Tuesday, March 20, 2012

LSLD more like LSD to Carenne

Barry O'Farrell's highly supported Local Schools Local Decisions (LSLD) program, which aims to give principals more control over staffing and school finance will be result in further issues at the maligned Carenne Special School in Bathurst according to staff.

Carenne Gate has been supplied with meeting minutes discussing what to do when the program begins to be implemented on Day 1 of Term 2. Under the program, Neil Moon will be able to make purchases under $5,000 from his choice of supplier. According to the meeting minutes, a number of people associated with Carenne staff will be rewarded:
  • Stephen Smith will be given building work despite being a director of Carenne Support,
  • Avairs Klavins will be given electrician work as his wife is an employee at the school,
  • Christine Porter will be paid for upto 25% of speech therapy services at the school, with the remainder to be paid by Carenne Support,
  • Joe Mancia will become the school's supplier of computers and maintain the school's computer system, Mancia is a close friend of Michael Auld and Lee Churches,
  • RDA will receive payment directly from the school for the therapy farm and horse riding programs.
Moon has also discussed a plan to pay hire fees for buses used by the school belonging to Carenne Support with the school executive .

Nedkelly told Carenne Gate that staff were already discussing how to get their friends into jobs and how to make sure friends and family benefited from the new supply arrangements. She said the arrangements were a return to the "early days of Terry Mahony's principalship."

"As usual that fuckwit Michael Auld is involved in deciding who should get the task of supplying things to the school. He is a corrupt bastard and leads Neil Moon around by the nose,"

"I don't care, if this fucking shit goes on, I will be making a complaint to ICAC. I'm over these cunts dragging the school's name through the mud," said Ned Kelly.

It shows that Neil Moon is an ineffective leader who can be easily corrupted by staff at the school.


Mary H said...

It's a shame that the school can't pay us for the bus run when we have been waiting since Thursday for an answer about why we were underpaid by $8900 for our bus run.

There will be an emergency meeting tomorrow with the board to discuss the issue and what to do next. Paul Toole is no fucking use so we will take care of it ourself.

Liberty Rowan said...

Oh won't Mcdonald be a happy little camper then. She can now hire and fire whomever SHE wants! This will make those in power even more corrupt and despicable, ruining good teacher's careers and lives and with NO checks whatsoever. Just shows how badly downhill this country is sliding under Labour. Time for a bloody Royal Commissioin Enquiry into EDUCATION and especially the WESTERN REGION under that corrupt, deceitful McDairymaid.

Guest said...

The reason you have been underpaid is your payments have been stopped pending investigation by the Department over recent complaints made by Jenny O'Neil

It's Time said...

Does the ICAC know nedkelly"Margaret Rowe" is a teacher aide at carenne school?

It's Time said...

Does Paul Toole know csl are corrupt as well as carenne school Mary Housler?

Guest said...

Thought you might want to know that under Local School Local Decisions program School Education Area Directors and Regional Directors will have authority to do investigations into staff misconduct including child protection issues and fire staff without having to go through EPAC on the basis that it will be quicker to get rid of staff than delays with EPAC

EPAC will still exist however SEA's and Regional Directors will be able to run staff investigations into misconduct and take disciplinary action including dismissal. As well they will have the power to place staff on the DEC not to be employed list.

EPAC will provide advice to the School Education Area Directors and regional directors on how to conduct there investigations.

It's Time said...

Lovely more student abuse cover ups at carenne.

It's Time said...

The stolen buses that the community paid for don't you mean?

Guest said...

Oh dear sounds like Carenne Support is going into liquidation.

Mary if Carenne Support can not meet it's bills when due Carenne Support legally must be placed into liquidation and its a criminal offence for the directors to fail to do so.

Mary H said...

The hire fees are to pay for the petrol costs. The buses are Carenne Support property and are not stolen. We can show you the vehicle registration paperwork if you do not believe me.

Boomer said...

I would like to say that this program is excellent for the
Carenne School's students. The students will receive increased therapy services through group sessions as well as individual sessions. This will improve student's abilities and will provide a fantastic program for the students of Carenne.

Also Carenne Support will be able to hire a security guard to assist in the safe restraint of students.

It's Time said...


Larry the lama said...

Neal Moon will be acting School Education Area Director for Bathurst for the entire terms 2-4 while Peter Harvey takes Long Service Leave. Roslyn Luther will be acting principal and Michael Auld acting AP.

It's Time said...

LIAR Michael Auld.

It's Time said...

Mary Housler why don't you tell the blog readers the TRUTH,the buses were paid by the Bathurst Community and handed to Carenne Public School for STUDENTS to use and Terry Mahony being Principal at the time REGISTER the buses in Carenne Support Limited name and made a Buisness out of them.Terry Mahony was and still is the head of the Board of Carenne Support Limited a conflict of interest i would say Mary Housler.

It's Time said...

WE can only hope and pray Carenne Support are placed in liquidation.

Mary H said...

They were handed to Carenne Support not Carenne School as it was Carenne Support who thought to get the buses.

They were never in Carenne School's legal possession at any time as they were given directly to Carenne Support. You are mistaken as to there ownership.

There was never any transfer of ownership of buses by Carenne School to Carenne Support.

They were given to Carenne Support and Geoff Salmon was given the keys on behalf of Carenne Support.

It would be against Department policy for Terry Mahoney to hand over the buses to Carenne Support if they were handed to the school as they become department property if that were to occur.

Anyway it makes no difference as the buses are there for the students of Carenne

It's Time said...

BLOODY LIAR Mary Housler.

Busmaster said...

Parents on Cheryl Chaplin's bus want to keep their kids home on Fridays because she is using coon as the escort on her bus. You can't trust her and her coons.

Mary H said...

The escort on Cheryl Chaplin's bus is fine and qualified. There is no need to worry and you should send your kids to school on Friday otherwise Carenne will have you prosecuted for failing to have your child attend school.

Cat"s Willow said...

Has Mcdonald from Orange PS taken leave early to go on holidays with Mcdiarmid, Harvey, Low and whomever else joins this lot for their EARLY Autumn holiday to take advantage of cheaper accommodation prices than the rest of us have to pay due to school holiday costs? They do this every year and have a right old time together living it up on taxpayer's money and time, not a care in the world about the education of YOUR kids. Great isn't it.

Cat's Willow said...

And of course that Annie Oakley wannabe from Bathurst west who reckons she's such an equine expert always takes at least two weeks off to 'go to the Royal Easter show' despite the fact she has no idea about the correct protocol for being included in that prestigious show. She runs around trying to bribe people to give her points so she can go down there but never wins anything despite lying about getting "reserve champion" EVERY BLOODY YEAR!!!! No ribbon, no trophy, no nothing, just her empty deceitful words!!!! What a bloody joke that dreadful abusive lying woman is.

Blog of lies said...

Again contrary to popular belief Larry the lama is not Michael Auld. Also I have made inquires and Peter Harvey is taking long service leave for terms 2-4 with Neal Moon to be acting SEA director

Mary H said...

This posting is by an impersonator please remove it Julie.

Mary H said...

It is highly unlikely that Cheryl Chaplin will have bus runs after next week as she has seriously breached the transport guidelines. Inquiries by Neil Moon have found that Cheryl's Travel Support Officer was unapproved by the department and she had used him illegally.

This is a serious breach and I will be demanding that her contract be immediately terminated.

I am sure Helen will take notice of who she lists as her TSO next week!

Guest said...

who was the tso

Barracus said...

How dare you attack this man. I have worked with him in my roles at other schools and he is someone with a wealth of knowledge in dealing with indigenous students.

It doesn't surprise me that Neil Moon would stoop this low, we all know he has a hatred on Cheryl Chaplin ever since he was told that she was involved in the blog by Tony Hoolihan.

Woooooooooooooooo said...

It was Jenny O'Neill's son in law that bashes his wife.

carennetruth said...

This is further racism Mary and as a member of the indigenous community I will be seeking your removal from your position.

It's Time said...

You can be assured you are no member of the indigenous community Lee Churches "carennetruth"you RACIST piece of SHIT.

It's Time said...

You are Janelle Kemp"Blog of lies" just like Larry the lama is Michael Auld you LIAR Janelle Kemp.And what a load of LIES about Neil Moon to be acting SEA director.

It's Time said...

Do you use the ALIAS of busmaster too Mary Housler?