Thursday, April 28, 2011

When will Carenne Support's contract be torn up?

The corrupt organisation at the centre of Carenne Gate, Carenne Support has once again breached its contract with the Department of Education and Training. A source internal to the department has contacted Carenne Gate and advised that the hire vehicle used by Carenne Support for its Lithgow run this morning would not have been approved by the department and using it breaches the agreement between the department and Carenne Support.

The source claims that the vehicle approval process takes a number of days and requires a number of checks to be done, none of which were done in this case. Carenne Support has once again breached its contract.

Carenne Support has a history of breaching its contract, whether it be by overclaiming, running with unapproved staff, refusing to transport an autistic student or using vehicles which are not roadworthy.

The contract should be terminated because of Carenne Support's persistent breaches but of course it won't be. The source claims that Carenne Support is the subject of 75% of all complaints to the Assisted School Travel Unit in Wollongong yet it still holds both of its contracts.