The Department of Education and Training is conducting an external review of Carenne Special School and parents claim that the review will be biased.
A letter sent to parents last week claims that an external team led by the Western NSW Schools Development officer will visit the school over the period 15 - 17 March. Parents have been advised that they may be invited to be interviewed by the review team and a random selection will be given survey forms to complete.
Parents have also been told that their children may be involved in interviews with the team.
The purpose of the review is to interview and survey parents and students and to analyse policies, procedures and documentation. The principal will be presented with a report discussing culture, communication and leadership which will be used by the Carenne executive to support forward planning.
One parent told me "They will only select parents who will say what they want for this review, they won't choose those of us who have concerns with the school, they will want to keep them under their hat," the parent said that she was concerned that the letter claimed all information will be confidential and protected by a code of conduct.
"They had a code of conduct when Lee Churches harassed that parent on that Indymedia website and they did nothing about it, it's not adequate protection."
Another parent said "They need to look at culture in the place alright, they need to look at the bullying and snowjobs."
Peter Snowden is a good man but he is close to Carole McDiarmid so don't expect too much to come out of it.
It's interesting that they are doing this.
Only one parent got that letter so we know where it came from
marg,"teachers aid" bully.this is the type of rubbish carenne should get rid of.
the immature one
margaret rowe is a cereal bully
This is an unwelcome process of spin the very people who have been named and accused of not doing their jobs including Carole McDiarmid and Lee Churches are among those steering this. Certainly with the DET overseeing it , it is too little too late. The process is nothiong but a government white wash. Verity Firth is swaning about in Sydney while her portfoilo is beginning to smell like an unwashed milking machine.
This is an unwelcome process of spin the very people who have been named and accused of not doing their jobs including Carole McDiarmid and Lee Churches are among those steering this. Certainly with the DET overseeing it , it is too little too late. The process is nothiong but a government white wash. Verity Firth is swaning about in Sydney while her portfoilo is beginning to smell like an unwashed milking machine.
You are a teacher's aide who can't even spell. A quick English lesson Lucy, you meant Margaret Rowe is a SERIAL bully not a CEREAL bully. No wonder you rarely got paid work until Neil Moon arrived.
did jenny put you up to that again you only do what she say
i received this letter too and other parents ive talked to did also so thats not true that only one parent received it why would the school only give one parent a letter that is meant for all the parents
It's just an idiot trying to discredit the blog. As usual they have no idea what they are on about.
in julies story on this she clearly mentions two parents that she spoke to why would the school only give out one note how ludicrous it doesnt even make sense
Julie Brown is a liar that is why.
It sure doesn't. Of course you are going to send out one letter to advise parents of this. As the days go on the KLAN is getting crazier and crazier.
Make sure when you look at the school you do a literacy and numeracy test on some staff, especially casual SLSOs.
of course they are getting crazier and crazier the truth is starting to be exposed. more and more comes out everyday and just think withyman is still on the cards
if you want a lier look no further than margaret 'i was abused in the shopping center because of indymedia' rowe who later admitted she only said that to cause trouble.
To succeed at Carenne you must be a liar and keep terrible secrets, secrets that eat you inside.
You would know you were there when it happened weren't you?
does this shit really happen? i have been following this blog for a while and it is better than TV.
Yes it really happens.Its hard to imagine in this day and age that people like this are put in charge of such precious bundles.
March 2, 2010 10:19 PM The best way to stop something eating away at you inside is to spit it out.
well said anonymous 10.47pm excellent advise
This school needs to have a full investigation into the corrupt and bullying behaviour that is going on in the school,Also needs a full audit on the school and carenne support ltd.
Dont forget the RDA (Riding for the Disabled)
It is so sad to see the name of Bathurst RDA being bought into this because of the stupidity of one man. He keeps telling parents that nothing was going on but Lyn Duncan said in the paper that they were to receive part of the school's funding.
youre right concerned as soon as he is involved in anything there are issues. he will be missing his aide this year, she told me she used to write his school reports for him because he couldn't be bothered.
Theres a lot of things funds,computers, and god knows what else that is missing that these people should be accountable for that us tax payers payed for.
nedkelly"MARG ROWE" 10:14 2nd march, I thought you people said JULIE BROWN does not exsist that she is make believe,change your mind have we.
nedkelly said...
You would know you were there when it happened weren't you?
March 2, 2010 10:25 PM
When what happened?
There wouldn't of needed to be this if Terry Mahony was still principal, he knew what was going on and how to manage the trouble-makers.
You've finally shown your head after causing all this mess Terry. Too late now.
Terry was the most popular principal at Carenne, the parents were devastated when he announced his retirement.
Terry knew Michael Auld was corrupt.
Oh lee thats not very nice to say to the man who you pushed to the wall and over the edge.
hi cinderella
Terry Mahony is a true gentleman not a liar like you lee.
Churches, Rowe, Tattersall and Auld all threatened Mr Mahony about the student going to Lithgow.
both lucy and jenny worked when that happened too
you want get your years right lee.
Jenny didn't work when that happen in 20008.
she was on the bus when the student went to lithgow and said nothing.
You wouldn't have crossed dressed for charity would you? Terry did because he was brave enough to do it and make money for the students.
dare you to say to terry neal face anonymous 7:38
Anonymous 7:35pm who lucy you talk about
i was talking about terry mahony not neal you idiot
did you go to mardi gras terry mahony?
Lee jenny was on no bus when student went to lithgow did not work on bus then in 20008 you have lost the plot.ngelype
You are a backstabber
You made up plenty of lies about Brian Carter so you could get his job didn't you Jenny?
no jenny didn't but lee, marg, kim,simonne and michael did and will be proven lee.
Terry Mahony and fundraising, what a joke. He is the one who used the school's name to buy buses for carenne support.
It will be proven that you did Jenny.
nedkelly"marg" your a aid,liar and bully.
liar lee and a bully.
I am not sure what the fascination is with homosexuality and mardi gras is with some of you but I am beginning to think someone needs some help.
yes Libertarian they are a sick lot the klan.
they are and all they want to do is destroy carenne while we save it
You aren't saving anything Lucy, you are a pathological liar and love the drama. Why do you think hardly anyone wants to talk to you at school, we all know you are the snitch, why else would Brian Carter's number be in your phone.
so you go thru people phone?
You've been fingered as the snitch Lucy.
you've done well from snitching hey
She snitches to everyone though.
im not lucy and just because she got name doesnt mean that she is snitch. she deserve work after years as a voluntear.
Your continual web of lies gives away who you are. You say one thing and five minutes later have a totally different story.
Lucy shouldn't get work she is lazy and illiterate, two things that make a poor aide.
Look at the poor spelling by jrosenberg and you see the calibre of staff being employed by Neil Moon as principal. He hires SLSOs who can't read and write, who neglect students in their care, who attacks parents on a blog and who are just plain lazy.
neil moon is a good principle and only give work to staff he can trust who are well qualify for the job. that why lucy get work. are you jealous or something. lucy didnt neglect no student that is a lie she is a great aide and most teachers at carenne have said how they love to work with her
Do you honestly believe that bullshit that comes out of you?
What did you say about the parent who complained about you again Lucy?
and you can talk marg rowe look at what you say about parents
you are jealous of lucy arent you
What is there to be jealous of. YOU ARE INCOMPETENT AND A SNITCH.
learn to spell
I don't want to work with her. I'd rather an aide who does something rather than sit around gossiping all day.
Yeah Anonymous 10:08PM needs to learn to spell because you spell incompetent incontinent.
why do you hate lucy everyone loves her at carenne
The review will be carried out under the guidance of an external team, it will not be influenced in any way by Carenne Public School staff. Parents to be interviewed will be selected by Peter Snowden and not by Carenne so there will be no prospect of it being biased.
I'm not even going to comment on your rot jrosenberg, it is so obvious that you are Lucy. Everyone heard your rant in the staffroom about the parent who dared to complain about your incompetence.
and you are lee bullie churchs
It wasn't Neil who gave Lucy the work, this was pre-planned last year when Terry Neal was r/principal.
it was not Terry Neal wouldn't employ her
so was more than one parent advised that this review would be happening ? there was confusion that only one parent received the note surely a review could not take place with only one parents view as it wouldnt be a proper review
All my friends who have kids at Carenne got one. A survey was sent home yesterday too, I will scan a copy and send it to Julie when I have the time.
the world is watching
While the staff of Carenne Special School in Bathurst are too busy bickering amongst themselves to be concerned about their students, people from right across Australia look on in horror.
What intrigues me with this review is if there is negative criticism how will certain staff cope with it. Look at what happens when real problems are debated openly here. Will they abuse the review team?
the world is watching
not all the staff are bad ,get rid of lee churches,michael auld,margaret rowe,kim tattlesal,karen molenkamp,lucy thornton, and then the school will go back to the good school used to be.
the world is watching
also simonne russell.
notice how lee churches blames everyone else for all her wrong doings.
You also need to bring back Terry Mahony as the principal and it will be a great school.
Lee has always blamed everyone else for her failings, just like as soon as Auld, Rowe, Tattersall and Churches decide to harass someone they all make up false stories about them. Terry had the sense to see through this.
Fuck off Mahony, you were the one that made this mess and then just left so that others would have to deal with it. Just like you decided to hand the reins of Carenne Support over to poor Christine. You fucked up and ran away with your tail between your legs. Don't you dare talk yourself up.
your mouth is disgusting lee.
it sure is
marg rowe is the bully at carenne
"HATHO"IS "SIMONNE RUSSELL" she is the lovely person who led everyone to think "HATHO"was LEE CHURCHES she needs sacking.
Even used words that Lee Churches use this woman is evil.
Fancy"HATHO" SIMONNE RUSSELL saying she won't work with lucy,Simonne russell should not be a teachers aid at all has no training at all.
Hey"JRR"MICHAEL AULD do you always back up what "HATHO" SIMONNE RUSSELl lies about.
The review will not be biased because Peter Harvey nominated the school to be reviewed, if the SED wanted the school to be reviewed he too must be sick and tired of what is happening at Carenne.
Staff would not be looking forward to these reviews, they can be quite extensive.
Where are the terms of reference of the school review? These were not given in the letter.
Hey Bring back the review will be biased beczuse one it is late and two people have been asked to hand in forms without an envelope. keep in minde these are parents who were too frightened to ring 0243419140 because KLAN members told them the number was being recoreded. People who have been identifed as naughty are going to be checking what isd written on the bits of paper. Minister Verity Firth and the KLAN must be laughing their tits off!
everyone has been told that if they ring mr james that they will be subject to legal action and that they have phone records, taps and they will subpoena anything they can from him. everyone at carenne is scared of what is happening and what happens when you speak out, look at all the people who have spoken out and been thrown out the door.
of course there were no terms of reference they dont want a transparent review, carenne staff are doing all they can to sabotage the review.
The klan will do all they can to sabotage the school review. They hate it when what they are doing comes under scrutiny. I can assure you that people who should be interviewed as part of this process won't be.
what a joke moon hasnt even said to parent what is is about. he is as bad as everyone else still employ friend and family into jobs and did nothing about the shit in the bus.
There will be something done about the shit in the bus next week i will assure you of that Anonymous 6:22pm
neil has made some smart choice on staff
bringbackmahony staff have been told review is because of brian carter and his claims against carenne and court. lee say he suing school for lots
Neil made a smart choice by employing you didn't he Lucy?
good luck to brian carter i hope he wins millions of the corrupt lot.
don't bet on it simonne you will lose
If parents know of the terms of reference the review would be transparent. It is obvious that it is just some scheme so that Carole McDiarmid can claim she is taking action.
The concerns about Carole, Janice Anderson and others are well known.
0243419140 is not being recorded, if it was how would the Federal / State police know who you are if you called the number from a public phone box and did not say who you were or borrowed a mobile phone. Those people who have called the number have not been disapeared yet have they? I ring that number and nothing happens to me. Please publish the letter so we can actually read it!
Carenne knows who has rang Mr James. There is a list.
click on it and read the letter
Even after zooming the screen to 500 I am not able to read the letter it is just not pixilated enough to enlarge. Thy lying grubs at the public school dont know who rang whom and if they did where is the crime ? No wonder you are employed at a special school you really do need help.
Click here
What you are doing amounts to cyberterrorism. The phone records have been obtained and we know who is making the calls.
How dare you say that about people who have given their life to the education of children with disabilities. Just because you worked at a private school does not give you the fucking right to say things about those of us who are in it for the love of what we do.
Lee Churches 7th march 9:50pm What you are doing to staff is going to cost the EDUCATION DEPARTMENT and YOURSELF "BIG" money when you both are sued for bullying it is a offence to bully people and you both will pay.
Lee what court gave you permission to obtain private people phone records you need a court order to do that did you have one.
do you need to ask
Mr plod had the phone tapped did he lucy.
yes he did
oh mr plod lucy drop you in the shit again
oh mr plod lucy drop you in the shit again
Lee Churches 7th march 9:50pm What you are doing to staff is going to cost the EDUCATION DEPARTMENT and YOURSELF "BIG" money when you both are sued for bullying it is a offence to bully people and you both will pay.
What is there to be jealous of. YOU ARE INCOMPETENT AND A SNITCH.
Carenne knows who has rang Mr James. There is a list.
you've done well from snitching hey
yes Libertarian they are a sick lot the klan.
Terry Mahony and fundraising, what a joke. He is the one who used the school's name to buy buses for carenne support.
it sure is
Anonymous 7:35pm who lucy you talk about
she was on the bus when the student went to lithgow and said nothing.
Churches, Rowe, Tattersall and Auld all threatened Mr Mahony about the student going to Lithgow.
hi cinderella
There wouldn't of needed to be this if Terry Mahony was still principal, he knew what was going on and how to manage the trouble-makers.
Theres a lot of things funds,computers, and god knows what else that is missing that these people should be accountable for that us tax payers payed for.
Dont forget the RDA (Riding for the Disabled)
does this shit really happen? i have been following this blog for a while and it is better than TV.
of course they are getting crazier and crazier the truth is starting to be exposed. more and more comes out everyday and just think withyman is still on the cards
Julie Brown is a liar that is why.
You are a teacher's aide who can't even spell. A quick English lesson Lucy, you meant Margaret Rowe is a SERIAL bully not a CEREAL bully. No wonder you rarely got paid work until Neil Moon arrived.
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