Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Corrupt and incompetent driver becomes Carenne's music teacher

Steve Minshull, the corrupt and incompetent bus driver for the Blayney run has become Carenne's new music teacher. Mr Minshull has a long association with the Carenne KLAN, with Simone Russell conspiring with him to defraud the Special Needs Transport Service and a personal friendship with Ros Luther.

Carenne klansmen turned whistleblower nedkelly told Carenne Gate that she was very worried about Mr Minshull being the school's new music teacher. "This is a f---whit who had a kid taken off his bus because he assaulted him in the corridor of the school. Neil Moon is a f---whit for making him the music teacher," said nedkelly.

A parent with a student on his bus also questioned the move. "I can't understand how someone who drives with a student in the front seat leaning over him can possibly receive a job at the school, Steve is overly familiar with some students its not right. When I raised this with Neil Moon I was told to stop being a drama queen," said the parent.

Carenne Gate has learned that besides working at Carenne on Tuesdays, Steve also offers lessons at Millthorpe Public School. It is disturbing that such a person is even allowed around children given his past history.