Monday, May 23, 2011

Carenne Support and the Code of Conduct

Officers of Carenne Support past and present including Lee Churches, Geoff Salmon, Christine Porter and Mary Housler have posted on this blog under the belief that they are only contractors to the department and are not subject to the department's Code of Conduct. Every time Mary Housler has posted that there is nothing that can be done to her for posting on this blog I read with bemusement.

As an administrator of this blog I have access to the logs and as an official of the department I have access to communication between those named and myself. The logs match the IP addresses used by them, quite foolishly when they believe they can't be traced. EPAC is well aware of their identities and continues to do nothing because the issues surrounding former ex-employees Jenny O'Neill and Brian Carter have caused "undue stress and anxiety" on those associated with Carenne Support. Seeing as they won't take action they must be publicly prodded to do something.

The belief that Carenne Support is not subject to the Code of Conduct is completely incorrect, part 3.3 says:

Contractors, consultants and volunteers working with the Department of Education and Training must be aware of this Code and act in line with the conduct described in it. While contractors, consultants and volunteers are not subject to disciplinary action, conduct that would be assessed as being a serious breach of the Code of Conduct may result in their contract being terminated.
Well there's the bad news for Carenne Support and the department. Readers of this blog will know that there have been more than a serious breach of the Code of Conduct, it has been obliterated by Carenne Support. Has their contract been terminated? Of course not.

Just to make it easier for my friends at EPAC, here are some specific examples of breaches by Carenne Support officials which have been let go:
  1. The bus fraud;
  2. The supply of legal services to Carenne Support free;
  3. Terry Mahony being a director of the company and principal of the school at the same time;
  4. Christine Porter interfering in internal school business such as staffing and school committees;
  5. Mary Housler, Lee Churches and Geoff Salmon abusing parents and other people on this blog;
  6. Mary Housler, Lee Churches and Geoff Salmon leaking confidential information on this blog;
  7. Geoff Salmon making a full admission to attempting to carjack a whistleblower;
  8. Destruction of evidence by Christine Porter, Lee Churches and Geoff Salmon;
  9. Christine Porter presenting herself as a departmental employee when she is not;
  10. Christine Porter being allowed to use school telephones, printers, internet and computers for Carenne Support business;
  11. Christine Porter's plagiarism during her Powered for Participation workshop;
  12. The treatment of employees;
  13. Lying to the police and departmental investigators; and
  14. Attempting to make Carenne Support look as though it is an integral part of the school.
It's time the department take action against Carenne Support for its serious and continual breaches of the Code of Conduct.