Over the past several months, allegations about nepotism in staffing at Carenne Special School and the failure to follow merit selection procedures has surfaced. These claims have been been strengthened by the appointment of Karina Mollenkamp and Yvette Smith to permanent teacher's aide positions.

The appointment came as no surprise, on February 7 it was posted on this blog that these two aides would be given permanent positions, before the interviews were even held. Carenne Special School staff were not at all surprised when it was announced yesterday that they would be taking up permanent positions after being successful in the interview process.
Staff claim that Lee Churches told them that the selection process had already been sewn up, as her and the executive wanted Molenkamp and Smith because they can be trusted. Molenkamp is a close friend to a number of staff at Carenne Special School, which is how she got the casual job there to begin with. Smith is a close friend of two members of the Carenne Special School executive.
Staff believe that both aides were not the best choice for the job, claiming they have less skills and experience than other candidates. They claim it is yet another example of Carenne Nepotism.
But this is just how business is done! Why dont you get that!
Think of all the people who work here who's partners work for vendors who have won major contracts with us.
how about the poor aide who is near end of career who has been told she is out the door even though she has worked full time long time. she has been an aide and a good one longer than these people have been involved. yvette has only been an aide for 1 year.
Lee Churches make best,your end is near.
you idiots have no idea how the departments transfer and appointment system works - yet you write in here like you do - like i said - idiots who have no idea
Yes we do crawl up churches ass and get a full time job.
jrosenberg is lucy thornton she is carenne school snitch to churches ,harvey and julie brown.
The transfer and appointment system has nothing to do with these two jobs. These both went to interviews.
The results of the interview shouldn't have been known until afterwards, instead everyone knew who would get the job because it was all setup.
of course it was, lee doesn't want snitches on staff
simone wasnt well qualifie or experience yet she got the sam job and is now being a teachers aide. its the way things are done at carenne
Threatening Lee isn't going to save you Jenny and Geri.
Don't bet on it simonne.
did you get a pirate investigator to get julie simonne?
people are upset at what they did to dye she is good aide. ros doesnt want to work with molly she is foul mouth
molly is good friend of gavin and churchs
What did they do to dye
she is being replaced by molly when dumpling takes her aide job in nadines room. molly and yvette got job like the story says
So what? Molly and Yvette are first class SLSOs and deserve the job. It is about getting the best person for the job. Something Lee is regretting about employing you.
Since when does lee do the employing simonne.
Are these people close to those who covered up child sex abuse?
Yes they all are.The surface has not been touched yet horrific things going on at carenne special school.
Why doesn't the teacher who di works for stand up to these people and say she wants di not sweary molly.Di is a beautiul person.
Yvette and Karina are first class candidates and stand out from the rest of the field. Just because you have been at the school a long time doesn't mean that you should get a permanent job. It's all about who the best person for the job is.
There is nothing the teacher can do, she isn't responsible for staffing.
Lee doesn't regret employing Jenny, Jenny is one of her closest friends and staunchest supporters.
Bullshit Lee.
they did not stand out from the field there were people who are far better than them and they didnt get the job because you and neil did some deal you told everyone who would get the job lee. molly is marg rowe junior a loud mouth who spends more time out of room than in. you want her in ros room so she can spy because you call ros a snitch
You aren't helping your friend Lucy. The best people for the job got the job.
You are a good friend marg letting people think nedkelly is simonne when its you who is nedkelly"What a wonderful friend you are"
best person for the job. how about yvette being one of three people in a class where student got into medication in top drawer of teachers desk od then had to go to hospital. did that get said at interview
That never happened liar
You're both liars. It happened and it was because of a policy implemented by Lyn Duncan EdD. The aide in the class that day was Lucy Thornton. The issue was dealt with and will never happen again.
hatho has been using her mobile a lot
Lyn Duncan, Carenne's worst principal
Lucy Thornton, Carenne's most incompetent aide
who has to blab about about confidential meetings
everyone knows a complaint was made by a parent about lucy after she was interviewed and told everyone
It's about time they sack her, we all know she is running stories
the world is watching
Has she kept quiet about child abuse?
lucy isnt snitch and what meetings
lucy is not incompitent
Lucy is very incompetent, she was called into a meeting yesterday afternoon because of an incident involving a student.
She is also a snitch who reports to many people, including Brian Carter.
Snitches are reporting what is happening at the school to Peter Harvey (who might I add does nothing). Oh my god, that is so wrong!
yes lucy thornton reporting to peter harvey another reason she has aid job there got his number in hers phone also reporting to lee churches.
peter harvey knows lee churches is posting on here does nothing about it wants her to lie for det in withyman case in reward keep job.
carennetruth 26th 9:48 "LEE" lucy reports to you to doesn't she.
I've been told that Lucy often goes to his house. People have seen her car parked there.
Lucy is in more trouble than that. She is a hopeless teacher's aide and her laziness has led to student welfare issues (even though she was the one who went around telling people about what Coleen did wrong last year).
so michael fraud is still stalking people beukelly
It's not just Michael who has seen Lucy's car at the Carters.
so you admit michael is stalking him.
since when have you the klan have a right to tell people who they can visit,stalking michael auld is a serious offence or is mr plod watching out for you.
mr carter should get whatever you call a peace and good behaviour order to stop this. it sounds like mr auld has it in for him. there are threats, there has been damage to property and now stalking.
brian carter should take a avo out on them they took one out on him.these are very dangerous people who have no morals.
he certainly should you have jeremy russell threatening him and his son say that they are going to set them up wear balaklavas and do home invasion and michael auld and margaret rowe assault them and michael staking out his house. did they take an avo out on him though? just because simmone and peter harvey said they did doesnt mean its true
Jeremy threatened Brian Carter because his father told him he was gay. Jeremy, Simone, Lee and Marg used to often refer to Brian Carter as a "poofter", "faggot", etc.
The Russells are very homophobic
Anonymous feb27th 9:28 what does WTF mean.if you make a post please do it right,instead of using letters.
Jeramy would be in big trouble only his father watches over him.
michael auld wants to be careful he might be without a teachers job once again.
Maybe that is why it was quiet last night, the trouble makers were at the Mardi Gras.
ive never heard lee and marg say this but jereme, simmone and lucy have lucy likes to make up story that people are gay
Grow up Lee
oh well lee i heard you and "NEDKELLY"marg say this you liar.
i told peter harvey about this number times.
28/5/09 - marg rowe was speaking to karina molenkamp and saying how "she fucked that queer little fuck over"
3/6/09 - margaret said that if carter come back to work, she will take the school out on strike as she doesnt "want no faggots working at her school"
2/7/09 - marg said brian carter was a "faggot cunt" and lost his job for being a child molestor because simone told her
17/7/09 - marg saying carter was a criminl,child molestor and "faggot"
31/7/09 - lee, juliette and simone were talking about carters foi request and lee said she told them he had nothing even though she did and that she wasn't going to help the "curly haired poofta".
14/8/09 - simone told me digusting story about brian carter that i wont repeat in public blog
Lee Churches also threaten lyn duncan that over her dead body would brian carter be employed at carenne again.Maybe Brian Carter ought to subpoenae Lyn Duncan to his court case see if she is willing to lie under oath as well.
know one in there right mind would beleive what kim said she is one of the klan and a liar ,lied about brian carter she did.
sro dare you to say it to jenny's face you gutless wonders.
There is no love lost between Lee and the Russells. She circulated photographs of underage drinking at the Russell house after someone put up photos of her son on Indy!
The only one who would say it to Jenny's face would be Marg, the rest of them use poor Marg as their mouthpiece then when the poo hits the fan they run and say "Marg did it", just like they did with Prue.
The lies will come out in time. I certainly didn't lie to the legal people when they asked me about Brian Carter. I told them that Terry, Lee and Ros knew about it. I won't lie to protect my 'friends'.
you lie all time lee,marg "NEDKELLY" say jack shit she a gutless coward
marg"NEDKELLY"you are a compulsive liar.
If there is an AVO being taken out on Brian Carter by DET chances are it is an attempt at SLAPP.
I would refer these anti-gay comments to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, it shows a culture in the department.
Maybe that is why it was quiet last night, the trouble makers were at the Mardi Gras.
I certainly was. Do you have a problem with that?
hey marg you don't mind dropping lee in it, wouldn't do carters shoe laces up marg.
I suppose to a caveman (woman) like you only people who are GLBT go to Mardi Gras.
Perhaps an email to Mr Burns is in order.
because mr burns isnt gay he doesnt like smithers coming on to him. im sure a cartoon character will email you back freak
I think you need to lay off the sauce. Don't you read the news?
nedkelly can't be margaret rowe. the only people at carenne who slag off gay people is michael auld and simone russell.
There was a comment on Indy about that wasn't there?
I don't understand why Marg stabs Lee in the back because if it wasn't for Lee she wouldn't have a job. Nobody else would work with her.
I just found it on Google Cache:
Thank you for bringing this to the public's attention as it has generated both
comments on here and emails to me personally. Another parent has now come
forward and said that he was told by Michael Auld last year that he had concerns
about the sexuality of his son and that he needed to be "sent down the correct
did this happen at the carenne. if it did carenne is very homaphobic staff not like
one person who is openly gay on staff. part of the reason carter was sack was
because simone found out he was gay and told lee and terry.
simmone sure did she made worse claim than that about him
Libertarian nedkelly is margaret rowe.
a teachers aid for lee churches
savecarenne 7.09pm marg thinks she owns the school her and lee are a good pair both liars.
lee marg jereme michael simone have all made horendus claim about brian carter. they have all threatened him to. they get away with it. peter harvey knows and does nothing
youre not right about who doesnt like gay people
the klan is starting to rip itself apart from with in
and you can talk about nepotism... How did you get the job?
how did who
You Lucy
i am not lucy but she is a high capabel aide and has lots experience
Perhaps if Lucy is so good she could get work at other schools or apply for a job through merit selection.
How about the conversation in the staffroom the other afternoon - 'I hope that Di and Brooke don't get offered Bev's job. I want to stay in Peter's class'
Oh c'mon if they don't get offered work ahead of jrosenberg there is something seriously wrong.
you forgot the colorful language carennetruth
carennetruth you have a hide you make friends with lucy to get her to snitch to you about her fellow workers and then you harrass her on julie's blog you are a bully and a low life.
Lee's staff needs to be checked out.
Jeremy Cushing
jeremy cushing 2:41 PM
What do you mean by this statement.
jeremy cushing 2:41 PM
What do you mean by this statement.
you forgot the colorful language carennetruth
Perhaps if Lucy is so good she could get work at other schools or apply for a job through merit selection.
How about the conversation in the staffroom the other afternoon - 'I hope that Di and Brooke don't get offered Bev's job. I want to stay in Peter's class'
the klan is starting to rip itself apart from with in
It's about time they sack her, we all know she is running stories
everyone knows a complaint was made by a parent about lucy after she was interviewed and told everyone
You're both liars. It happened and it was because of a policy implemented by Lyn Duncan EdD. The aide in the class that day was Lucy Thornton. The issue was dealt with and will never happen again.
You are a good friend marg letting people think nedkelly is simonne when its you who is nedkelly"What a wonderful friend you are"
Yvette and Karina are first class candidates and stand out from the rest of the field. Just because you have been at the school a long time doesn't mean that you should get a permanent job. It's all about who the best person for the job is.
There is nothing the teacher can do, she isn't responsible for staffing.
Lee Churches also threaten lyn duncan that over her dead body would brian carter be employed at carenne again.Maybe Brian Carter ought to subpoenae Lyn Duncan to his court case see if she is willing to lie under oath as well.
What did they do to dye
Don't bet on it simonne.
The transfer and appointment system has nothing to do with these two jobs. These both went to interviews.
The results of the interview shouldn't have been known until afterwards, instead everyone knew who would get the job because it was all setup.
Yes we do crawl up churches ass and get a full time job.
how about the poor aide who is near end of career who has been told she is out the door even though she has worked full time long time. she has been an aide and a good one longer than these people have been involved. yvette has only been an aide for 1 year.
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