Sunday, May 1, 2011

Carenne Support defrauds the RTA

To many, this story will come as no surprise. Carenne Support has a history of fraud - defrauding the Bathurst community to obtain $120,000 worth of buses, defrauding ADHC and defrauding DET.

Carenne Gate can reveal that for six years, Carenne Support has claimed a registration concession from the RTA for their vehicles, saving them in excess of $600 per year, per vehicle. Carenne Support has claimed a concession for the vehicles being passenger vehicle used by a welfare or community transport organisation solely or principally for the transport of people with intellectual or mobility impairment. The concession is not available to government agencies or private operators.

Carenne Support is neither a welfare nor a community transport organisation.

After a chat with the RTA on Friday, I was advised that Carenne Support was certainly not eligible for a concession, particularly after their $130,000+ per year income from the vehicles was considered. The RTA advised that Carenne Support had most probably defrauded the state and breached the Motor Vehicle Taxation and Registration Acts. They claimed someone would of signed the registration concession form and that this person could be charged with making a false declaration.

On top of this, DET Snitch advised that SNTS rules require vehicles used under the scheme to be registered for "Business Use". It seems that once again, the department is giving special treatment to its corrupt contractor.

It's good to see our taxes being put to good use supporting a corrupt organisation such as Carenne Support. Charges should be laid against every director of Carenne Support for this latest fraud, but I won't be holding my breath waiting.