Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Michael Auld's $16,000 mistake

Following the revelation that Carenne Special School has been illegally dumping rubbish at a rural tip, it has been discovered that $16,000 worth of interactive whiteboards claimed to have been damaged by Michael Auld have also been dumped at the site.

Eight smart boards have been found at the Rockley Waste Transfer Station belonging to Carenne. According to "nedkelly" these whiteboards are valued at $2,000 each.

"Michael Auld deliberately f---ed them and said Nathan Carter set them up incorrectly,"

"He's an egomaniac. He can't handle being told that everything is falling apart because of him," said nedkelly.

nedkelly claimed that she knew the boards were still under warranty but because of Michael Auld's mistake the school couldn't claim on them.

A source inside the education department claimed that Michael Auld had tried to update the board's on-board software so that they had the features of the newer boards, when this failed the boards were ruined.

"Michael Auld tried to update the software on the boards to allow the touch recognition feature, it didn't work. Only a complete idiot would do something this stupid. He first put the wrong software on and then updated more than one. The bloke is a tool,"
"It only costs around $150 to fix what he did but instead these idiots throw out $2,000 equipment. The whiteboard has a controller on the back which has been removed by Auld, he wouldn't want anyone knowing that these whiteboards are fine apart from where he stuffed them up," said the departmental source.

The serial numbers and ID numbers on each of the whiteboards reported to be at the Rockley tip are:

It provides further evidence of the complete incompetence and mismangement going on at Carenne Special School in Bathurst.