The Carenne Gate Affair first came to the public's attention when I reported on Sydney Indymedia that the Minister for Education and Training misled parliament in response to a question about whether or not the Department of Education and Training was providing legal representation to its contractor Carenne Support Limited. That legal representation was subsequently withdrawn.
Since June 2009, a number of concerns have been raised about Carenne Support. These range from a fundraising campaign to purchase two buses for the school which ended up owned by Carenne Support, the principal of Carenne Special School approving payment from DET to a company he is a director of, Overclaiming of payments from the department to Carenne Support and a Carenne Support escort, therapy blunders, the destruction of evidence that a student had not received therapy, the remuneration of a director when it is a non-profit company, false claims made about another operator to try and take his contract, harassment of parents and whistleblowers and allowing a bus to be used when human faeces had been placed inside it to harass one of its drivers.
The Department of Education and Training is also aware of Carenne Support director and Carenne Special School assistant principal Lee Churches posting on Sydney Indymedia, threatening parents, leaking confidential information and making racist remarks. There has also been the posting of information on this blog by Mary Housler, Carenne Support's book keeper. These postings have been made in direct contravention of orders by the Department of Education and Training.
It would appear that the department is looking the other way while these issues with Carenne Support are raised and debated publicly even though this is looking as though the department is condoning this behaviour. On 5 February 2010, I asked the Disability Programs Directorate of the Department of Education and Training just why Carenne Support is given this special treatment. I am told that the "appropriate officer" is looking at it but has not gotten back to me.
Now Carenne Support is being represented in new legal proceedings by the Department of Education of Training, it looks as though it is part of the department or at the least given some special status by it. Is this because it involves prominent parents, staff and Bathurst community members? Why should the department provide this assistance to a contractor which earns some $130,000 a year from it?
Why should our taxes pay for carenne support ltd blunders.
They shouldn't nor when we are already giving this company $130,000 a year. Just remember who it is that is responsible for this - our elected representatives who continue to sit on their hands.
How much is this going to cost us? How much have they overclaimed from the department? Why should we be paying a single red cent for an organisation who has done what they have? Their contract should be terminated.
They can't take Carenne Support's contract, its the only one who can do the two runs they have!
Julie just a request seen you are good at scanning documents.
Can you scan your towing receipt on here from the protest day.
Just to show how fair dinkum you are.
I know that you used a different name on facebook.
I didn't scan this document, it was sent to me via email. I see what you are getting at, the typical KLAN blame it on one person trick (just like Mary Housler did before).
Are you in Sydney on the week beginning the 22nd? Maybe you would like to have a coffee and a chat?
When I am back at home I will gladly post a copy of my towing receipt. If not, you can call the towing company, I hear you are good at making inquiries about things that are none of your business.
I can prove you wrong about Facebook if you like.
Julie "Fair Dinkum" Brown.
no surprise at this they have to make sure lee and terry look after.
Excuse me Julie.....
"the typical KLAN blame it on one person trick (just like Mary Housler did before)."
Exactly what have I done???
You know what? I would love to "catch up for a coffee" and discuss the issues you seem to have such an interest in. I will meet you any time in Bathurst that suits you.
I would love the opportunity to state my case, person to person, and to prove that I have not acted in contravention of anything. As a respected journalist, I am sure you would be willing to hear both sides of a story!
youre a liar nedkelly there is another person with buss that can do the runs and be much better than carenne support ltd
foc is going to say that julie is not real and is carter that is what moon and churches are tell people they try and discredit julie because they know she has contacts inside carenne and she is exposing the truth. mary you said on here about carter and you go around the school say he is nothing but a trouble-making c*nt that if you could you would choke him and do world a favor and that you cant wait to see the look wipe off his face. dont deny it because more than me have heard you say it
look at time mary post if carennetruth not lee churchs which is unlikely mary is they write similar and at the same times
carennetruth is lee churches.
I sure hope jrosenberg is wrong about these threats.
Do they make similar claims about me not being real?
No Libertarian only Julie Brown,What are they scare of.
dumpling probably says she got a PI again and will make stories up she cant tell the truth
Lucy is informent to churches.
Yes anonymous you have a brand new bus having you.
Anonymous 7.44am peter harvey knows this it is another cover up.
JRR says
2219 there isnt a blame it on one person trick.
We have already said that 2219 is a she.
There were equal he and she at the protest.
JRR says
Jake your identity is no secret is it.
Everyone knows who you are.
You get extra work because you are a dobber.
yeah dob your work mates into harvey and churches now you work fulltime well done lucy.Karma will get you.
Lucy is trying to set Jenny up
Set her up for what carenne=fraud.
Jenny goes to her bus how could lucy be setting her up.
Just like she had something to to with Barb
Lucy looks after Lucy
Lucy will have plenty of time to do that after next week.
do you want lucy's job and that is why you are making up these stories? are you jealous? of course they need to make up stories about julie brown, they havent figured out how to stop the "snitches" so they need to attack her credibility and make her look bad.
if the klan only realizes that the snitches are in their own ranks
mary you do act against det rule
Who want lucy job,who want dob on their work mates.
There is a bus company who could do all the runs out of Carenne. They have lots of new buses.
Hi Mary,
What I was referring to was this comment of yours posted here:
All the so called "trouble" and complaints appear to have started when your "whistle blower", no doubt Brian Carter, was dismissed from employment for breaching the employment guidelines.
It seems everything that happens at Carenne Special School is blamed on Brian Carter (something the Saviours raised with me last year). Even the SMU when they were contacted asked people if they knew Mr Carter.
It is far easier to blame all the problems on one person than to actually resolve them from what I can see. If there were no issues there wouldn't be so many people commenting on this site and sending me information.
Next time I am in Bathurst I would be delighted to meet and have a chat over coffee about things. I am not sure when that will be but the offer remains open. I will certainly be in Bathurst again this year.
Unfortunately when I have come to Bathurst in the past and offered to meet with those who are defending Carenne they refuse. Mrs Duncan refused my offer for a meeting as has Mr Harvey.
The offer for coffee in Sydney was made because I will be returning home on the week beginning the 22nd and I believe that a number of Carenne Special School staff will be in Sydney at that time.
They can say what they like about me. Next time I am in Bathurst I might have to go to Carenne and say hello to Mr Moon and Miss Churches. I very well doubt I would be welcome though.
anonymous 7:33 i wasnt talking about them i was talking about other bus people who have new bus that could do it,they been doing it for long time
Yes you already have a bus run at carenne Anonymous 9.45pm.
JRR says...
You used to be an intravenous drug user weren't you Julie?
Give the busses back to the school they own them let the school do the bus runs.
Had dumpling do a check on julie michaelfraud JRR
JRR you gave yourself away, you were saying this just the other day weren't you?
Michael auld should be sacked too peter harvey.
he should.give the carenne support bus runs to the reliable contracter at carenne
Give the busses back to the rightful owner carenne school let special transport say who gets the runs.
Hey Michael Auld didn't you get the sack from lithgow high school.
Michael Auld did the tax payers pay for the Private Investagator into julie brown that you and simonne hired.
Running out of parents and staff to pick on Michael?I think we liked you better as Hatho
Congratulations on having a police check done on the wrong person. Great work on that one! Would you like my driver's licence number so you can do it properly this time?
Seeing I am so good at scanning perhaps I could scan you a copy just to be doubly sure!
Is this how you people win an argument is it? Seems that the story that Mr Plod found out about the history of a certain principal who was then pushed over the edge might be true.
Julie i would be finding out who posted this and have them charged by the police.
Julie will be charged by the Police for this website. It is full of mistruths about people. It is going to go just like Sydney Indymedia did.
Go back to school Jenny.
JRR says
2219 you need to learn about policing practice. You have no idea about these things.
If there is an ongoing investigation then they will look at someone's criminal history... Did you think that maybe the police are investigating you 2219?
Your own public trust journalist friend has given you up... He told us all about you... There were also phone traces showing who rang him...
Yes I would like to see that licence to see how fair dinkum you are... Where is the towing receipt, I'd like to see that too.
are you an officer jrr
Are you a snitch 8.33?
mary hosler i can prove you are a liar with a vendicktive streak a mile long your claim that "All the so called "trouble" and complaints appear to have started when your "whistle blower", no doubt Brian Carter, was dismissed from employment for breaching the employment guidelines."
mary dont believe what your carenne support friend tell you. the first complaint about thing being wrong with carenne support was 11.11.2008. we made complaint because we told terry what kaye was doing and he did nothing she was touching kids inappropriately going to parents house harrasing them running her mouth and more. one of the bus not being safe was also said to them. you are a liar mary
if carter breached employment guideline then it was at terry and ross direction because they wanted carter to do what he did you want to hope i dont get supena to court because i will say the truth that terry was the one that did it and everyone knew.
simone russell said same things about julie on friday
jenny is the only person who hates lucy
Jenny hates Lucy because she told Terry Neal that she was the one who told her all about the site.
jenny isnt the only one there are many
What a waste of money
take the bus runs and give to experienced people who can do it well. carenne support cant do it and they keep braking det rule.
Jenny is over-claiming at the moment because one parent is refusing to send her child to school because of what Jenny said to her.
jenny isnt mary is
who would send their child to carenne after them putting shit in the bus
you are ucy arent you jrosenberg you tell churchs and peter harvey everything dont you
Who would shit themselves on the bus and say someone else did it? You shit yourself didn't you?
before you shoot your mouth off in future you should check with the principal and he would tell you that the parent is keeping her son home because he got gastric from the poor conditions on the bus and that the principal was given a doctors certificate and that also carenne support was given a recommendation by the childs doctor to keep the bus clean. never did the parents refuse to send their child because of untrue allegations on here it had nothing to do with the driver nothing was said you are lying AGAIN
i have spoken to the parents and can assure that what you have written is false
ned (mein fuhrer)are you a terrorist cause you sure act like one do you let your son stay home and play with facebook shit the det should get onto you whos the immature one you are probably one of those parents who does send their child to school when they are sick and make everyone elses kids sick do good parents like the one you are talking about show you up have fun at rob thomas concert
JRR says
There was only one person Simone told about Facebook.
You must be that person.
You have been caught out.
Smile for the camera.
can i come to rob thomas too?
Lots of people know about the facebook rubbish you go on with JJR Big brother is watching
The nation is watching. School of horrors is right.
Carennetruth,michaelfraud,dumpling,boat are the main leaders of all the trouble at carenne special school,two teachers one aid and one office worker.
Why is the government paying for its contractor to be protected? Are they trying to hide something?
what does this brian carter know about these criminals
Carennetruth,michaelfraud,dumpling,boat want Jenny and Geri gone. They are snitches according to the KLAN. The KLAN is intending on making up allegations about Jenny very soon.
Lee Churches is carennetruth and Peter Harvey knows it and done nothing about it.
jrosenberg is lucy thornton Peter Harvey knows this and does nothing to stop her.Lucy was peter harvey eyes and ears at carenne school.Reporting back to him.
You are telling the truth for once. Lucy is Jake Rosenberg. Everyone knows that. She is close friends of Brian Carter's.
She is a pathetic excuse for an aide.
I am not Lee you idiot. Cut your rot.
Mary Housler does NOT speak for Carenne Support. She SHOULD stay off this blog as she is affecting our reputation.
carennetruth you dont affect the schools reputation by caling people abhorrent names do you
Of course she doesn't. She thinks it's acceptable behaviour.
They will pay for them to be legally represented and allow them to get away with stealing from the department but they won't transport two students from outside of Bathurst to school, the parents have to at significant expense.
A lawyer friend and I were talking about Carenne over lunch today and among other things and this came up. He said he finds it unusual that the purchaser under a contract would provide legal services to a contractor who was being sued. He was saying that in most contracts the contractor indemnifies the purchaser against claims against it.
I presume that because the department is giving legal services to the contractor that there is no indemnification clause in the contract.
Now you are lying. You have no friends fuckwhit.
Folks look at this post from ringostar, one of the Klan at Carenne Public School:
ringostar said...
Now you are lying. You have no friends fuckwhit.
February 17, 2010 5:50 PM
This is the sort of abuse you get from these people when you dare to say something about their 'beautiful school'. This is the type of behaviour that their superiors from the principal all the way to the Education Minister is condoning.
The department knows who is posting here and despite threatening those who post negative commentary, those who post comments designed to bully are allowed to get away scott-free.
Back to you Ringo.
Rosenberg - you dick head
more of your bloody lies - no staff at carenne gets special transport for their child - it is just not true. go on - make more lies up so your story sounds better
The department is providing legal representation because they know Brian Carter is an evil man.
Lucy how dumb do you think people are. No Carenne staff get special transport you idiot.
Fuck you are a bullshitting snitch.
so the students who were on special transport run werent allowed to be
one teacher/parent was compaining about how richard put their child in the bus but no staff get special transport for their child. its bad when they get it and they go to and from school and parent like the one i said cant.
its just favouritism
Rosenberg you must have imagined this. Let me make it clear NO CHILD OF CARENNE STAFF RECEIVE SPECIAL TRANSPORT.
Yes they do "HATHO"you are wrong.
bullshit - NO STAFF AT CARENNE gets special transport what rubbish
please explain why janelle kemp does then and dont lie for once in your life
just a thought how about not being cheap and placing disable kids safety at risk with your fixit jobs
they are too interested in keeping friends in jobs
the world is watching
Carenne Support rips of this transport scheme and so does the director's friend who takes his child home. Just how far does the corruption run
can i come to rob thomas too?
before you shoot your mouth off in future you should check with the principal and he would tell you that the parent is keeping her son home because he got gastric from the poor conditions on the bus and that the principal was given a doctors certificate and that also carenne support was given a recommendation by the childs doctor to keep the bus clean. never did the parents refuse to send their child because of untrue allegations on here it had nothing to do with the driver nothing was said you are lying AGAIN
i have spoken to the parents and can assure that what you have written is false
JRR says
2219 you need to learn about policing practice. You have no idea about these things.
If there is an ongoing investigation then they will look at someone's criminal history... Did you think that maybe the police are investigating you 2219?
Your own public trust journalist friend has given you up... He told us all about you... There were also phone traces showing who rang him...
Yes I would like to see that licence to see how fair dinkum you are... Where is the towing receipt, I'd like to see that too.
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