Posted October 27th, 2009 by jules85 on Sydney Indymedia
It has been revealed by a Carenne Saviour that the NSW Department of Education and Training's Child Protection Unit is making inquiries into matters at the Carenne Special School. The saviour alleges that the school has been forewarned by Bathurst Schools Director Peter Harvey who has ordered the destruction of evidence.
The saviour alleges that restraints used on students were removed from classrooms today at Peter Harvey's order due to the pending investigation. Staff have also been told not to use a fenced area, described as the "pig pen" where an autistic student was often left unsupervised when he was distressed.
It is beleived that one staff member commented on how they believed it was difficult to control students without the restraints and how she feared for her safety. These students are not criminals and must be treated in a humane and compassionate manner.
Questions must now be put to Carole McDiarmid, the Western Region Education Director. Did she know of Mr Harvey's order or did she issue it?
It is yet another example of the systemic cover-up and corruption at Carenne Special School and the Western Region at large.
Carenne keeps saying that everything is lies but they are going to any length to cover up what is happening.
Carenne keeps saying that everything is lies but they are going to any length to cover up what is happening.
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