On October 27, 2009 it was posted to Sydney Indymedia that
Peter Harvey had ordered a cover-up of child protection matters at Carenne Special School. As part of this, Mr Harvey told staff to stop using the "pig pen", an area where autistic students were kept when they were distressed.
It has been reported that this area was established in 2007 at the end of the demountable classrooms and used primarily by Ros Luther and Di Klavins. Use of the area was supported by two principals - Terry Mahony and Lyn Duncan with the support of the school

executive. The area was moved when the demountable classrooms were moved at the end of 2008. jrosenberg, a poster on this blog claimed that the staff of Mrs Luther's class would not supervise the children while they were in the yard but instead had a mirror on the outside wall of the classroom that they would use to watch them. Staff say that the way the ramps to that classroom are set up that a student could be severely injured in the time it would take staff to reach them.
As can be seen in the photograph top-left taken in April 2009, the area has no shade or other protection from the elements and students have to endure the heat and cold when locked in this yard which could be for hours at a time.

Following Peter Harvey's order, Doug Rowe stored some steel in the area to look as though it hadn't been used and was just used for storage. He also let the grass grow long (up to knee height at one point) and staff were concerned that snakes may be in there. The grass is still kept higher than the rest of the playground for appearance sake.
Staff then began using the Liberty Swing yard (shown under the blue cover to the left) to lock distressed autistic students in. There isn't even a mirror to supervise students in this area as there is no window nearby.
A mirror isn't adult supervision you bastards
Julie we really need photographs of these "MONSTERS"
So much for everything jrosenberg said being a lie theres the mirror she was talking about.
I don't get it. You are paid and qualified special educators and you need to do this. Shame on you and the education department.
Lucy Rosenberg doesn't tell lies. She is a woman of honesty and integrity.
That area is used for the goats! The fence isnt even that high, it wouldnt keep a child in anyway! All made up BS!
Oh and yes qualified but not miracle workers. Autistic kids get distressed. It happens. They become violent and a danger to themselves and others.
LIER LIER LIER the school had no goat in 2007 when the area first built behind bbq for student. the school had no goat in 2008 when it move with demuntable and no goat in it in that photo taken at begin of 2009. you say other day that it have pig in it now you say goat. you are a LIER.
since when does pig look like goat. i know class at carenne with autistic student who never be depressed because staff are good. not like dwyer who stir kids up. im shamed to be teacher at carenne.
hullo simonne
oh how funny it is to watch you vultures tear each other apart.
What happened to never reading the site ever again Mary?
I think Julie needs to do a trace on that address.
Do you really think saying things about Simone is going to make me comment? I am not Simone so it won't. You aren't terribly smart are you.
ive emailed julie about this hope it gets deleted
This site is disgusting.
jrosenberg what a nasty piece of work you are. Thats great that you know of an autistic student who is never depressed. Good on you. Some, however, do get very very distressed. Through no fault of anyone, it is just part of their psychology. It is very sad but true.
And currently the area in question is being used to house pigs and goats.
certainly hope jrosenberg isnt a teacher... oh dear lord the spelling!
I think jrosenberg meant distressed when she said depressed but you need a moron translator to understand her. I can't understand why Neil Moon employs her.
The comments on here tonight were just personal attacks, nothing more. Bringing people's kids into your petty bullshit is wrong.
No she isn't a teacher, just an SLSO employed by the new moon.
certainly hope jrosenberg isnt a teacher... oh dear lord the spelling!
March 21, 2010 7:38 PM
Won't somebody please think of the children!
what do you expect from someone who set up her friend barb and steals things from school
What do you expect from the type of people who write on this blog!
How many times do you need to be told not to name students on this blog?
Sorry Libertarian. I am fed up with the klan's lies.
March 21, 2010 7:35 PM can you tell me if this area was beside the classrooms before they were moved?
im sure you will use pigpen when your aid simonne
yes they did liberterian
He wasn't asking you dumbo the elephant
You aren't a very convincing liar about the pigpen/goatpen/pig&goatpen are you. I can't wait to hear your performance in court this week!
Where's Michael "OMERTA" Auld? About time you attack the site again.
Lee Churches is planning on claiming stress just before she is required in court so she can get out of going because she knows she won't be able to handle the pressure.
9.34pm puhleeeese he doesn't have the skills to do that when he can't even fix what is wrong at the school and has to blame everyone else. It is probably Chris' mate that hacked into Lucy's email.
jrosenberg - if you are ashamed to teach at carenne - then do us all a favour and go somewhere else please.Oh and before you go learn to spell - liar not lier you moron
I am ashamed to send my child to a school that has Lucy Thornton (jrosenberg) working there.
I see you have figured out who made the complaint last week, you were all off with me today.
covering for lee are we mary 10.36
sent via Telstra Mobile
Well, lets hope something will finally be done...those children need to be cared for and nurtured NOT treated like animals..they call themselves teachers? i call them criminals..u disguist me.
Can someone write the court locations days and dates, what day will Lee Churches be there.
Michael Auld and Melinda Gavin put two pigs and two goats in the yard today 22 March 2010.
you idiots - there have been 2 pigs and 2 goats in the yard for months - when they are not in their yard they are at the pet therapy farm
Bullshit. That area was built to place a student in. Perhaps you should ask Steve the bus driver who said he used to get the student out of it some afternoons. Ros and Di used the area to place three students when they couldn't deal with them. As is the usual case with Carenne this has been covered up by the Churches-Auld KLAN.
Why would it be there BEFORE there was even an idea that RDA would have a therapy farm? You, just like the rest of your Klan friends are a habitual liar.
5.49pm of course michael auld was involved he is CORRUPT, a BULLIE and a LIER.
The goats have been there at least since last year. The piglets are new additions!
and the yard was built in 2007 and moved in 2008. LOVELY
does fraud use school money to feed them
You are a liar if you say this area was built for pigs and goats. The pig pen was first used at Carenne when a student transferred in 2007. It was built so that when a student was distressed he could be left there unsupervised so that other staff and students were safe. The demountable classrooms were moved in 2008 and this area was pulled down and moved to beside where the demountables were put. BEHIND the demountables was where Michael Auld kept Rusty the Cow and Lilly the Sheep. The animal area was around 3 metres wide and ran the length of the demountables. Until it was outed on Indymedia the pig pen yard beside the demountables was used by Di and Ros for three students.
I was told that Melinda and Michael were covering up the area by putting animals in there now.
Oh simone how you have turned on us.
You've had plenty to say about Simone since she has been away haven't you Marg. You have to bitch about someone and gossip.
Lee should be careful what she says to you, you shared private information to everyone.
Lee ordered for animals to be put in the pig pen.
What was I meant to have said about Lee Simone?
So why is the mirror on the building. You are such bad liars.
hatho march22,2010 10:20pm
What "was i" meant to have said about lee simone?
With this statement Simone Russell confirmed that"HATHO:is Simone Russell.
hatho march22,2010 10:20pm
What "was i" meant to have said about lee simone?
With this statement Simone Russell confirmed that"HATHO:is Simone Russell.
Lee ordered for animals to be put in the pig pen.
The goats have been there at least since last year. The piglets are new additions!
you idiots - there have been 2 pigs and 2 goats in the yard for months - when they are not in their yard they are at the pet therapy farm
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