A parent has come forward and claimed that she was asked to sign a pre-written letter in 2008 telling the special transport branch of the education department that she would be happy for Jeremy Russell to be the escort on the bus that her child took to school. The parent claims that Mr Russell had been the escort on the bus for sometime and she was puzzled as to why she would need to sign this.
With the letter was a covering letter explaining that Mr Russell had been trialled on the bus and that if they were happy for him to be the usual escort to sign the attached letter. The attached letter said they had seen him work with Carenne students and made no mention of this trial period.
The parent claims that she was asked to sign a document which was intended to mislead the transport branch.
Jeramy Russell was cheating Special Transport with his hours all the time he worked on the busses.And Simonne Russell Help Him do this.
I have seen Lee Churches sign off on Jeramy Russell pay forms without even loking at them because simonne russell asked her to when churches was acting principal in early part of last year,just clarifying that so you know she was acting principal and she can sign off on staff pay forms.
before you all jump to conclusions no the parent wasnt trudy
The parent was me and we were told that we had to sign the letter or Kay would stay as escort or the bus run would stop until someone else was found.
Why was Simonne allowed to sign forms for her son?
Jeramy Russell work 1 hour on trails bus and claimed 3 hours.He was on trail bus because he reckon he was sick.
Simonne Russell was allowed do what she like all things corrupt.
seems like im always blamed for everything when a parent is mentioned so i thought i would nip it in the bud before it even starts ,or maybe its just my "mental condition" that makes me think that
No honey its not only you sitting out there feeling picked on, and I suspect that there are many.One of the greatest things this blog has allowed me to see is that I'm not the only one.Its obvious that the only thing that you are guilty of is LOVING and CARING for your child.That does not give anybody the right to label you with a mental condition and I'm sure if we needed to speak to anyone because of what we have been through they would say they are not treating us for a mental condition but training us to be mentally tougher to help us deal with the bull poop we have got to go through.
thankyou for saying that,its nice to know that someone understands how much i love and want to do the very best for my child
How much longer is the denial by DET and Verity Firth to continue. Just exactly what is the Office of Premier and Cabinet doing to address the fact that something is seriously wrong with management at Carenne Public School in Bathurst
This is Lee Churches ,margaret rowe,simonne russell and michael auld who have branded these parents with these awful names they should be sacked.
These are lies. Jeremy Russell did not 'cheat' the special transport system and Simone NEVER signed his pay forms so once again you lot have it completely wrong. Stop writing about things that you have no idea of.
Oh simone please stop your lies we said you got lee churches to sign them which she did without even looking at what she was signing.Didn't say you signed his pay forms.School out feel better now do we simone.
You said Simone signed the forms you lying snitch.
Read it again simone we said Lee Churches signed off on jeramy russell pay forms after you ask her to ,Didn't even look what she was signing.Need your eyes tested simone do you.
the parent was you trudy you had to write here that it werent didnt you cause you guilty. if you wnat to talk about people steal how about jenny who does run slow and talk to trudy and kim so that she can claim extra time. she is the theif.
Love to talk to you about your latest spew of verbal diarrhea LUCY but there's just not enough room up there for two
two what
Lucy you really are a deadset waste of time.Anonymous 9.26 is right ,all you do is spew verbal diarrohea. I am not guilty of anything except for foolishly thinking you were a decent person how wrong I was.I have done nothing to you(like other people on here) to warrant your continued attacks on me you are one very nasty piece of work.Now you can write back "im not lucy get it right"you are so predictable,you are so boring with your tiresome drivel
i will write imnot lucy get it right because you are to stupid to understand that i am not. more than just lucy dont like you for what you have done. you have made trouble probably because jenny said to and make fake complaint about people. one aid get no work now because of you. are you happy about that. you say it all lucy fault that the bus run late but you dont know because you in lithgow and bus load in bathurst and it is jenny fault not lucy. jenny sit there and do nothing but complain then makes run slow so she can have people like you complain about people like lucy. lucy is first class aid and one of best carenne have. she has wealth of experience and knowledge and is a good person your comment about her upset me because you are someone who just make complaint about thing that are not true because jenny tell you to. you are in jenny pocket. and i am not lucy so get it right ok
jrosenberg 9:42 are you really that fucking stupid better keep doing what doesnt make you think too much
Ha Ha I think your being told LUCY that your head is up your bum
Good one March 9, 2010 9:26 PM
Seeing as I am meant to be someone in the klan I should know who jrosenberg is and it is Lucy Thornton. That is why she has a paid job this year, because she is being rewarded for spying for Churches and Harvey.
Lucy has never been a decent person she is sneaky and a thief.
you can tlak about people saying thing to people look how you turn on your mates simone. lucy not a theif she is good person and very honest not like you. she has job for being a great aid and you were demoted to aid werent you simone. why else would you become aid. the whole school know you did the wrong thing and we glad lynn is the new sam she is more compitent.
Either jrosenberg is Lucy or Margo because nobody else in the school could possible be as illiterate. What was NEIL MOON thinking when he employed an aide which cannot read and write properly.
"im jrosenberg and me not talk poperly"
the world is watching
What a great school. You have staff that thinks its OK to have a relationship with a 18 year old student, you have illiterate aides, you have people who are defrauding people left right and centre. Makes me want to move to Bathurst and send my kids there.
are you dumb or what im not lucy im someone else
lucy not illiterate she work in office. they wouldnt put illiterate people in office. lucy is one of best at carenne
so predictable arent you keep talking yourself up lucy "one aide get no work because of you" WHAT A LOAD OF ABSOLUTE SHIT(name the aide then) ,i cant believe really how smacked in the head you are you are the one who does nothing but make false complaints keep denying it people on here know better
bodie because you make complaint last year. carennetruth was right about you on indy
10:32 that is Terry Neal for you
trudy n, everyone knows that jrosenberg is Lucy Thornton. She tells everyone that she doesn't read the blog but as soon something is put on here about her she complains about it and defends it at school. She is only interested in doing what will benefit herself.
Did you get extra brownie points for shafting barb Lucy
Everyone knows what Lucy has said about Lee and now she is her spy in the middle school. It doesn't add up.
Christine told Lucy to give her the communication book. Great friend you are, Barbara was one of your biggest supporters.
Churches wanted Barbara gone.
Lucy made up a lie about Peter Richards and Prue Luffman saying they had sex in the classroom during lunch.
Lucy was the one who told Margaret and Michael that there was an affair.
Oh your lies are catching up with you now.
hatho are you saying Lucy is responsible for Margaret harassing Prue?
fuck off idiot bodie was GREAT i always loved talking to her she was a lovely sincere happy person i have all the time in the world for bodie she was one of the best unlike you hatho i know shes a two faced rat who is only looking to benefit herself dont believe anything it says
Yes I am. Lucy is as big of a bully as others in the klan.
trudy n, there are innocent bystanders who got wound up in all of this and then there are people like lucy. Even some of us that have been named and shamed aren't really bad people. Some of us were forced to do things by others and were afraid of speaking up or didn't understand how things were supposed to work because those in charge didn't want people to know.
Lucy saw an opportunity to protect herself and she took it. She is able to get away with anything because Peter Harvey and Lee Churches are protecting her.
isnt bodie still there i will miss her
my heart bleeds for you simonne you knew what you was doing was wrong. you did it because you and jeramy got something from it. its time you and the klan go.
trudy n, Bodie is still on the casual list but has taken up a job elsewhere (something Lucy couldn't do)
Why did churches want barbara gone she was a wonderful teacher
nobody would employ a lazy illiterate aide like Lucy apart from Neil Moon.
Churches saw Barbara as a threat and as someone who was honest who would expose the klan's secret plan.
at least terry neal didnt employ her. he should be principal
i really liked bodie thats disappointing i never made any complaints about any aides except for the one who was holding up the bus and when i rang neil i never mentioned any names she is a liar all of what she has said about me on here is untrue i am not underhanded as she is, she is very dangerous with her mouth she would have you believe that i complain about everyone up there and i havent i have a good relationship with a lot of the staff up there or at least the ones i have met except for lucy
And did she expose them when they got rid of her?
also i cant understand why she is like that with me i talked to her as i have with all the others she was the escort on the bus last year for a couple of days here and there and we had a nice chat i thought and then she turned for some reason
Maybe churches sees you as a threat to and lucy is doing her job (to make us look like idiots)
trudy n, the problem with Lucy is that she is in with Lee now and part of the conditions of membership of the Klan is that if they dislike someone you have to dislike them too. As you know Lee is not fond of you (by her comments on Indymedia), I don't understand why that is the case either.
Don't take it personally. The Klan has to have someone to give shit to at all times, it's how they operate. If they aren't trying to knock one person down to size it is another. They are not nice people.
My honest opinion is that Bodie should have been offered the aide's position in Class R while Bev is away but for some crazy reason it was given to Lucy.
Barbara is in a perfect position to do something, she is no longer an employee of DET but she hasn't done anything. She isn't the sort of person who wants to rock the boat. It's a shame as she could blow the lid off what is going on quite easily.
Sack Lucy Thornton
does anybody know what lucy has on lee
Lucy has something on her lee is doing lucy work for her, lucy got easy job.
What about Lucy Thornton letting a wonderful aid take the blame of being a snitch when it was Lucy Thorton who was the snitch wasn't you jrosenberg.
March 10, 2010 10:41 AM
Good question
Maybe its the communication book LUCY swore black and blue that Barb destroyed the book in the story More evidence at Carenne Special School destroyed
Yes lee churches would not want carenne support sued by the students parents over missing communication and student not getting therapy would she.
More than barb knows student wasn't getting therapy.
So was the "Klans secret plan" to rip students off on therapy was it?
carenne support is a front to put people in jobs like christine porter.
Anonymous 2:45pm carenne support are accountable for certain students not getting therapy, only a select few get therapy those who are in with the klan.
That is for sure. It is a fraud. It should be shut down. They claim they are doing therapy, get paid for it and don't do it.
That is for sure im a parent and my child does not receive therapy.And he should.
March 10, 2010 7:07 PM
That is criminal and it breaks my heart to hear it.
Have they ever had a occupational therapist at the school?I know Porter tries to act like one but she is just a speechie and not a very good one at that
i still not get over when porter tell parent that the service they get from dadhc be worst than what carenne support give. they had an occupational therapist but you are right porter do most of it. she is the one who do assesment and thing.
Lucy your right up porters bum thats right isn't lucy.
are you dumb i said that she did wrong thing
you sit on both sides of the fence lucy in with everyone.
no jenny you and your snitch friend do that
Christine told Lucy to give her the communication book. Great friend you are, Barbara was one of your biggest supporters.
lucy not illiterate she work in office. they wouldnt put illiterate people in office. lucy is one of best at carenne
you can tlak about people saying thing to people look how you turn on your mates simone. lucy not a theif she is good person and very honest not like you. she has job for being a great aid and you were demoted to aid werent you simone. why else would you become aid. the whole school know you did the wrong thing and we glad lynn is the new sam she is more compitent.
Either jrosenberg is Lucy or Margo because nobody else in the school could possible be as illiterate. What was NEIL MOON thinking when he employed an aide which cannot read and write properly.
"im jrosenberg and me not talk poperly"
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