Monday, April 4, 2011

The truth about Carenne funding

Following an article in the Western Advocate yesterday about Carenne receiving the third highest amount of funding in Bathurst per student, I took a look at the Myschool website myself.

While Myschool reports Carenne receives a whopping $36,148 per student the extra costs associated with the school are not included.

These include the transportation of students to the school under the Special Needs Transport Service and the funding previously given to Carenne Support for therapy.

If these were factored in, the amount of funding associated with Carenne would be far higher. I can remember having a discussion with a Carenne Gate whistleblower sometime ago where she told me that there was a bus transporting one student around 80 Km per day one way. Comments on this blog indicate that SNTS operators are paid around $2 per Km so this would add up to over $128,000 per year. Then there are a number of other bus runs which are also funded using the same formula.

With the amount of money involved at Carenne, the school executive needs to be held more accountable for how its spent and for its shady deals with organisations such as RDA.