A flyer promoting the Bathurst Farmer's Markets provides evidence that Carenne Support Limited, the organisation at the centre of the Carenne Gate affair defrauded the Lions Club of Bathurst when they received two buses which were supposed to have been purchased for Carenne Special School.
The bottom of the flyer mentions the projects that the Lions Club of Bathurst has donated to and at the very top of the list is the "Bathurst Carenne Public School Bus Appeal".

After the photograph was posted, it was alleged that Simone Russell's husband Scott, a member of the NSW Police Force went in uniform to McDonalds and demanded the CCTV footage so he could identify who took the photograph.
It is clear that the community of Bathurst has been defrauded by Carenne Support, which now uses buses which were purchased for the school to receive over $180,000 per year under contract to the Department of Education and Training.
Bathurst people were defrauded its time Carenne support were charged with fraud.
why wasn't scott reported to ICAC for corrupt behaviour.
whoever was manager of carenne support at time should be sent to jail
Carenne Support has a history of deception. Besides the bus fraud they received government funding over the Spastic Centre in Orange by saying that their therapy service would be available for disabled people in Bathurst but that was not true (students at Carenne who are meant to get therapy don't all get it). Christine Porter lied about DADHC's decision to change therapy funding at the beginning of 2009 and told parents to complain to Nick Packham and say that the therapy isn't as good as what Carenne Support ran.
Has anyone made a complaint about Christine Porter being a speechie yet doing occupational therapy?
Just like that Powered for Participation workshop she ran last year and plagiarised the hell out of someone else.
There is nothing you can do about Christine Porter doing OT you idiots, you don't have to be registered in NSW to do SP or OT.
The sooner Christine realises she is not employed by DET/Carenne Public School the better. The things that Carenne Support have gotten up to has ruined the reputation of Carenne Public School.
Who says that Scott wasn't reported and it hasn't been investigated and he was cleared?
Of course it is going to ruin the reputation of Carenne School when it is called Carenne Support. Blame the morons who named it.
It's too late the damage is done. Expect the KLAN to run with this review which will say how great Carenne is. Everyone knows Carole and Peter are just covering up the problems.
Peter and Carole support child abuse.
Christine couldn't care less about Carenne School she only cares that she has her job.
why are you doging your friend simone
simone the fraud should be jailed
Simone has done nothing wrong. She has been harassed by Brian Carter and his friends and by the Klan.
simone has taken money from petty cash to lend to son signed wrong pay claim for son shared around thing scott told her make fake compo claim.
you are so stress that you ring school every day to know what happen. i hear people talk to you in photocopy. you are a fake and should be jail.
Prove it Lucy
Go see your mate you snitch Lucy. You have been seen there, you have his number in your phone and everyone knows you are giving him information. You are a double snitch.
yes marg you would know when you have fraud stalking lucy
prove that i am lucy hatho you bullie
You have been tested and failed Lucy. You and only you were told things and jrosenberg said them. You are jrosenberg Lucy.
I guarantee that jrosenberg is Lucy Thornton.
Who cares if Simone took money out of petty cash to give to Jeremy, she always put it back. I agree that Lucy is Brian Carter's snitch, that has already been proven.
It's not right to take money out of petty cash that's why people are upset about it. Just reading this site though it looks like if you are in the in crowd you are protected. If you aren't you are screwed. Sounds like a pack of teenage girls at high school to me.
investigate investigate sounds like DET dialects are on the move. when police get investigated sometimes they go off work with full pay, education department do that with problem staff too i think.
of course they do she was demoted then went on stress leave. its all because of personal problem though.
There is still a cover up going on. It’s strange how 2GB Chris Smith just went silent on the PIG PEN while the other rorts sanctioned by government continue to be exposed in main stream media can anyone believe how much the cost of buildings and hot water heaters are when they are being paid for with our taxes? The same elected reps accommodating that are members of the same political party accommodating the systemic abuse of our special needs children. When will the Liberal Party raise Carenne allegations in NSW Parliament? Barry O Farrell where the bloody hell are you?
Anonymous March25,2010 6:21am
Once the whithyman Court case is over next thursday Maybe Chris Smith will air all about the child abuse and fraud and nepotism going on at Carenne Public School Bathurst.
investigate investigate sounds like DET dialects are on the move. when police get investigated sometimes they go off work with full pay, education department do that with problem staff too i think.
It's not right to take money out of petty cash that's why people are upset about it. Just reading this site though it looks like if you are in the in crowd you are protected. If you aren't you are screwed. Sounds like a pack of teenage girls at high school to me.
prove that i am lucy hatho you bullie
Prove it Lucy
simone has taken money from petty cash to lend to son signed wrong pay claim for son shared around thing scott told her make fake compo claim.
you are so stress that you ring school every day to know what happen. i hear people talk to you in photocopy. you are a fake and should be jail.
Carenne Support has a history of deception. Besides the bus fraud they received government funding over the Spastic Centre in Orange by saying that their therapy service would be available for disabled people in Bathurst but that was not true (students at Carenne who are meant to get therapy don't all get it). Christine Porter lied about DADHC's decision to change therapy funding at the beginning of 2009 and told parents to complain to Nick Packham and say that the therapy isn't as good as what Carenne Support ran.
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