Friday, April 8, 2011

Why Mary Housler is posting on this blog

While most people involved on both sides of the disputes at Carenne Special School have to post on this blog under the cloud of anonymity, Carenne Support administrator Mary Housler has brazenly posted on this blog using her own name.

Carenne Gate can confirm through access logs of this blog and e-mails sent to her friends which have forwarded them to Carenne Gate for comparison that "Mary H" is in fact Mary Housler who posts on this blog using a Internet connection through Bigpond.

While staff at Carenne itself are bound by a code of conduct and Carenne Support's bus staff are forced to sign a contract prohibiting them from using this blog. Mary Housler it would seem isn't covered by the department's code of conduct or any condition of her employment.

It looks as though Mrs Housler is being encouraged to defend Carenne Special School and Carenne Support on this blog by her employer Carenne Support. Mrs Housler has been allowed to continue posting on this blog and is being fed information from the school. As Mrs Housler works for a contractor she should have no knowledge of the goings on inside Carenne, yet from her postings she has been fed information directly from the school for the posting on this blog.

Neil Moon should be held accountable for the posts made by Mrs Housler on this blog, particularly when she is being supplied information by staff at his school.