For a long time now it has been known that Carenne employs nepotistic practices when employing staff. Some time ago, Janelle Kemp's niece Laurie Clifford (then Healey) was given a permanent position at the school over staff who had far more experience and who were properly qualified.
According to the Western Advocate, Mrs Clifford received a Graduate Diploma of Inclusive Education from Charles Sturt University, completing her special education training. According to the paper she has been employed at Carenne since 2007.
Even more disturbing is the fact that Clifford was appointed relieving assistant principal while Terry Neal took a trip to the top end to avoid attending court. How could someone who isn't even special education trained be given an assistant principal's position and expected to be part of the Carenne executive?
How many other staff at Carenne are not properly qualified for their job? Given the mass of issues at the school you would think that it would be important to have staff that are trained to do the job they are performing.
I've never had my child tell me that Mr Ryan is "Mr Awesome". What sort of childish fuckwit is this bloke? Did the Western Advocate turn up and he introduce himself as "Mr Awesome"? Did he say, "Hi, I'm Mr Awesome, I got that name because that's what the kids call me."
What a fucking joke.
She got the permanent job because she cover jeremy's crime up against MH.
Don't tell me Peter Harvey has step up to the plate,none of the KLAN are posting ?
What do you expect the KLAN got rid of Kelly Thompson so JANELLE KEMP"Blog of lies" Got Lee Churches "Deputry Principal" Job,No Job appointment is done on MERIT a Carenne.
Anonymous 9:07 AM
Yes omertra "Michael Auld" admitted this himself on this blog !!!!!!!
Why don't you attack Steve Minshull the school's new music teacher instead of good people like Ryan and Laurie.
May 14, 2011 8:29 AM
He covers up child abuse by Mollenkamp and Dwyer that is why staff think he is awesome.
Anonymous 12:35 PM
so does Healey-clifford
May 14, 2011 12:09 PM
The schools new music teacher are you kidding?The bus driver a music teacher?
Anonymous 2:29 PM
What a joke this goose only teaches the guitar.
Simone Russell not qualified
May 14, 2011 7:51 PM
Are you an idiot or what? Simone has a disabled son that is all the qualification she needs.
may 14,2011 8:35PM
You know hatho you are simone russell.
Is this the teacher who goes to school with no under pants on ?
May 14, 2011 8:35 PM
You weren't qualified to be a SAM and you aren't qualified to be an SLSO. Working as a barmaid and in a real estate office doesn't qualify you for anything.
Did you actually pass your aide course?
May 15, 2011 9:44 AM
This is the teacher who is quite incompetent. She forced a student onto a long-term suspension because she couldn't handle him. You wouldn't trust her as a special educator.
carennetruth 10:11 AM
Welcome back lee !
Same at BWPS, Bronwyn Mackay STL there was multi-degreed in all facets of Special Ed AND had a post-grad dip.ed. in Speech and language but was forced to sit in a wet area "hearing kids read" like a parent helper or peer tutor! Kim Cook only had same training as Laurie Clifford nee Healey and boasted to all and sundry that she was THE special education specialist at the school. Michelle Gallop has NO qualifications whatsoever and NO experience and was GIVEN the assistant principal SPECIAL ED position at BWPS and she cannot even teach anything let alone handle, understand and teach kids with special needs! CRIMINAL
Liberty Rowan 11:30 AM
This school sounds just like Carenne and under Carol McDimad and Peter Harvey corrupt Leadership.Someone wants to put this Gallop into Education Minister Piccoli for being a Deputy Principal with no qualifications in teaching.
May 14, 2011 8:35 PM
You are using YOUR parenting skills as qualification to be around our kids?What a F**KING JOKE that is! Your family makes the Simpsons look functional,they sound better suited to being on Crime Investigation Australia not being used to get near special needs kids!Who is the idiot now Hatho?
May 15, 2011 2:12 PM
Spot on could not of put it better myself, well said.
Anonymous 2:12 PM
These idiots are payed by us "frightening"
May 15, 2011 11:30 AM
Obviously she was over-qualified for the job! Look at the morons at Carenne, not one of them would even come close to that except Lyn Duncan who was shit on by everyone there.
Its frightening, you have a resource like Bronwyn Mackay in the department but she is snowballed so the likes of Christine Porter and Carenne Support can get more money. Imagine how much use this teacher could have been as an IST.
May 15, 2011 2:12 PM
You are right, they are a family of arseholes and will do anything to protect themselves. Lyn Duncan had a near-nervous breakdown after being threatened by Scott Russell about the Jeremy child sex saga.
May 15, 2011 8:47 PM
I bet Lyn got NO support from Carole or Peter!
May 15, 2011 2:12 PM
You are dead right. Her family would be enough to disqualify her for employment.
Jeremy and Rachel are pedophiles and Scott and Simone think its OK to supply alcohol to minors and have been doing it for years. When the daughter ends up with an alcohol problem they will wonder why.
On top of that, you only have to ask about Simone's disabled son. Sam Durham, a highly capable disability worker at Interchange says he is a spoiled brat who makes demands for what he wants and is going to do and who doesn't listen. This is the same kid who has a facebook addiction and raped other children at Lake Burrendong.
Do we really want our children turning out like THAT?
When is Shane French going to be fair dinkum?
May 15,2011 11:08 PM
Was this reported, these rapes of innocent girls by simones son or covered up like what happen at carenne by this same boy.
Mother Goose
May 15,2011 8:44 PM
Did Lyn Duncan did you report the Russell's or just cover up for them like the klan does?
May 16, 2011 8:41 AM
Of course it wasn't, this is someone who used to be Steve Minshull the music teacher's bus escort. Sam would rather run around and blab to everyone than make proper complaints.
anonymous 8:45PM
sounds like cheryl chaplan
Where's hatho,nedkelly,carennetruth,omertra
jrosenberg,Mary H,Blog of lies,has Peter Harvey stopped them from posting their lies ?
May 16, 2011 8:45 PM
Sam wants to remember the things she has done like leaving a folder full of student information laying around Bathurst, making false complaints about Steve, having sex with a client at Interchange and telling everyone about the woman who got sacked from Interchange for giving a male worker a head job!
May 16, 2011 9:38 PM
Cheryl just blabs to her faggot mate Brian Carter who then puts it on this blog. She is a stupid woman.
May 17, 2011 3:33 PM
Fuck off Jenny
May 17, 2011 7:10 PM
Wasn't it Kelly Smith who was sacked for giving someone head at work in front of kids? That's what Sam told me.
hatho 7:11 PM
Ha Ha keep guesing hatho
read "inside carenne" hatho
May 15, 2011 11:08 PM
What rot you go on with about Sam Durham. She is a highly capable nothing and heaven help Carenne if she ever gets a teacher's aide certificate and work there.
May 16, 2011 8:41 AM
They were covered up at Carenne because Lyn, Terry and Neil all said Simone didn't need the stress. Parents of the girls and boys who were raped will never know what happened, it's very concerning.
May 17, 2011 7:10 PM
The false complaints about Steve but the rest of what you say is true.
May 17, 2011 7:11 PM
Cheryl would never do such a thing. It is you leaking things isn't it Simone and you are trying to use good people like Cheryl to cover it up.
May 17, 2011 7:13 PM
This is why Sam Durham can't be trusted, she completely distorts the truth about what really happened. This is someone who was going to be used as a witness by Interchange, no wonder they settled with Mrs Smith. Sam is a disgusting little girl who is less mature than most of her clients. She is trying to ruin a lovely woman and should be stopped.
carennetruth "LEE CHURCHES" 10:14PM
you ought to know what cheryl chaplan has said about you lee you wouldnt be talking about her like that if you knew ,you are nobody now lee just some hasbean
May 17, 2011 10:19 PM
What about you Jenny you using bitch?
Didn't Laurie Healey have sex with a former male staff member at Carenne?
May 17, 2011 10:16 PM
She should be sacked from Interchange but Melinda Phillips is protecting the loud mouthed bitch.
May 17, 2011 10:20 PM
Jenny O'Neill is a big mouth who got the sack for leaking information from Carenne Support and Carenne School.
Mary H 12:48 PM
Mary Housler you have a mouth on you like a Sewer Rat that SPEWS LIES.
May 18, 2011 12:47 PM
Melinda Phillips won't have a job for long, they are going to have to sack her when the Privacy Commission takes action against Interchange.
cheryl chaplan and michael auld will be out of a job then LOL
May 18, 2011 9:04 PM
Most non-profit organisations don't pay people on their boards. Carenne Support would be the only one that does.
deepthroat may 18,2011 9:04 PM
A you saying non -profit organisation CARENNE SUPPORT LIMITED Paying it's board members Terry Mahony-Lee Churches-Geoff Salmon-Grahmn Gundy-Paul Knight-Daryl McCauley-Carol Smith-Steve Smith.
deep throat may 18 ,2011 9:04 PM
Has Geoff Salmon has declaired his wages from carenne support limited to the bankrupt courts.
deepthroat may, 2011 9:0$ PM
And Carenne Support Limited Claim $1,200 a year from the RTA for their non-profit organisation of Taxpayers Money on the registation of the buses they stole from Carenne Public School ,Buses that the Bathurst People payed for.
Has it learned to wear panties yet? Sick bitch
Unfortunately, the local so-called University, Charles Sturt, is GIVING people the points to do teaching! These people by and large are quite frequently IGNORANT, UNEDUCTED, OPINIONATED, ARROGANT, DECEITFUL, CORRUPT, ETC ETC. in other words, PERFECT FOR THE DET'S PURPOSES! There is absolutely NO INTEREST in Child welfare or EDUCATION by the Government or DET. It's all about Me Me Me and MONEY MONEY MONEY and power power power! I can't wait to see you all naked standing before Almighty God and giving account of how you have treated these innocent little children and their welfare and future because you will be in that position before you know it and He has stated "Whatsoever ye do to the least of these, ye do also unto Me"! Scarey HUH?
I am Bronwyn Mackay and I want it known that the Dept of Ed in Bathurst KNEW of all of my degrees and qualifications covering the entire gamit of Special Education together with almost 40 years experience in Special School at Polwood St SSP in Kempsey on the mid-North Coast (I lived at Upper Rollands Plains then and was the most favoured and demanded casual teacher in the entire district for ALL schools), then at Anson St. SSP. I also worked in the unit for hearing disabilities at Orange High School for some time. I KNOW from experience of exhaustive assessment of incoming Kindergarten students that the RECEPTIVE VOCABULARY of incoming students has dropping significantly each and every year (and I know reasons for this etc, through studies and empirical testing), and that if a child suffers linguistic poverty, that child will NEVER ATTAIN literacy no matter what we insist upon 'drilling' into them. ALL must have satisfactory receptive and expressive language skills to attain and maintain workable literacy skills in society. The local SED's etc refused to listen even when I, in fear and trembling, challenged that I could 'lift' the literacy of all students in the school IF I were just given the chance and support to get alongside of classroom teachers and equip them with the tools and skills necessary to see all students engaged and progressing. I was totally ignored and sat in a wet area outside the toilets to just LISTEN TO KIDS READ! I was not permitted to use my myriad skills and knowledge to advantage in any way shape or form and further I was so totally isolated it was truly criminal. When McDonald came she told her executive what she was going to do to destroy me. She had NOT met me at that stage so where did this come from? McDairmid of course who had already engineered TWO sackings (called medical retirements) for me in the previous few years. I had these medico-legally overturned however, these events took a serious toll on my health. I was repeatedly and deliberately exposed to 'FRESH HOUSE PAINT' at work after the hierarchy discovered that this was toxic and potentially life threatening to me. I was forced to carry out extra playground duties on the worst of the most uneven and dangerous ground with a reconstructed, metal rod and screws, ankle and badly damaged knee (needing full replacement after the many trips and stumbles due to this). I was forced to take all the children who turned up on 'strike' days because I do not believe in striking and cannot do this. Anne Coomans just wandered around doing nothing while I had to look after all the children and others laughed about this. Coomans was given my position which McDiarmid had promised her some years ago when Kerry Hunter lied in a complaint to EPAC as part of the persecution to have me break. I didn't and I didn't go down as they had hoped. I am writing a book, actually two, because what has occurred could be construed as the most ridiculous slapstick comedy of all time were it not true. The truth is nothing short of criminal hatred and jealousy and petulant demand for obedience and subservience from all and sundry in carrying out McDiarmid's COMMANDS. What sort of hold does this ridiculous 'Hitler' character have over superiors that she has been rescued (like her follower McDonald), TWICE - from Bathurst and from Orange, only to really screw up in Dubbo and still NOT be got rid of as would happen in ANY DECENT LAW ABIDING BUSINESS in the world?
I am not afraid of any of them. I have gazed into the monster's mouth and it is a toothless old hag.
Do not fear them, you are a free people and you MUST stand up for the children and DEMAND proper education for each and every one as is their rights as human beings.
Thank you.
The students don't call Ryan Mr Awesome what a crock. He is another one who physically assaults students. The worst class in the school for it would be Dwyer's including Stuart French. You can say that it didn't happen all you like Shane. I saw it with my own eyes. You are an idiot to think they don't have your son scared to talk.
The only aide's to complain about the treatment of students was John and me and we both got done over.
sent from my iPhone
This just shows that you get a job by being related to someone at Carenne and not through skills and experience.
Laurie Healey-Clifford is useless and shouldn't have been given the job.
May 21, 2011 3:09 AM
I would no put anything past the animals that work at carenne, which is why my son is being pulled out of carenne.
May 27, 2011 7:35 AM
Good for you Shane!Hold your head up and don't let them get you down with the stupid comments!For your sons sake you have made the right decision.Ha Ha I bet Moon is spewing(and giving you a hard time).
Shane 11:51 AM
Good on you Shane ,Your son come's first ,Don't leave him at Carenne to be ABUSE by these NAZI'S.They are spewing lies on the blog about you because they are scare shitless of what you will do,Bring them down Shane !
Shane 11:51 AM
Good on you Shane ,Your son come's first ,Don't leave him at Carenne to be ABUSE by these NAZI'S.They are spewing lies on the blog about you because they are scare shitless of what you will do,Bring them down Shane !
May 21, 2011 3:09 AM
I would no put anything past the animals that work at carenne, which is why my son is being pulled out of carenne.
I am Bronwyn Mackay and I want it known that the Dept of Ed in Bathurst KNEW of all of my degrees and qualifications covering the entire gamit of Special Education together with almost 40 years experience in Special School at Polwood St SSP in Kempsey on the mid-North Coast (I lived at Upper Rollands Plains then and was the most favoured and demanded casual teacher in the entire district for ALL schools), then at Anson St. SSP. I also worked in the unit for hearing disabilities at Orange High School for some time. I KNOW from experience of exhaustive assessment of incoming Kindergarten students that the RECEPTIVE VOCABULARY of incoming students has dropping significantly each and every year (and I know reasons for this etc, through studies and empirical testing), and that if a child suffers linguistic poverty, that child will NEVER ATTAIN literacy no matter what we insist upon 'drilling' into them. ALL must have satisfactory receptive and expressive language skills to attain and maintain workable literacy skills in society. The local SED's etc refused to listen even when I, in fear and trembling, challenged that I could 'lift' the literacy of all students in the school IF I were just given the chance and support to get alongside of classroom teachers and equip them with the tools and skills necessary to see all students engaged and progressing. I was totally ignored and sat in a wet area outside the toilets to just LISTEN TO KIDS READ! I was not permitted to use my myriad skills and knowledge to advantage in any way shape or form and further I was so totally isolated it was truly criminal. When McDonald came she told her executive what she was going to do to destroy me. She had NOT met me at that stage so where did this come from? McDairmid of course who had already engineered TWO sackings (called medical retirements) for me in the previous few years. I had these medico-legally overturned however, these events took a serious toll on my health. I was repeatedly and deliberately exposed to 'FRESH HOUSE PAINT' at work after the hierarchy discovered that this was toxic and potentially life threatening to me. I was forced to carry out extra playground duties on the worst of the most uneven and dangerous ground with a reconstructed, metal rod and screws, ankle and badly damaged knee (needing full replacement after the many trips and stumbles due to this). I was forced to take all the children who turned up on 'strike' days because I do not believe in striking and cannot do this. Anne Coomans just wandered around doing nothing while I had to look after all the children and others laughed about this. Coomans was given my position which McDiarmid had promised her some years ago when Kerry Hunter lied in a complaint to EPAC as part of the persecution to have me break. I didn't and I didn't go down as they had hoped. I am writing a book, actually two, because what has occurred could be construed as the most ridiculous slapstick comedy of all time were it not true. The truth is nothing short of criminal hatred and jealousy and petulant demand for obedience and subservience from all and sundry in carrying out McDiarmid's COMMANDS. What sort of hold does this ridiculous 'Hitler' character have over superiors that she has been rescued (like her follower McDonald), TWICE - from Bathurst and from Orange, only to really screw up in Dubbo and still NOT be got rid of as would happen in ANY DECENT LAW ABIDING BUSINESS in the world?
I am not afraid of any of them. I have gazed into the monster's mouth and it is a toothless old hag.
Do not fear them, you are a free people and you MUST stand up for the children and DEMAND proper education for each and every one as is their rights as human beings.
Thank you.
Unfortunately, the local so-called University, Charles Sturt, is GIVING people the points to do teaching! These people by and large are quite frequently IGNORANT, UNEDUCTED, OPINIONATED, ARROGANT, DECEITFUL, CORRUPT, ETC ETC. in other words, PERFECT FOR THE DET'S PURPOSES! There is absolutely NO INTEREST in Child welfare or EDUCATION by the Government or DET. It's all about Me Me Me and MONEY MONEY MONEY and power power power! I can't wait to see you all naked standing before Almighty God and giving account of how you have treated these innocent little children and their welfare and future because you will be in that position before you know it and He has stated "Whatsoever ye do to the least of these, ye do also unto Me"! Scarey HUH?
Has it learned to wear panties yet? Sick bitch
May 17, 2011 7:10 PM
The false complaints about Steve but the rest of what you say is true.
hatho 7:11 PM
Ha Ha keep guesing hatho
May 16, 2011 9:38 PM
Cheryl just blabs to her faggot mate Brian Carter who then puts it on this blog. She is a stupid woman.
anonymous 8:45PM
sounds like cheryl chaplan
May 15,2011 11:08 PM
Was this reported, these rapes of innocent girls by simones son or covered up like what happen at carenne by this same boy.
May 15, 2011 2:12 PM
You are dead right. Her family would be enough to disqualify her for employment.
Jeremy and Rachel are pedophiles and Scott and Simone think its OK to supply alcohol to minors and have been doing it for years. When the daughter ends up with an alcohol problem they will wonder why.
On top of that, you only have to ask about Simone's disabled son. Sam Durham, a highly capable disability worker at Interchange says he is a spoiled brat who makes demands for what he wants and is going to do and who doesn't listen. This is the same kid who has a facebook addiction and raped other children at Lake Burrendong.
Do we really want our children turning out like THAT?
Anonymous 2:12 PM
These idiots are payed by us "frightening"
Liberty Rowan 11:30 AM
This school sounds just like Carenne and under Carol McDimad and Peter Harvey corrupt Leadership.Someone wants to put this Gallop into Education Minister Piccoli for being a Deputy Principal with no qualifications in teaching.
carennetruth 10:11 AM
Welcome back lee !
may 14,2011 8:35PM
You know hatho you are simone russell.
Simone Russell not qualified
May 14, 2011 12:09 PM
The schools new music teacher are you kidding?The bus driver a music teacher?
May 14, 2011 8:29 AM
He covers up child abuse by Mollenkamp and Dwyer that is why staff think he is awesome.
Why don't you attack Steve Minshull the school's new music teacher instead of good people like Ryan and Laurie.
What do you expect the KLAN got rid of Kelly Thompson so JANELLE KEMP"Blog of lies" Got Lee Churches "Deputry Principal" Job,No Job appointment is done on MERIT a Carenne.
I've never had my child tell me that Mr Ryan is "Mr Awesome". What sort of childish fuckwit is this bloke? Did the Western Advocate turn up and he introduce himself as "Mr Awesome"? Did he say, "Hi, I'm Mr Awesome, I got that name because that's what the kids call me."
What a fucking joke.
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