Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The 'axis of evil'

For years many of us in the department have known just how malignant and rotten the Department of Education and Training is in the Bathurst district. Appointments are not based on merit and the focus is on stabbing whomever you need in the back to get ahead. This has been proudly supported by our Queen, Regional Director Carole McDiarmid.

You see Carole is a Bathurst girl herself. She worked as superintendent (the name that the SED was formerly given) in Bathurst before being promoted to superintendent in Orange and now to Regional Director based in Dubbo. Her roots remain firmly planted in Bathurst and her alliances here also.

Unfortunately for Carole she has a number of skeletons in her closet from her time here in Bathurst. She is renowned for being incompetent and corrupt. She is known to make life hard for any person who disagrees with her and will bend the system to her advantage. Countless teachers have been 'Healthquested' at her insistence after they spoke out about her friends or dared to question the Queen herself.

At Carenne of course, the Queen isn't the only problem. The real 'axis of evil' involves Peter Harvey and Neil Moon. The two weaklings along with the Queen will do anything they can to protect themselves. They know if one falls they all fall, this is why Lynette Duncan, a highly capable executive in the department was made out to be 'mentally ill' after her demise. When it became apparent that Lynette was a liability, Queen Carole ordered for her to be beheaded by the KLAN at Carenne.

You might think that the KLAN is something that was fostered, encouraged and even created by Jock Roxborough during his time as principal but don't fool yourself, the KLAN was something actively supported by Queen Carole. Most schools across the Bathurst district have a KLAN or 'cabal' as we call them at district office with their own 'code of omerta'. In most schools it isn't as visible as Carenne but I can assure you, they are still there.