Friday, May 13, 2011

Qualifications mean nothing to Carenne

For a long time now it has been known that Carenne employs nepotistic practices when employing staff. Some time ago, Janelle Kemp's niece Laurie Clifford (then Healey) was given a permanent position at the school over staff who had far more experience and who were properly qualified.

According to the Western Advocate, Mrs Clifford received a Graduate Diploma of Inclusive Education from Charles Sturt University, completing her special education training. According to the paper she has been employed at Carenne since 2007.

Even more disturbing is the fact that Clifford was appointed relieving assistant principal while Terry Neal took a trip to the top end to avoid attending court. How could someone who isn't even special education trained be given an assistant principal's position and expected to be part of the Carenne executive?

How many other staff at Carenne are not properly qualified for their job? Given the mass of issues at the school you would think that it would be important to have staff that are trained to do the job they are performing.