Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Capebase caught out ripping off the SNTS

Independent investigations undertaken by Carenne Gate bloggers have revealed that despite being named and shamed on this blog in December that Capebase continues to defraud the NSW Department of Education and Training under its contract under the Special Needs Transport Service. Under the SNTS, operators are paid per kilometre traveled with bus escorts paid by the hour.

It was reported to investigators that Capebase's Blayney bus driven by Craig Graham doesn't return to Blayney on most days despite the driver and escort claiming they do. These claim forms are approved and verified by Carenne School staff. The Carenne Saviours claim that throughout 2009 Simone Russell signed claim forms she knew were incorrect for both the Blayney and Lithgow Capebase runs.

Scams under the SNTS were first exposed after documents were released proving that Carenne Support were defrauding the department.

On 11 March 2010 the bus that Craig Graham drives was seen at McDonalds Bathurst at 10:58AM.

Today at 31 March 2010 at 11:18AM the Blayney run's escort was seen shopping at Aldi while the bus was parked outside.