This morning between 7AM and 8AM the attack promised by "ringostar" on Thursday against this blog was carried out. Ringostar had posted a threat that by Saturday morning the site would be no more and attributed this to the Department of Education and Training's legal team being at the school.
The attack was carried out by a user using the name "omerta", a word used by the Sicilian Mafia to refer to their code of silence. A sign saying "Stop Snitching" was placed on the front page of the site with all other articles deleted.
The attack wa
As the site is located in the United States, authorities are investigating.
The difference between the Carenne mafia and the Italian mafia - the Italians aren't child abusers
The first carenne commandment, thou shall not snitch...
I wonder what DET and the education minister think of this 'ringostar', one of their employees saying that DET Legal was going to shut the site down and then it being attacked. It sounds the way 'ringostar' writes that DET condones the attack...
Seems like they are going to all sorts of lengths to keep the truth at bay in this school...
they sure are just what dirty little secrets are held within those walls sounds like there are a few. how can you know of child sexual abuse and do nothing you are as bad as the abuser themselves you bastards
Well done Julie these are evil people and will be stopped, Can't believe peter harvey and carol mcdamid is letting these evil people get away with what they are doing.
Good Luck to David and the Carters in court this week hope you win.
dont compare the mafia to this lot the mafia are more honest
Yes that is for sure Anonymous they don't cover child abuse up.These people do.
the mafia wouldnt steal from disabled kids!
lucy and michael want the site gone
Everyone knows jrosenberg is Lucy. Just like everyone knows Margaret Rowe writes complaint letters about herself to get sympathy and makes up lies about being attacked in the shopping centre.
Margaret rowe users the alias of"nedkelly"Ringostar"now mlmhcr .And lies through her teeth.
Jenny will be pleased to know nedkelly is marg rowe after what she accused her of last week on the 16th feb at 6.40pm and 6.45pm she is a very dangerous and sick woman who should not be allowed around disable children.
michael and lee were asking people around school if they know hacker last week
Michael Fraud claimed he was doing some attack on Sydney Indymedia before so it is possible that he had someone do it.
Somebody broke into the school and did it
Ned you are so stupid its not funny. No one is going to believe your crap.
Hang on Marg. Parents have been told by Michael that a hacker got in and thats how things were being leaked to Indymedia, that the school was bugged and now someone broke into the school and used a computer to talk up the new principal.
Lee Churches is "HATHO".
what the fuck is wrong with you complaining on here
anonymous 9.05
if you are that scared of what is happening to your son at carenne then don't send him - send him some where else and stop complaining.This site is all lies anyway - why would you believe such idiots who don't know what they are talking about
omerta - where are you? for goodness sake do your stuff again and give us a break from this rubbish.shut them down for a day at least and make life difficult for them
Omerta needs to come back ASAP. I think I know who it is and if it is who I believe it is someone we wouldn't expect!
if its all lies why do you won't it shut down lee,scare that the thruth is comming out,and it will.
omerta is someone in with lee churches
most of what is on this site is the truth and can prove it lee.
omerta you left your calling card you will be named.
anonymous 12.39 then go ahead and prove it - do you think we care - it is all lies
if its all lies why hack the site. if its all lies why have the legal team come up and threaten people. if its all lies why are you so worried about it. if its all lies why the threats.
sounds to me like it isnt all lies
no not lies these klan are evil
more lies - the legal team did not come and threaten people you idiots - what's the matter can't you find out why the legal people were there - ha ha suck eggs
yes they did lee the klan are on the way out matter of time.
ha ha suck eggs - the legal team were there to do interviews about brian carter's case and to make sure those involved in withyman still had their story straight. threats were involved for those interviewed that they had to tow the line.
want to know anything else?
I love it when you put Lee in her place! She thinks she can lie on here and get away with it. You have no control here, you might be able to push us around at work but you can't on here and the truth is going to be exposed!
yes lee and you were one who was told to toe the line you want have a job after the withyman case once you lie for the det they will sack you.Also anonymous 9:24 lee churches has always been a liar.
lee your friend "OMERTA" from sydnet get scared of when he left his calling card did he.
when half the staff at carenne were interview everyone know. just because lee and michael want to say that it all from outside i work at carenne and i leak information and im proud to be solution
jrosenberg you have never been any solution to anything at our school if you are doing your job properly how is it that you think you know so much of what other people there are doing
She spends so much time running about spying and gossiping to be doing work.
Take note of how much time jrosenberg spends in the classroom and you will soon see that it isn't much. She spends more time running around listening and spying.
why hasnt she got the sack
becauses she snitches to peter harvey and lee churches thats why.
She spends so much time running about spying and gossiping to be doing work.
yes lee and you were one who was told to toe the line you want have a job after the withyman case once you lie for the det they will sack you.Also anonymous 9:24 lee churches has always been a liar.
lee your friend "OMERTA" from sydnet get scared of when he left his calling card did he.
yes they did lee the klan are on the way out matter of time.
no not lies these klan are evil
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