat she has gullys in her face the wrinkles are that bad.
You can't blame Chris for this, she reported it to Lyn. If Lyn didn't reprimand the aide then it is the fault of the school executive.
11.24am You want to hear what she says about students and parents in the staff room!
Just wait for the Police to come knocking on Simone's door for leaking this. Oh no that's right she will have Scott's friends make it all go away.
It's in the public interest for this to come out so not a thing can be done about it.
What do you have to say to THAT Margaret Rowe?
she will have something to say it cant help its lound-mouthed self
Oh how the mighty KLAN is tearing itself apart!
How much of this therapy money gets spent on Salmon's son. PAY FOR YOUR OWN THERAPY YOU CORRUPT BASTARD!
Call 131071 on Tuesday and ask how they can be happy funding this corrupt organisation.
martinkelly'MICHAEL AULD
You can blame chris for this it was her doing and still trying too screw one of the students with her lies.
Salmon is the rest that John West rejects!
Jail her
And a certain teacher and Sweary mary .
How would you like it if it was your son Porter? Bet you would be up in arms if nobody did something about it. That's right, you don't care as long as you get your big fat pay cheque do you. So much for doing it for the students of Carenne.
Yes she must be prosecuted or at least sued. Her and her husband own a successful business so the parent could sue for a substantial amount.
Talk about duty of care... This is an organisation which has Lee Churches as a director. She knew what was happening with David Withyman and did absolutely nothing. It just shows the problems really are at the top.
Yes Yes Yes, you all complain that Terry Mahony was the school principal and director of Carenne Support but there is never a comment made about Lee being an assistant principal and director. It's not true that Terry signed pay claims for Carenne Support, Simone signed most of them. I'm glad to see this has come out.
Yes i hope the parents do they deserve it .Where are you Lee Churches got nothing to say or are you thinking up someone to blame you coward.
Terry wasn't that long ago you were telling every one how lucky carenne support were to find jenny as a employee now you are behind trying to shunt her who would believe what you have to say liar.
Not only is Lee Churches Deputy Principal and a boaed member of carenne support she is a liar and Carol Macdamid and Peter Harvey are Protecting Her.Lee churches has run this shool into the ground.
Where are you Sweary Mary Housler got nothing to say got to hot for you and your foul mouth has it.
What about Lee Churches harrassing Students who's Parents dare to question what the school is doing got witness of this too.
Explain this then Hatho
Re: Carenne Special School staff speak out
On November 21st, 2009 hatho says:
What about this parent calling RDA and threatening her and using foul language. You were hung up on because of your behaviour. Seeing as you bought this public, your son cant do RDA because he has shunts. If he falls he could die. Stop making trouble just like your therapy lies.
On November 22nd, 2009 hatho says:
Not really. Alot of people have spoken about this person after their phone call where they threatened the poor RDA president.
Still stand by these comments Hatho
April 5, 2010 12:08 PM
Those comments were made about the student who's communication book disappeared not the student who was hospitalised, there are two completely separate issues involving two separate students.
At the time as can clearly be seen by the postings I was towing the klan line and doing as I was told. I was told by Lee Churches to create a profile after she had been banned from Indymedia. She sat with me and told me what to write. I did so. I think the people on Indymedia did notice that hatho was a little different to carennetruth, that was because there was two different people. Carennetruth was and is Lee Churches. Hatho is hatho.
I regret some of the horrible things I have said and done during my time in the klan. I really do and they will haunt me until the day I die. The least I can do now is to stand up and say the truth about things and apologise for the things I have done wrong.
I will say however that I was told that the particular student couldn't do RDA because of that reason and that the parent had called Nola Ramsay and was quite abusive and abrupt.
April 5, 2010 11:48 AM
Everybody knows that Carenne is really ran be Lee, Marg and Michael. They are the people at the school who need to be watched carefully. They will stand over the principal and the SAM anytime they have the chance.
Oh puhhhhhhhlease Simone, you were in thick with all of them until they said about your daughter. It's just payback time for you isn't it?
You were as bad as Lee and Co. You were a sergeant of the Klan. You used your husband to illegally obtain information and spread it around Carenne, you hired a private investigator to try and set Brian Carter up, you made a disgusting claim that Brian Carter was having sex with his son, you told Jeremy to assault Nathan Carter, you said you would have Scott do whatever was needed to set up either of the Carters, you blamed Brian Carter for Jeremy getting into trouble, you did everything you could to make life hard for Jenny after she made a complaint about Jeremy, you put Jenny into transport for overdeclaring kilometres (while you allowed your own step-son to overdeclare), you lied about the bus being unroadworthy, you lied about the student going to Lithgow, you made complaints about Lyn, you make false stress claims. Do you want me to say more?
The Saviours can think you are on their side but you will FUCK THEM OVER just like you did to us.
Simone is just leaking information so she can say she is being set up and claim stress leave.
you made a disgusting claim that Brian Carter was having sex with his son
What a sick twisted bitch!
Oh she is martinkelly you have no idea just what she has done to people.
Hey Simone, remember when it was posted on here that someone from inside DET had posted on here and you asked Michael to destroy the evidence on the computer that you had posted on here as hatho. Oooops, I just let out your little secret!
Just think Simone, you can run stories to these people SO CAN WE!
You want to be careful Michael, I still have some of those emails you printed out belonging to other people and passed around the school. The one where Lee thought the office was bugged is a good read isn't it. It still makes me laugh.
Ever think that perhaps the school isn't bugged or there isn't a hacker (besides you Michael) but in fact the place leaks because people are sick to death of what it is you do.
We are dying for more to be released hatho!
Simone who was it that Lyn used to print her emails for and give to? That's right you. You are so dumb that you give yourself away!
Simone knows Lyn's passwords
and Michael Auld is the only one who knows that!
You are an idiot Simone, you think that by snitching you are going to be saved? Look at what happens to snitches at Carenne. You were on the winning team where you were protected, now you are just some snitch who is out by themselves.
This is getting as good as Indymedia was!
Perhaps people have already informed the Police Integrity Commission about the personal inquiries dumpling got her hubby to make using COPS. Anyone going to the police with allegations would be well advised to CC those allegations to the Minister for Education the Minister for Police the State ombudsman and PIC. Then get ready for a wild old time because the State Ombudsman and PIC cancel each other out. The Minister for Education Verity Firth and the Police Minister are on the same team as Gerard Martin. I would suggest you consider emailing whatever you have to the papers also. Because the only way these issues including the alleged criminal activity will be properly dealt with and it will take years is if the general public get stuck in and start pestering elected reps for the political reasons why the serious misconduct unit police and health department have not acted on what has been read by over thirty thousand people. BTW consider making a formal complaint to the Heath Care Complaints Commission, another waste of space but if people were paying for physical therapy to get someone up and ambulatory and the work was not being done then apart from fraud there are ethical issues involving practitioners of one sort or another. As for police mates allegedly investigating complaints against family members the term conflict of interest applies. Do not make a mistake of taking your concerns to the Bathurst Area Command if they have not acted by now they are clearly as conflicted as Verity firth and Gerard Martin. That snake Simone has bitten you and now wants to be your friend this is damage control.
Indymedia is still there it was destroyed shortly after threats were made by KLAN members feel free to be the media and leak all you like to an international following. Be assured Politicians and main stream media surf this international site for public trust journalism. And do not forget Google Cache has records of the stuff which was hacked and destroyed.
Good on you hatho stick to your guns you have done the right thing auld just frighten of what you know they know you have the goods to bring carenne support and the klan down and please do it for the sake of all the good students,parents and staff most compassionate people will stand by you the klan and carenne support are dirt and need to be taken down.
HATHO we all make mistakes at least you are willing to correct yours good on you."WELL DONE".
Lee churches was the one who said that the president of the rda was abused by a parent and it was not correct another lie by churches one of a million.
anonymous 1:03pm
we would rather be a snitch then be in with the low lifes of the klan and carenne support.
Michael Auld and Simone Russell at Carenne School At 4:00pm today monday 5.4.2010. what are they doing there when the school is closed doing some shredding are they.
hatho "SIMONE"thought you had seen the light just another lie is it still in with the klan ain't you.
What a great way for Simone to say its not her! Notice that she hasn't been on here though.
Fancy going to the school after hours and parking in the busses car space for everyone to see what a pair of dummies.
Carenne School parents move to hire own therapists
Posted Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:07am AEST
A parents' group is taking steps to hire its own therapists to service the Carenne School for disabled students in Bathurst.
The Carenne support director Geoff Salmon says the school's occupational therapist will leave at the end of this term and the physiotherapist is unsure if her contract will be renewed.
He says the group is finalising a business plan so it will be eligible for funding to provide a permanent team that would also do outreach work for the wider Bathurst area.
"[A] lot of the therapists won't work for government bodies because they've had enough of the contract system and the run-around they get in there, but there are therapists that are available that would work part-time and we could employ them to do specific therapy on kids that desperately need it," he said.
Tags: schools, disabilities, bathurst-2795, orange-2800
doesnt seem to be any specific therapies happening at carenne school and the children that desperately need are not getting it. mr salmon lied to abc news in 2005 and is still lying in 2010
I believe hatho is Lee Churches not Simone Russell and she is laughing at you clowns thinking it's Simone. Simone doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to pull something like this off, she just wants to protect her own arse and isn't about to leak information like this when she knows the Klan have more on her than she could ever have on them. The Klan know enough to cause maximum damage.
Some of these documents I have supplied copies of to Julie and Libertarian have gone missing from the school as of 9PM tonight when I checked. There have been sightings of three people there today so one of the three of them is destroying evidence.
Simone may have just been letting Michael into the school when she was sighted there today.
You need to realise that you are dealing with some of the most corrupt people ever to walk the face of the earth. These people will not think twice about lying to inquiries in court, destroying evidence, tampering with witnesses, threatening people and attacking them. It is part of the job to them. They spend so much time figuring out how they are going to pay back people that they neglect the children in their care. They all stab each other in the back and the recruit members to the Klan through threats and bribery. They were all so happy to bribe Lyn and then turn on her when the time was right. They needed a scapegoat and she was it. She made a mistake and the Klan leaked information to their own enemy to bring her down. Lyn was following the advice of her brilliant AP Lee Churches, advice that Lee denied ever giving.
April 5, 2010 9:49 PM, of course Geoff is lying still. Carenne Support was founded for two reasons and two reasons only - to get the Salmon's free therapy for their son and to give Christine Porter a reliable job. That is the cold hard truth of the matter. Carenne Support claims that it funds therapy using it's profits - bullshit! Prior to DADHC pulling funding out of Carenne Support most of the therapy at Carenne was DADHC funded. That is a fact.
Most of the therapy at Carenne is now co-ordinated by Carenne Support but done by outside agencies. Christine had deliberately sabotaged the DADHC funded therapists so she can claim to parents that the DADHC service is poor compared to what Carenne Support provided under contract. That is a fact.
The claims that Christine Porter is doing work that a OT should do when she is a SP is entirely correct.
I think that parents who have been affected by the negligence and incompetence of the Carenne Support co-ordinated therapy should make a complaint to the Health Care Complaints Commission as action needs to be taken to prevent this from happening again.
how about the student who could walk and then couldn't because of another christine porter fuck up
Responcibility flows up to the top, leadership and adequate direction flows down. Where the frauds have been exposed those responcible are at the top. Thats why it is sometimes called oversight and those responcible get the big dollars. Dont expect anything special from the HCCC they are just another type laundry for lazy corrupt politicians they must be informed because if you dont it will be claimed no one told us we did not know! When all said and done look what happened when nurses dobbed in senior people at Liverpool and Campbelltown Hospitals. If parents and disgruntled teachers want to expose this systemic rorting and abuse keep feeding info to Julie Brown and also others outside the Bathurst Area. Go back to Chris Smith ask why he has run dead on similar information which he raised weeks ago no pod cast nothing ? Also get on to Ray Hadley, also try ringing late night radio, 2ue and 2gb dont name names just explain there are issues and politicians are not acting on published complaints not directly related to the Withyman law suit, which have been forwarded to them first and months ago. The whole idea is to get taxpayers talking about a government cover up.
Instead of complaining to the HCCC, people should report this to Speech Pathology Australia which is the speechie's equivelant of the AMA for doctors.
Looking at the Code of Conduct at http://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/library/Code%20of%20Ethics%20Sept%2008.pdf Porter has breached-
2.2 Truth
We tell the truth.
2.3 Fairness (Justice)
We provide accurate information.
We strive for equal access to services.
We deal fairly with everyone with
whom we come in contact.
Our primary obligation to provide professional services
takes precedence over our personal interests, aims and
We do not guarantee the results of a therapeutic procedure
or of prescribed devices or therapies unless this can be
reasonably expected.
communicate our professional opinion about client
management to other team members in a timely manner
recognise the limits of our competence
5.1.3 Confidentiality
We treat as confidential the information we receive in the
course of our professional services.
We do not disclose information about our clients, or the
confidences they share with us, unless:
• our clients consent to this;
• the law requires us to disclose it; or
• there are compelling moral and ethical reasons for us to
disclose it.
5.1.5 Advocacy
We will at all times endeavour to ensure equity of access to
services for our clients, such equity being determined by
objective consideration of need and not compromised by
prejudice, favour or pressure.
5.2.4 Conflict between policies and professional standards
If a conflict arises between our employers’ policies and our
professional standards, we try to bring about change through
appropriate organisational channels. However, if this does
not resolve the conflict, we may seek the support of the
Association, other groups or the wide community.
hold appropriate qualifications but recognise and
acknowledge the limits of our professional competence
do not practise professionally beyond the scope of our
competence, given our level of education, training and
5.3.3 Professional reputation
We uphold the reputation of our profession.
We avoid behaviour that would bring the profession into
disrepute, such as:
• delivering services which research proves to be ineffective;
• disparaging the skills, knowledge or services of our
5.4.1 Professional standards
We treat our colleagues with fairness, courtesy, respect and
good faith.
We co-operate with colleagues to meet community needs
effectively by participating in research and sharing our
knowledge and expertise.
We do not exploit relationships with our colleagues, students
or supervisors.
5.4.3 Our staff
If we manage, supervise or employ staff, including casual
staff, we:
• treat them fairly and without discrimination;
• inform them fully about their terms and conditions;
• inform them about, and involve them in, decisionmaking
processes, especially those which affect their
• respect their industrial and professional rights;
• make sure that they have equitable access to resources;
• make them aware of their rights if a dispute arises and
give them access to counselling support and advice;
• give them regular feedback, and access to training and
professional development;
• recognise and, where appropriate, formally acknowledge
their contributions to clinical practice, teaching, research
or administration; and
• classify and remunerate them appropriately.
5.4.5 Conflict of interest
We fully disclose any possible conflict of interest if our
responsibilities include the selection, supervision or
assessment of:
• a member of our family; or
• someone with whom we have a close personal, business or
professional relationship.
Make a complaint about her to:
The Speech Pathology Association of Australia
Level 2 / 11-19 Bank Place Melbourne Victoria 3000
T: 03 9642 4899 F: 03 9642 4922
hatho 10:41 does it take a hour to let your friend michael auld into the school i don't think so docoments have gone missing because you and auld shreeded them didn't you.
All Parents of students on the LITHGOW BUS RUN ring GAIL VASIC this morning and complain about what they are doing to jenny.131071.
Of course they bloody did because hatho isn't Simone. She would never rat us out.
So you watched Carenne for an hour Jenny. That's stalking, are you friends with Brian Carter resorting to his tactics now
April 6, 2010 7:36 AM
Jenny should call 131071 and expose what she knows
Carenne support ltd and the det will have some very serious explaining to do after today.
April 6, 2010 7:41 AM
She'll put posters all over her ute next and get Edward James to come and join her in a protest. That would be funny. Who says history never repeats? Second crazy bus driver on the way out and she is acting the EXACT SAME FUCKING WAY!
April 6, 2010 7:41 AM
i thought it was jeremy and michael who were the stalkers, jeremy wants to remember what he told jenny because she might just expose that to the world. lee churches already knows about it and did nothing.
We love the Carenne bus drivers!
Jenny don't bother applying for the job after this because you are not going to get it.
Porter is going to have some explaining to do to SPA, everyone should call them and produce this damning email.
Carenne Support if it has any sense at all would sack Christine Porter for this.
April 6, 2010 7:54 AM
do you forget that its ran by churches, housler, knight, mahony and salmon. that explains the problems.
someone should contact the accounting board and report mary too.
April 6, 2010 7:55 AM
Doesn't Salmon front court again next week Julie?
Mary housler will be reported along with porter you can bet on that.
Yes salmon does front court.Does Gail Vasic know this.
The Disability Ombudsman will be contacted today as well.
What was Michael Auld doing leaving Carenne with a laptop at 6:00PM yesterday?
I think hatho is either Auld or Duncan.
Simone Russell was there too.
Mary Housler is the administrator of CARENNE SUPPORT LTD.
How are these people getting away with destroying innocent people lives,They have to be stopped people have the right to work.
Fancy making a complait about Carenne Support to the Aministrator it the one and only Sweary Mary.
Also remember there is a Serious Misconduct Unit of DET which while useless must record complaints made. You can complain to them about the conduct of DET employees including the signing of bodgie pay forms, child abuse, shit on the bus, nepotism, bullying, harassment, threats, breaches of confidentiality, shredding of documents, siphoning of funds among others. I am sure if you are a witness to this you can fill in the gaps and have more to tell.
I believe you can make a complaint anonymously.
Their number is 9266 8070
Has anyone reported bodgie busses to 131071?
Where's hatho hasn't posted since she was spoted with auld.
porter order that communication book for student in barbs class go missing because she get money for therapy for him but not have it done
And who took it LUCY?????
Still sticking to your bullshit story LUCY?????????
Caramel headbutt is the Minister for health she and the Director general of education Michael Coutts Trotter should understand how bad it is staff are rorting the state over treatment of special needs kids. And allegedly destroying evidence.
What are the scary people in carenne KLAN too frightened to cvomment?
col is bad aid
Fuck off Lucy
Before it deletes its comment
jrosenberg said...
April 7, 2010 12:52 PM dont you accuse me of takeing it jenny you lying bitch i have lot on you
April 8, 2010 9:35 PM
i not say that
you are a liar Lucy, I saw you write it
Either Lucy is on DRUGS or there might be something fishy going on hear
Anonymous said...
Before it deletes its comment
jrosenberg said...
April 7, 2010 12:52 PM dont you accuse me of takeing it jenny you lying bitch i have lot on you
April 8, 2010 9:35 PM
April 8, 2010 9:36 PM
jrosenberg said...
i not say that
April 8, 2010 9:38 PM
jrosenberg said...
you are a liar Lucy, I saw you write it
April 8, 2010 9:39 PM
Things that make you go MMMMMMMM?
Has anyone made notes in the court room, what are witnesses saying?
jrosenberg is Lucy and I have the evidence to prove it!
carennetruth you are Lee Churches and i have a lot of evidence to prove it so be careful who you are threatening.
jrosenberg april 7,2010 12:52pm
Lucy what about jenny buying you hot choclate at 5:30am and picking you up from your house at kelso in her own car so you didn't have disturb your disable lucy your nothing but a lovely lady ain't you lucy.
Dont worry 8:33am lucy screw barb too nothing new for lucy.
you are dum who else know that accept jenny and lucy not screw barb chris did because she want communication book gone because it show she not give therapy like she say
what is colean going to say about not doing what she told about this boy or puting him in doll pram and pushing him round school when his wheelchair went flat and he was crying and be picked on because he was in doll pram and doll pram could have broke and then what happen to him. colean is bad aid and need to be sacked
Dont worry 8:33am lucy screw barb too nothing new for lucy.
Has anyone made notes in the court room, what are witnesses saying?
carennetruth you are Lee Churches and i have a lot of evidence to prove it so be careful who you are threatening.
you are a liar Lucy, I saw you write it
Lee churches was the one who said that the president of the rda was abused by a parent and it was not correct another lie by churches one of a million.
Good on you hatho stick to your guns you have done the right thing auld just frighten of what you know they know you have the goods to bring carenne support and the klan down and please do it for the sake of all the good students,parents and staff most compassionate people will stand by you the klan and carenne support are dirt and need to be taken down.
This is getting as good as Indymedia was!
and Michael Auld is the only one who knows that!
You want to be careful Michael, I still have some of those emails you printed out belonging to other people and passed around the school. The one where Lee thought the office was bugged is a good read isn't it. It still makes me laugh.
Ever think that perhaps the school isn't bugged or there isn't a hacker (besides you Michael) but in fact the place leaks because people are sick to death of what it is you do.
Simone is just leaking information so she can say she is being set up and claim stress leave.
April 5, 2010 11:48 AM
Everybody knows that Carenne is really ran be Lee, Marg and Michael. They are the people at the school who need to be watched carefully. They will stand over the principal and the SAM anytime they have the chance.
What about Lee Churches harrassing Students who's Parents dare to question what the school is doing got witness of this too.
Yes i hope the parents do they deserve it .Where are you Lee Churches got nothing to say or are you thinking up someone to blame you coward.
How would you like it if it was your son Porter? Bet you would be up in arms if nobody did something about it. That's right, you don't care as long as you get your big fat pay cheque do you. So much for doing it for the students of Carenne.
Yes she must be prosecuted or at least sued. Her and her husband own a successful business so the parent could sue for a substantial amount.
Jail her
martinkelly'MICHAEL AULD
You can blame chris for this it was her doing and still trying too screw one of the students with her lies.
Oh how the mighty KLAN is tearing itself apart!
It's in the public interest for this to come out so not a thing can be done about it.
You can't blame Chris for this, she reported it to Lyn. If Lyn didn't reprimand the aide then it is the fault of the school executive.
When this came out last year she blamed the aide in the class. You are the therapy co-ordinator Christine, you are responsible for what is and is not happening.
You knew about it and did nothing to stop it.
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