One of the non-profit organisations at the heart of the Carenne Gate affair has been forced to act following the release of information on Sydney Indymedia.
On 2 October 2009, I mentioned in this article that Carenne Support's paid CEO (who was un-named in the original posting but it is Christine Porter) remained on the board of directors despite being remunerated for her work (something frowned upon in a non-profit organisation). On 11 November 2009 I named the current directors of the company, referring to a report from Dun & Bradstreet.
Following the release of this information, Carenne Support removed Mrs Porter as a director, effective 24 November 2009. They also removed former Carenne Special School principal Jock Roxborough on the same day despite the Carenne Saviours claiming that he resigned the position some time ago.
It would appear that Carenne Support knew they had done the wrong thing and only acted after they were exposed on Sydney Indymedia.
It is interesting when directors of Carenne Support, Carenne Special School staff and senior DET officers claim Indymedia is full of lies that Carenne Support acts on the information.
Congratulations Christine another of your errors which looks bad for Carenne. Just like the email that Michael leaked showing what you really think of Carenne staff.
So you have seen the email that Michael leaked Lee?
michael did not leak the email - that is just you or whoever told you making up more lies
Do you agree that an email from Christine Porter was leaked?
Did someone pass it around Carenne Special School?
Who do you know/believe leaked it?
that's none of your business who when or where but it was not michael
At least you can admit that someone did leak it Lee. Michael was the one who passed it to me, along with some colourful language at the time about how Chris was nothing but a "traitor". Didn't you and Marg call her some lovely names the other week in the junior courtyard?
It's hilarious that you keep defending Michael when we all know who gave us what. It's just like his claims of a hacker earlier in the year and always being at the school after hours going through people's belongings and school records.
Someone in the Klan is "snitching on you", get your head out of the sand.
I am wondering about how the insurance for the busses used to transport special needs children is worded. Someone mentioned when pressed, unapproved drivers do the runs. The Department of Education and Training will no doubt insure its activities, but those buses owned by Carenne Support Limited, who indemnifies their use for moving special needs children about. If drivers are approved is that process part of the insurance agreement? So if a driver who is not approved has an accident, what happens with the insurance cover for the children? What do the insurance policies actually say about using approved drivers? If a bus drivers licence is not sufficient, what then are the extra criteria required to be an approved driver? Are they actually part of the insurance coverage? Are their names and approvals displayed on the buses.
Edward James
I am disgusted that I donated to a bus appeal for buses for Carenne School and now those buses are used so they can make money for an organisation who took funding from an organisation in Orange who could have done the same thing.
Just think that this woman is partly the reason why some of the funding for the Spastic Centre in Orange was diverted to this lot:
The Spastic Centre has received $100,000 in recurrent funding to deliver therapy services for school-age children with a disability in schools throughout the Central West. The centre has recruited a speech pathologist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist and their services are provided to school-age children with a disability, their families and carers across the Central West.
Word around Bathurst was because she didn't have a job she pushed lies that the Spastic Centre weren't capable of the job and that Carenne Support should get a slice of the funding for therapy in Bathurst. Lies were then perpetuated in the media.
I hope you are proud of ripping funding out from a decent, honest and respectable organisation for your own personal benefit.
Then you have Christine Porter telling people around Bathurst that should DADHC pull funding from Carenne Support in 2009, Carenne students would receive poor therapy as Nick Packham at DADHC isn't capable of managing an effective service. MORE LIES FROM YOU.
I find it amusing that Anonymous can defend itself or others in the klan but when details are asked for they say its nobody's business.
It is our business, we pay your wages and fund your school.
yes this is so true libertarian,and what carenne=fraud said is the truth also,this did happen.
Has anyone else received any responce from ICAC? Has anyone else made a formal complaint?
I received a response on 18/12/09 from H. Blackwood E09/1520.
Mine is numbered E09/1977 from Browwyn Legg 82815731. This is garbage becaus ehtey rspond under the in confidence heading i have informed ICAC years ago that my approaches areon behalf of the taxpayers and in confidence has no standing when public business is what is being discussed among taxpayers.
Cheers Edward James
Consider this from ICAC dated the 18 of December.
Thank you for the information you provided to the ICAC by way of email of the 30 November 2009 regarding the department of education and training and the Minister for education and training Verity Firth. The minister has misled parliament and the Ministry is negligent in its conduct of the business of DET. Taxes are being used to support unsavoury activities and may be part of a criminal conspiracy. DET employees are attempting to hide their identities on sydneyindymedia. DET employees have made threats. (Name deleated) posted bullying and offensive comments on sydneyindymedia. The school and DET are the focus of concerns about fraud, abuse, mismanagement and cover up. DET employees are willing to misrepresent NSW police involvement in political activity to cover up allegations’. Freedom of expression is being interfered with by police . Government involvement in political censorship is a crime against the people.
This above is the spin put on my complaint to ICAC. What the ICAC understands I am alleging.
The impression given by the ICAC tiresome and somewhat repetitive response is this is nothing much.
I am now aware of two complaints about Carenne Special School to ICAC. How many more can Julie Browns Carenne Gate site identify in the next few days? Can identifying the complaints publicly encourage others to join in complaining and while they are doing that, ask why there is no interest in issues which if properly exposed will put politicians and Ministries in a very bad light. After all I understand people have pointed out the abuse of special needs children.
On 23 October, I sent the following email to DET officers, the education minister and the ICAC. I have received NOT ONE REPLY:
To whom it may concern.
This is a open letter asking for help in resolving the deluge of issues at carenne special school in Bathurst and to expose the lack of support from the department of education & training. after a meeting this evening, we have decided that we can no longer hide what is happening at carenne special school and are asking for immediate help.
For months, we have been making complaints to Lynn Duncan (principal), Peter Harvey (sed) and Malcolm Barnett (internal affairs investigator). Complainers have to hide under the guise of anonymity to protect themselves from reprisals. Malcolm Barnett has threatened complainers with dismissal if he finds out who made the complaints.
At an emergency meeting held on Wednesday with Peter Harvey staff were given a hand out about conduct and warned that leaks, anonymous letters and complaints will not be tolerated. staff's questions went unanswered. peter harvey said that anonymous letters being sent to staff were sent from outside the school and someone was leaking information. the only support offered was that of the department's Employee Assistance Program. Only staff which are close to Lynn are getting extra support.
Peter Harvey has been told who is leaking information. Michael Auld has been leaking information for months in order to set someone else up. This week he has made stories up that there is a hacker accessing peoples email and leaking it. The leaks have come from Michael himself, how else would he know what is in people's emails? A conversation today between him and another person on staff was about how he was glad that people believed his hacker story and that he hopes the stuff he planted would be discovered to frame someone else who they want out of the school.
After this we can no longer stay silent. For months there has been setups, this can not continue. WE NEED HELP! ANYONE COULD BE NEXT!
The information leaks are coming from staff who arrive early and/or leave late. it is suspicious that margaret rowe and kym tattersall are at school late most afternoons. Cleaners have told us that last Thursday - Marg, Kym, Lee and Michael were at the school using a computer and had been using green paper. On Friday, several staff received letters on green paper. Information was provided to Peter Harvey but he did nothing.
Margaret has often talked about sending anonymous letters in order to get brian carter, former handyman and bus driver into further trouble. In these letters she complains about persons that Carter dislikes. Anything that happens at the school is blamed on Carter.
When Carter was charged by police for a matter last month, all of Carenne knew the next day because Simone Russell told everyone about it that her husband, a police officer at Collarenebri who used to work local had told her.
The focus is not on students at carenne but on how to attack enemies. These attacks are supported by Lynn Duncan and executive staff. Peter Harvey does nothing. The department does nothing. The school is divided down the middle and the principal cant see that it is always the same people causing the trouble. The Blackburn and Carter cases involve the same people. In the Blackburn case, staff covered up a sexual relationship between a teacher and student. In the Carter case they had a disliking for him and threw him out.
Lynn Duncan doesnt have the support of most staff and parents.
The only way carenne can be saved is by Lynn Duncan being suspended or dismissed. Staff involved must be split up and moved to other schools reprimanded or dismissed.
The klan got rid of one employee who has been there for 30 years "disgraceful".
The taxpaying public need more information like this being published. The fact is ICAC and politicians do not like it when people start exposing the fact that government and oversight bodies like the Ombudsman and ICAC and the Police are selective when it comes to looking into issues where politicians on both sides of government Adrian Piccoli shadow education Minister you have been silent even compliant on all this since August 2009, and their "mates" like the KLAN are involved. So now we are up to three people who have approached ICAC and others including our politicians about the suspect management and complaints about abuse at the Carenne public school. Where are you Minister Verity Firth? Where is the Premier Kristine Keneally with her religious virtues, to misquote her? Judge us by our work product would be the modern day equivalent of your theological spin. Pass the salt Premier!
Edward James 0243419140 Umina CBD
I have another of these famous ICAC blow off letters, dated 18 December 2009 from Bronwyn Legg E09/1938.
I received the "not sufficiently specific" excuse.
Whats so new about the department taking money from schools and donations and using it to pay for the bosses?
it's only when they get caught that they will act.
we can pay who ever we like. fuck off you pack of clowns.
you give it away again lee
NO you can't lee ,you have seem to forgot you are only employee of carenne school ,just like everyone else you can not pay who ever you like,and your mouth is disgusting.we the tax payers keep you.
Hi Lee Churches Carennestrewth and Simone Russle dumpling how about you give me a ring on 02 43419140. I have been dirty on the Labor government long before you lot of loosers attracted my interest through the postings of Julie Brown on Sydney indymedia. The issue with Carenne Gate is only incidental to the bigger issues. You hillibillies are so full off yourselves.Perhaps Officer Stuart should ring me and discuss how he found it possible to do a police check on me? Based on what exatly Dumpling. BTW I do find you attractive when your mouth is shut in those tight fitting blue jeans and Carenne T shirt. Are you involved with anyone other that yoiur hubby??????? Call me 0243419140 you are just the right size for the back of a big Black bike I take it off road , do you go off raod girlie? BTW Lee I am not going aweay over christmass holidays and I am thinking of a future in Gold mining up Bathurst way give me a call on 02 43419140. Anhd let Gerard Marttin and his LaBOR PArty mates know I am not impressed with how civil concerns are dealt with by you and your mates. Cheers Edward James. Consider i have destroyed several political carerrers and my interest in politics is all about Bucking Bunts !spelling is not something you #unts should be focusing on but feel free to phone me anytime. Because i am hunting dead beat politiciuans and their supporters.
I hpope anyone rrading this forwarders it and xplains that edward james is real and his emil address is espj@bigpond.net.au
Phone Number is 0243419140.
I hear members of the KLAN are married/partnered with commercial companies that just happened to win major exclusive DET supply contracts.
But that's normal here, we're worse than Railcorp
Edward reckons the problems at Careene go much further
You are right. The DET mafia at the top openly talk up how they break the government rules for thier own gain.
There is an old saying; the fish rots from the head down. Since August public discussion of abuse and corruption has come to the attention of senior people at the DET and letters have been forwarded to several ministers, the bought and paid for media and also published on the WWW. It is very important to circulate all correspondence and consider getting it published on Whistle Blowers Documents Exposed. For far too long trusting people have assumed when something is sent to a Minister and the Shadow Minister that is enough to expose corruption. But members of Parliament always acted in a block to protect NSW Parliament from being exposed as the house of ill repute many of us know it to be. You only need to consider the white wash which followed the sacking of Gillian Sneddon for informing on Milton the Horrible at Swansea. Education Minister Verity Firth will be able to offer plausible deniability as a defence for doing nothing at all about the Carenne Gate and at worst the process where underlings will be offered as a sacrifice with a apology / claim they did not inform the Minister. If people were paid by the DET for work they did not do? That would be fraud a police matter. What sort of audits are done and by whom, and who checks and signs off on the work product of these audits? We know police are involved in Carenne Gate perhaps a letter to the Police Minister CC to his political enemies and the bought and paid for media is overdue?
It is obvious that a lot of what is happening at Carenne is to do with money. There are some questionable deals going on there, particularly between the school and these non-profit organisations that are associated with it.
A relationship with one of these NPOs is often the way to get your foot in the door with lucrative DET contracts and the like.
I would love to hear more about the deals between DET and people married/partnered to the Klan.
Dear Fish Rots from head Down
When you have a DG knowingly promoting the deception that puts large hidden taxes on parents and school donations meant to improve schools how can you stop it.
Only a change of government will get to the bottom of the rot.
A simple change of government is not the answer! We the peoples need to bring about a change in the way we are governed not just who governs us. Taking turns with one or the other of the "two parties not much preferred" is never going to be an answer to the politicised abuse we are enduring. A simplistic change of government is only handing the right to whip us to another master. When I go into meetings and watch people shaking hands with politicians whom I have identified by name in my local paper as liars, I understand the systemic corruption is entrenched in what we continue to believe to be a functioning democracy. That flaw will not change until we refuse to accept liars as leaders. We have a mandate how we exercise it is our business when you exercise your vote do it below the line and direct your own preferences. When your local news paper the Western Advocate won’t expose the concerns aired in the free press for months now, locals SHOULD start by walking in and asking the Editor. Why they are not at least asking questions of MP Martin and Verity Firth. Report for us here and elsewhere what their response is. Where is the investigative journo getting stories from? Joe B Peterson the Queensland Premier used to call bought and paid for media, chooks for good reason. Bought and paid for media is almost as disrespectful of their readers as our politicians are of their constituents.
Edward James
Find a decent investigative journalist from News or SMH. Ha! If you had one we'd have an airing.
you right find a decent investigative journalist as compared to Julie Brown - what a great idea
We have several public trust journalist on the Carenne Gate story "annonmouse" while the bought and paid for chooks are waiting to be permissioned on what they are allowed to report. News Limited and Fairfax are struggling for revenue because public trust journalists have their own forum where identifed people may use freedom of expression to expose dodgy politicians and public servants who are clearly starting to stink up their workplace. The days are past when politicians can do deals with News Limited and Fairfax to hide issues which the local community particulary in Bathurst know are really #ucked up and overdue for a front page exclusive. Cheers readers Edward James is looking forward to the New Year and lots more reports to embarrass those bought and paid for people at the Western Advocate and elsewhere who are restrained by revenue considerations, Perhaps advertisers should consider where they are placeing their advertising dollars? Happy New Year Readers.
alot of advertisement money at the western advocate comes from klan enterprises. i have started boycotting them because im not helping people like them
If you are talking about the tax Verity takes when we buy through Procurement thats old news. Everyone knows about the 30%. So what if it's donated money. Parents wouldnt care
Who What WHAT?
What a fucking joke you are anonymous. Do you really believe that shit?
They are covering there own ass they should be charged with fraud.
Sweary mary thats not exactly a secret except to the parents. Been going on for nearly 2 years.
How is it fraud when Verity and the DG know all about it and just havent told the P+C or the public?
The Greens knew about it
Is this 30 percent tax what RDA used to skim off the Trade Training Centre funding?
What happen to 30 percent tax if this is what the RDA "Trade Training Centre Funding"skim"WHAT" was it spent on corruptly.
How about we come back to the important stuff often published allegations of child abuse and corrupt conduct have been aired since August in the free press. Twenty three thousand visits and three thousand comments. MP Gerard Martin has been foolish when questioning the rights of taxpayers to discuss Labors bad politics which allow Verity Firth and Gerard Martin to clam up in the face of published questions about the conduct of public servants who are essentially under their government control. Staff at the special school identified as the KLAN funded by us taxpayers. The recipient of the public service medal has still to explain this published item http://indymedia.org.au/2009/11/18/australia-day-honours-for-the-dishonourable-the-public-service-medal
There is a problem when the education Minister is fussing around Bathurst with feel good media support from the local bought and paid for media, while the real important issues who is abusing the children are being exposed and discussed here in the free media by concerned citizens This is a link to the site which has upgraded sydneyindymedia
It is a comment from Libertarian pasted back in November 2009
on sydneyindymedia which is back in business with a exciting new format. Keep in mind the nine comments above while somewhat perjorative have no real meaning to someone who is reading this for the first time. yay indymedia
perjorative - A disparaging, belittling, or derogatory word or expression.
thanks, in order to see the woods and the trees, you need to recognise the entire landscape.
But in reference to child abuse you are right, we should focus on that claim. If it really is real.
If you have evidence of child abuse, take it to the real media and shout it from the rooftops.
In regards to off topic commentary we stand corrected, it was merely context.
After ten years I am experienced in how the bought and paid for media work. I dont need advice from trolls who are to fiightened to identify themselves. We are part of a new wave of public trust journalist who are not restrained like the bought and paid for media you recomend, could that be the Western Advocat? What a dead slug that is! When you write about evidence of child abuse you appear to be attempting to move our legitimate public political activity into another place. The courts of law #uck em. Our concerns are first political and they are already the responcibility of the Labor government. They are about much more that children being put in a place identifed as a PIG PEN. We are activly involved in a public inquiry into how our taxes are being spent, and just what our state elected reps are doing about the thousands of published concerns about Carenne Public School already out there on Google Cache. If you have been following this open public discussion you will be well aware there have been over 23 thousand people read the concernsJulie and others are displaying under the general heading Carenne Gate in an open public forum. You may also be aware there were over three thousand comments. Before the indymedia site was upgraded. Have you anything of substance to offer our readers?
This has become a significant political issue that will not go away until action is taken. Until such time, allegations that our elected representatives are aware of the issues at the Carenne Special School and doing nothing about them will continue. I and many other concerned persons have made Gerard Martin, the education minister and two premiers aware of these issues. Nothing gets done. Why?
These officials are content with the status quo that is why. They don't want to do anything about their friends.
Well if that is the case i wonder what peter harvey ,Carol Mcdimad,and the likes will do when a student gets badly hurt or worse from them protecting the klan.
They won't care, they will blame someone else.
christine told everyone that they could be investigated because she wasnt a director and this was in october after it first came out on indy. seems like she lied.
Here is another proof the KLAN lied about the police taking the sydneyindymedia workproduct.
Copy and paste, then visit yet another place where the $hit lies of the KLAN and their shonky supporters can be exposed. Be sure to let your elected reps know the liars are being exposed on sites popping up everywhere. This is fantastic !
Lee is a habitual liar who bullies people to get what she wants. She likes the idea of having casuals who must prove themselves before they can get a permanent position, she can test them and if they don't conform to what the KLAN wants she gets rid of them.
They will still claim therapy for students they arent doing it on and then destroy the evidence.
Then blame a long standing teacher of thirty years for it say they will put her into mcu if she does not do what she is told,just to cover their own ass.
how come children of close klan friends get therapy ahead of others?
They will still claim therapy for students they arent doing it on and then destroy the evidence.
Lee is a habitual liar who bullies people to get what she wants. She likes the idea of having casuals who must prove themselves before they can get a permanent position, she can test them and if they don't conform to what the KLAN wants she gets rid of them.
I received a response on 18/12/09 from H. Blackwood E09/1520.
I am wondering about how the insurance for the busses used to transport special needs children is worded. Someone mentioned when pressed, unapproved drivers do the runs. The Department of Education and Training will no doubt insure its activities, but those buses owned by Carenne Support Limited, who indemnifies their use for moving special needs children about. If drivers are approved is that process part of the insurance agreement? So if a driver who is not approved has an accident, what happens with the insurance cover for the children? What do the insurance policies actually say about using approved drivers? If a bus drivers licence is not sufficient, what then are the extra criteria required to be an approved driver? Are they actually part of the insurance coverage? Are their names and approvals displayed on the buses.
Edward James
that's none of your business who when or where but it was not michael
A4cwsn needs your vote!!
Last few days to vote for 10 Australia Special Needs Children to get iPads to help them! I hope you can get a minute to go vote, and don't forget to verify your vote! Pass it on!! :) Thank you!
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