The Carenne Saviours have contacted Carenne Gate concerned about staffing adjustments being made at Carenne Special School due to her relentless bullying and harassment of other staff. Despite a history of incompetence, sexual misconduct, misuse of school equipment and being named in bullying complaints, Neil Moon does nothing about Cranston's misconduct.
"Angie is part of Neil Moon's inner circle" said one Saviour.
The Saviours allege that Angie Cranston, along with Simone Russell, Michael Auld and Margaret Rowe was responsible for spreading rumours throughout the school that Prue Luffman was having an affair with Peter Richards, leading to Mrs Luffman's nervous breakdown and resignation from Carenne. They also claim that along with Lucy Thornton, Angie Cranston hid or destroyed evidence that Carenne Support were not providing therapy to students which they had claimed they were doing therapy on.
The Saviours claim that Barbara Woolfe resigned from Carenne after working with Mrs Cranston, who made several serious allegations about her including claims that Mrs Woolfe was abusing children.
Earlier in the year, Kelly Thompson, a teacher highly regarded by parents was forced on to stress leave after she was bullied and harassed by Mrs Cranston. The department has since relocated her to Bathurst West Public to take her out of the stressful environment at Carenne.
The latest teacher to fall victim to Mrs Cranston is Matt Casey, who now refuses to work in the class despite being offered block work on that class. According to the Saviours, Mr Casey claimed he could not work with a woman like Mrs Cranston who pushed staff around and who neglected the welfare of students.
The failure of Neil Moon and Peter Harvey to take action against Mrs Cranston shows the special treatment members of the so-called Carenne Klan receive from the department.
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»How come all the staff photos on this blog come from the CD that you have Lucy?
Why would anyone employ this old witch when they know the history of her at Glenray and St Catherines?
Lyn Duncan made various complaints about Angela Cranston when she was principal but nothing was ever done. Lyn saw her assaulting a student in the playground and calling her a "spoilt little bitch"
dear god that is an ugly woman
Anonymous 8:42 PM
And at Ullumba Gardens nursing home.
November 28, 2010 8:48 PM
What did she do?
Lee Churches recruited Angie Cranston to get rid of Barb Woolfe.
What a weak little man this Matt Casey must be, can't even stand up to a woman. His wife must walk all over him!
November 28, 2010 8:50 PM
What sort of moron are you? Angie was recruited in 2007 and wasn't even with Barbara you fuckwit!
The same act she did at Glenray and St Catherines she got shunted from the three places if anyone care's to check.
Wasn't she assaulting patients in the nursing homes and threatening their families to keep quiet?
Bullshit she was Barbs teachers aide last year moron.
Anonymous 8:54 PM
November 28, 2010 8:54 PM
and she started with Kelly in 2007 you fuckwit
Anonymous 8:51 PM
Oh Lee Churches have you got your years mixed up again dear,Never mind it won't happen for much longer ,You'll have your best friend Simone Russell to help you with your years in a cell.
This is the type of people they protect at the CARENNE SEXUAL SCHOOL. The same woman who was quoted in the Western Advocate using derogatory language about Genes for Genes day and the same woman who takes a dildo to a CARENNE SEXUAL SCHOOL function.
November 28, 2010 8:58 PM
The only person going to jail is Shane French for making absurd complaints to the police and trying to set up innocent people.
Anonymous 8:55 PM
Read the post moron,it said she wasn't even with barbara,she was fuckwit.
hatho 9:01
Simone Russell you are as guilty as Ned Kelly.
November 28, 2010 9:03 PM
Except she won't be hanged
Corrupt government officials should be hanged publicly.
Anonymous 9:09 PM
She will be if we have anything to do with it,Not giving up till she is bought to justice.
November 28, 2010 9:15 PM
You have more support than you realise from places you would have never thought you would have support. Find some comfort in that. There are others working behind the scenes to make sure that the shenanigans at Carenne are just a blot on its history. It will be cleaned up eventually.
Mother Goose 9:20 PM
When after a child is killed or seriously hurt at Carenne Public School,The Det have known about this for neally two years and the abuse of this little children is still going on inflicted by the evil klan.
November 28, 2010 9:23 PM
It's been longer than 2 years. It has been going on for around 10.
Anonymous 9:25 PM
It started when Jock Roxborugh beacame Principal and Lee Churches And Michael Auld took control of Carenne Public School.
November 28, 2010 9:28 PM
That is when it became the CARENNE SEXUAL SCHOOL
All under Carole's guidance.
Carole claims she didn't know about David Withyman, that Jock Roxborough hid it from her. Is it true?
Anonymous 9:39 PM
Frightening and these little children are in these evil peoples hands.
November 28, 2010 9:42 PM
At least parents now have options.
November 28, 2010 9:44 PM
At least thanks to Julie Brown and Libertarian us parents know the truth about Carenne.
Anonymous 9:45 PM
Hopefully you as a parent act ,and don't beleive the klans bullshit.You being a parent have the upper hand and can close Carenne Public School down.
Anonymous 9:41 PM
Margaret Rowe Knew and lied .
November 28, 2010 9:45 PM
The tainted truth by arseholes who support idiots like Brian Carter and Jenny O'Neill.
hatho 9:53 PM
Simone Russell crawl back in your hole dumpling.
November 28, 2010 9:53 PM
Hatho you showed us what the tainted truth looks like!!
hatho 9:53 PM
Simone Russell i dare you to say that to Brian Carter and Jenny O'Neill Face You Faceless, gutless coward.
Gerard Martin has said in todays Advocate"All I would say is that as far as I am concerned the Ray Hadleys of this world have got no ethics "Mr Gerard Martin Said using Parliamentary Privilege,No wonder Mr Gerard Martin is such great supporters of the KLAN and Michael Aulds Corrupt RDA and is one of the crowd who has been covering the Abuse and fraud up at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST,He is another gutless coward who doesn't use a alias but uses Parliamentary Privilege to attack good people like Ray Hadley.
Who is making sure Nadine Dwyer doesn't assault students on the big river excursion
November 29, 2010 8:30 AM
He is Michael Fraud's close friend, what do you expect?
Anonymous 6:29 PM
Fancy letting your child go with the child abusers
Lyn Duncan was aware of problems at Carenne after she transferred from Oberon to Carenne as a casual and reported them to Peter Harvey.
This is why her and Prue Luffman weren't given a permanent position while Lyn was principal, Nadine Dwyer is horrid to students.
November 29, 2010 8:23 PM
This should of read, apologies folks for the confusion:
Lyn Duncan was aware of problems with Nadine Dwyer after she transferred from Oberon to Carenne as a casual and reported them to Peter Harvey.
This is why her and Prue Luffman weren't given a permanent position while Lyn was principal, Nadine Dwyer is horrid to students.
is angie related to cranston carpets in dubbo?
November 29, 2010 8:26 PM
It's Crampton's Carpets you halfwit!
November 29, 2010 8:25 PM
You speak like Lyn Duggan
What a fucking joke the new Carenne website is:
Aboriginal Student Support
We are committed to closing the achievement gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students through initiatives such as personalised learning plans.
Our teachers are focused on supporting Aboriginal students to improve their literacy and numeracy skills and to encourage attendance and further education.
Parents and/or caregivers are invited to participate in developing the plans and targets we set to achieve these outcomes.
We encourage Aboriginal students to learn how to negotiate and develop strategies by providing unique leadership opportunities.
Who are you kidding Neil Moon, you have racists like Simone Russell who hate aboriginals because of something that happened in the past and Lee Churches the eternal racist.
Anonymous 8:32 PM
Enough to make any decent person spew,Just look how they treat the Aboriginal students already at carenne.
You people are obsessed with Lee and Simone, get some help.
hatho 9:23 PM
You are Simone ,talking about yourself russell?
November 29, 2010 9:24 PM
Send her to HealthQuest. Then again she claimed compo over this blog and a pre-existing rain tumour.
Anonymous 9:28 PM
And the fraud squad after her for that crime.
What rot about Prue! She was a useless aide who was too busy off having sex with Peter Richards than in the classroom. It was positive as we got Karina the position that was allocated to Prue.
Angie Cranston is one of the klan's henchmen, we have used her to gather information and cause trouble for staff.
carennetruth 12:01 AM
Peter Richards Lee Churches just accused you of sleeping with Prue Luffman,What you going to do about Union Rep.
Mother Goose said...
Lyn Duncan made various complaints about Angela Cranston when she was principal but nothing was ever done. Lyn saw her assaulting a student in the playground and calling her a "spoilt little bitch"
November 28, 2010 8:46 PM
somebody ought to treat her daughters, aly and tahlia, the same and see how she likes abuse directed to her loved ones,not one bit im guessing
Anonymous 2:29 PM
Thats right if her girls were assaulted she have the teacher charged,but its like all them gutless wonders they are nothing short of thugs at carenne fancy assaulting these special children.
carennetruth 12:01 AM
Lee Churches Prue didn't get the pernament teachers aide position,Because she caught you posting on the blog from carenne in the holidays last year ,When Carenne had the power turn off.You were posting on this blog on a wireless laptop,So you made sure she was shafted didn't you Lee.Karina Mollenkemp got the job because she is one of the KLAN.
Don't worry, its interesting how arseholes like Lee Churches who pride themselves as being the hunter are now the hunted.
November 28,2010
Mother Goose 8:23 PM
I hope Lyn Duncan reported Angie Cranston to Malcolm Barnett,These evil people have to be stopped?
Anonymous 2:30 PM
Where is the buzzard she hasn't posted all week ,her back must be to the wall?
It is both sad and alarming to see the influence that unsubstantiated, vitriolic rumours can have upon people's better judgement; especially when they are clearly motivated by bitter personal and political agendas.
To address the bigger picture, I'm disappointed that the cowardice of hiding behind internet anonymity provides a legal loophole in which defamation is acceptable by default and not punishable by the police or DET. The small comfort I take from this is that the people responsible have resorted to this form of attack in response to their utter lack of credibility or legitimate avenue for grievance.
I'd suggest that when posting in future, it may be character building to pose a few questions to yourself; why am I doing this anonymously? Would I make similar suggestions if I was accountable? What evidence is there for the accusations I make? Whatever response this elicits, read over the above comments and consider whether suggestions such as 'hanging' a person, or wilfully promoting the abuse of someone's children, truly reflect your own personal character, values and beliefs.
-Josh Cranston
Son of Angie, brother of Tahlia and Alycia
The person who has a lack of credibility Josh is your mother. She sprays to the police but when she is asked what she knows she shuts up like a brick shithouse. You wouldn't piss on the woman if she was on fire. She is yet another of the dirty cunts at that school who are quite happy to allow child sex abuse to go on.
February 17, 2011 12:59 PM
Just think my friend, the comments on this blog are from your mother's colleagues. Frightening isn't it?
Explain these agendas big mouth
Your mum let aurtistic children walk back to the school without a adult josh
josh angie should sue cheryl chapman ,she the one who say things about your mum
angie cranston abuses kids and destroyed evidence about therapy. great mum you have josh
Anonymous 8:41 AM
Posting again sarg?
the trap is not going to work Sarg!
Anonymous 8:42 AM
She got rid of the wrong evidence LMAO
There are plenty of legitimate avenues for grievances, but the grievances aren't legitimate, lies all lies! if there was any truth in anything that has been written action would have been taken !
Anonymous 6:18 PM
neither of the children who went back the 100 metres to school were "aurtistic "or autistic ! Get your facts right .
Anonymous 6:56 PM
Your full of shit Angie
Anonymous 6:18PM
I can promise you the grievances are all true.
Anonymous 6:18PM
I can promise you the grievances are all true.
February 18, 2011 6:56 PM
How about you get your facts right. You sent the WHOLE class back because you were too stupid to use a mobile phone.
Let's talk about your fantastic record as an aide at Carenne.
You were aware that a student wasn't getting therapy, even though Carenne Support was being paid by DADHC and did NOTHING. That same student, who was able to walk at the beginning of the year that you were placed with Barbara couldn't because of your NEGLECT.
How about your bullying and harassment. Barbara Woolfe left because of you and Kelly Thompson left because of you.
How about your holiday bullshit Angie? That's right you took holidays during term and then expected to go on an excursion to make up for it.
February 18, 2011 6:18 PM
How come there is DOCUMENTARY evidence on this blog and no action has been taken. You are a joke.
It's people like you who are too gutless to stand up that are the problem.
The Truth 7:47 AM
Hey don't worry we have stood up and the truth about the abuse of innocent children and harrasment of parents by klan members and the fraud by carenne support and carenne public school bathurst will come out,That's a promise The Truth!
Angie how about you being paid till 3:30 PM each day and you have left the school by 3:05 PM everyday Ang,Ripping the tax payers off AGAIN.
The Truth 7:45 AM
Don't worry the truth about no therapy will come out ,Carenne Support Limited and the DET will pay for what they done,Not only to the student but what they have done to Barbara Woolfe.
Angie Cranston was one of the people we used to get things done. She was easy to use to cause trouble for people.
We used Angie, Simone and Marg to get rid of Prue and it worked well. Angie is that stupid you can put rot in her head and she believes it and just runs with it.
carennetruth 9:52 AM
Yes lee churches but you were the ring leader you told them what to do,didn't you just like you covered up for your friend anna blackburn sleeping with david withyamn lee!
Hey Angie what do you think of your best friend Lee Churches 'carennetruth" saying your stupid nice kind of friend she is angie?
Isn't it sick how carennetruth,hatho,omertra,nedkelly,jrosenberg and the rest of the klan, Delight in causing innocent parents and staff and students heartache and they call themselves Teachers and Teachers Aids 'Scary".
February 19, 2011 10:03 AM
I did what I needed to do for my beautiful school but the klan as you people call it got high on its own power. The only way to fix Carenne now is to close it so that it can be cleaned out. They need to put a broom through it and clean out all the trouble makers.
Angie Cranston was easy to use to cause trouble and when it all hits the fan she will be one of the ones who will go down for the rot.
David Withyman was 18 he could do as he liked.
February 19, 2011 3:45 PM
Jenny how about you say it to people's faces instead of posting rot on a blog.
You lodged a grievance through your union about me posting on this blog well Jenny too bad.
carennetruth 6:32 PM
Lee Churches How about you say to jenny's face the lies you posted on this blog about her family .It hasn't been forgotten carennetruth and justice will be done.
There was never a relationship between David and I. I knew he was a troubled family where the mother and father worked too much and had no time for him. I saw him as someone I had to take care of.
David had raped Bev Warne 12 months before the allegations were made by his sister about me, I wouldn't involve myself in a dangerous situation like that.
Of course, I received no support from Carenne when everything happened. I was tossed aside like useless rubbish and made to rot in district and state office until they dispersed with me. The only person who stood up for me - Jane Booby was thrown aside too.
Anna Blackburn 8:04 PM
You were convicted by law of having a sexual relationship with david ,No wonder you are good friends with Lee Churches you are both liars.
What's sad is that Constable Erin Lloyd knew what was going on between Withyman and Blackburn and did nothing. Yet another useless cop in Bathurst.
February 19, 2011 10:41 PM
What a load of shit!Has she ever stuck up for any of the abused or neglected kids up there?No she has not she is a bully!!!
Angie Cranston is one of the KLAN and the stupid one according to Lee Churches"carennetruth"
I did not have sexual relations with that student!
February 19, 2011 10:36 PM
Are there any that aren't useless??
David Withyman was not in a sexual relationship with myself but he was in one with Terry Neal. Terry had been having sex with him for a number of years. David was too scared to admit he was in a homosexual relationship so I took him under my wing. He was afraid his parents would disown him.
David then made allegations against myself to cover-up that he was homosexual.
Funny Anna the courts didn't see it that way.
February 20, 2011 1:41 PM
Funny that Terry Neal was called as a witness but was unavailable according to Neil Moon and Beth Neal.
February 20, 2011 1:41 PM
You ought to talk about this sort of shit Jenny, you were the fucking one who was told you couldn't visit parents and students and continued to fucking do so. You have some strange attachment to that boy don't you you sick cunt.
February 20, 2011 2:06 PM
Did Lee Churches teach you how to lie ,you are a LIAR.
Anonymous 2:09 Pm
Lee you are obsessed with jenny it wasn't her posting you moron.
Anonymous 2:09PM
you would have to be cheryl chapman to know that ,aint you
Make your mind up Jenny, is it Lee or Cheryl you fuckwit!
Anonymous 2:16 PM
you wouldnt know they both talk so LOVELY
Isn't Cheryl the snitch? Did she tell you things Jenny?
February 20, 2011 2:18 PM
Whenever Jenny would complain she would say that she knew it was in the special transport rules because her friend Cheryl told her so I would say so.
February 20, 2011 2:18 PM
Cheryl has been banned for leaking police documents.
Anonymous 2:17 Pm
Foul mouth nedkelly margaret rowe.
February 20, 2011 2:18 PM
She told us plenty about Jenny.
February 20, 2011 2:19 PM
Bullshit. Simone did the lot. Simone even showed us Cheryl's questionnaire and the note that was on pink paper she put in there.
Anonymous 2:20PM
Lee not game to use carennetruth you moron?
Anonymous 2:09 PM
Keep it up sarg it's not doing you any good.
February 20, 2011 2:09 PM
What students? What parents? Sounds like more Carenne Support\School\Bathurst police bullshit to me!!
Anonymous 3:29 PM
It sounds like sweary mary housler.
February 20, 2011 3:29 PM
Margaret Kemp made a complaint about Jenny leaking information that she was told during an uninvited visit to Indymedia.
February 20, 2011 2:22 PM
Simone has copies of Louise Smith and Cheryl Chaplin's police questionnaires. Neil Moon gave them to her and the police gave them two extra envelopes and seals in case they sealed them.
Neither envelope had the police seal on them so it was very easy to cover up. There are still two seals in Neil Moon's desk.
There have been many complaints about Terry Neal but none have been referred to EPAC or district office because he is an assistant principal.
So you covered up sex abuse Lee and you admit it?
February 20, 2011 10:19 PM
Im having trouble following exactly what you mean on this one?
February 20, 2011 10:36 PM
I don't think she understands it either, but she isn't really with it since the last stroke so no surprise.
Onya Bathurst Police and JIRT. How come not a single child named has been questioned?
February 20, 2011 10:52 PM
Because the police are covering up for Scott using the school as his own den for child sex.
February 20, 2011 11:13 PM
Are you saying that Scott has been to the school besides the time he threatened Lyn?
Anonymous 8:32 PM
He there all the time when he's in town.
February 20, 2011 10:52 PM
Good question why haven't the parents been informed also?
February 21, 2011 8:36 PM
What around the kids?
Anonymous 8;39 PM
its the kids school isn't it?
February 21, 2011 8:44 PM
Fuck off it hasn't been the kids school for many years now!
Perhaps Terry Neal should explain his sexual relationship with another student in our class - Melissa King. Jock Roxborough was aware of it and did nothing.
February 21, 2011 8:37 PM
The parents are never notified at Carenne. When David Withyman raped Bev Warne his parents weren't told about it and when he was placed on a behaviour contract to keep him away from him, Jock told him he couldn't tell his parents.
David was told not to tell his parents because they might find out about the sexual relationship between him and Terry Neal.
February 21, 2011 9:24 PM
No Anna, that was you too.
Then you have the students who are on the "to be disciplined by being sent to the principal" list that Jock Roxborough had. Everytime they misbehaved they were sent to his office where he would be unavailable for 20 minutes or so.
One staff member walked in one day with Jock bending a student over his desk and raping them.
February 21, 2011 9:32 PM
Fucking bullshit Anna. The only staff at Carenne who ever had sex with students were you, Bev Warne, Terry Neal, Anne Baskerville and Kaye Negus you whore.
February 21, 2011 9:32 PM
Was it reported? I bet I know the answer.
February 21, 2011 9:32 PM
Wasn't that part of the curriculum when Jock was there? Is that why you fucked David Anna?
February 21, 2011 9:32 PM
Did you watch?
February 21, 2011 9:37 PM
Did you watch?
February 21, 2011 9:34 PM
We were all told to stay off the blog at the meeting today. Why are you on here Marg?
February 21, 2011 9:32 PM
Was it Michael Auld who saw it? He would have filmed it, he has a thing for child pornography.
February 21, 2011 9:40 PM
He also has a thing for having sex with Melinda Gavin in the RFF room after hours while her daughter is in the same room.
February 21, 2011 9:42 PM
At least they didn't do it in the class like Peter and Prue!
It's part of the curriculum at the CARENNE SEXUAL SCHOOL!
Is Jock Drew's father?
Terry Neal is no paedophile. He was the one who spoke out about Anna Blackburn and her inappropriate relationship with David even though Lee and Jock tried to ruin him for it.
That's why he took leave shortly after, because Lee, Marg and Michael made life hell for him.
February 21, 2011 9:48 PM
Is this what getting into kid's Ritalin does?
nedkelly 9:34 PM February 21,2011
Margaret Rowe the foul mouth Teachers Aide at Carenne Public School,Why hasn't she been sacked Malcolm Barnett.
Anna Blackburn you are leaving yourself wide open to be sued for defamation.
February 22, 2011 4:35 PM
Bring it on. You can't sue for defamation when it's the truth and it will give me an audience to talk about the child abuse I know about at that school.
Terry Neal is a pedophile, it was reported to Jock Roxborough, Neil Ray and the local police and nothing was done about it. Try and sue me, it was a protected disclosure and I am protected.
Are the DET still saying everything on this blog is all lies.
Scott Russell is not a pedophile and he is hardly ever at Carenne so what are you cunts on? Are you trying to make up shit to cover up for Cheryl?
piss off simone
Do you watch Scott while he does Simone? There were serious allegations about him at the youth centre in Portland but he was shipped off before they could be investigated.
that should be do you which Scott while he does it Simone?
wasn't scott involved with drugs in portland
February 22, 2011 8:36 PM
Get off the blog Simone you brown noser!!
February 22, 2011 6:05 PM
Cut the rot Anna, you made the complaints after you were found out. That's why they weren't looked into, everyone thought you were trying to cover up your affair with David.
Even Norah dobbed you in Anna.
February 21, 2011 9:48 PM
Terry Neal spoke out about nothing. He not once made an effort to sort the situation out. Anna didn't feel comfortable with him and even though he was the AP responsible for her, she went to Lee.
Lee and Jock tried to involve Terry in the behaviour plan devised for David but he was too busy with his sport rot!
There have been allegations about him for years. Whenever he closes the curtains in his office to the junior playground you can tell what he is doing because he always has a mute child in there at the same time. This was reported dozens of times but being the only male AP at the school where the staff are mostly female always saved him.
February 22, 2011 8:36 PM
Cheryl has done nothing wrong. It was decided by you and Neil Moon that she would be the scapegoat for you.
Carenne still needs you to be leaking police information so someone else had to be set up didn't they Simone?
Perhaps the police should raid your house and see the folders of stolen police information and the copied police questionnaires that you have.
February 22, 2011 8:56 PM
Scott is a dangerous man and someone to be careful of. If he can't get his own way he has a tantrum and causes as much trouble as possible. He has influence over his children and could get Jeremy to do anything.
Jeremy and James attacked Brian Carter's car because he put a sign at the top of Browning St the night of an important parents meeting. Simone told me it was "payback time". I said before the police can get my phone records and check because she rang and told me all about it.
Scott wanted Jeremy to petrol bomb Shane French's house to stop him making complaints to the police about him. Simone said that Shane French was a pest who has to be "eliminated at any cost".
February 22, 2011 9:01 PM
Simone will suck up and fuck over anyone she has to. She was the reason Lyn Duncan is gone in part.
Lee, what happened to Shane French?
February 22, 2011 10:17 PM
You are right. Simone goes on with alot of rot. She wants to stay at Carenne at all costs even though she should have been sacked for what she has done.
lee 10:13 PM
did cheryl chapman say she would keep quiet about the abuse she witness if you stick up for her
anonymous 10:18 PM
he was payed to stay off the blog
February 22, 2011 10:13 PM
Lee you are wrong. Why have you turned on Simone? She has done nothing to you.
Cheryl Chaplin is the snitch of Carenne. She leaked the police questionnaire and thought she would be smart and would never be found out. Those of us knew beforehand that only some of the questionnaires would be identifiable and of they picked the right people.
Cheryl Chaplin has access to information from the police, inside the school and from interchange.
February 22, 2011 10:23 PM
Cheryl has more intestinal fortitude than that. If she saw abuse she would have reported it.
February 22, 2011 10:24 PM
He realised he was getting nowhere and stayed off it. Everyone knows that he was on the klan's side trying to set people up.
February 22, 2011 10:26 PM
Cut the rot! Cheryl has no access to information but you do don't you Michael. You are the big computer guru. You are the one who passes emails around and who was hacking people's files.
Michael Auld shit when the department did an IT security audit because he knew he would be found out. Fortunately for him, the people that did it were useless and didn't know what to look for. You told me that Carter was on to you and had to go, didn't you Michael? You were the key player in him being sacked and stood by while Lee, Terry and Neil took the fall for it didn't you? You are a pathetic worm Michael Auld.
You can say you aren't Omerta all you like. I was in the klan, I know you are because I know all the klan aliases.
If information is being leaked from interchange it is coming from you. You are on the committee there aren't you? You took Barbara Woolfe's position which she should of never had because her daughter owns the building they are in! You are the leak of most of the information and Simone is the rest. That's why you both go to the school on weekends.
How would you like knowing Michael that Simone was so peeved with you having her son in your class that she went to Terry Mahony and asked for him to be changed because she didn't want him with kids like ZG and with a "useless" teacher like you.
That's the sort of person you are defending Michael. All you are is some blubbering idiot.
Go fuck yourself Lee
lee 10:27 PM
thats why she bait jenny to make complaint about things so she didnt have to do it ,she told jenny to report you to wollongong and to go to peter harvey
Cheryl has witness all the abuse but won't stand up to the plate "weak"person.
February 22,2011 10:27 PM
Yes cheryl is, Has she run you down to the lowest and then crawl up your ass to get work at carenne.
Cheryl would have a protective disclosure as well and still won't report the abuse.
February 22,2011 10:33 PM
Lee is this why barbara woolfe's won't step up to the plate her daughter has too many vested interest by owning the house Interchange rents of her and other real estate around town,so she shuts up about aurtistic children getting raped and abuse at Carenne Public School Bathurst.Nice piece of works barbara woolfe is don't you reckon,And a School Teacher in the bargin?
February 22,2011 10:33 PM
That's no way to speak to your best friend lee is it simone.
February 22, 2011 10:26 PM
It's so obvious that it's you Michael, you have your head up Mary Housler's arse don't you?
Jenny why don't you just piss off. You were sacked get over it!
Jenny O'Neill you are a hypocrite! You claim to have witnessed child abuse at Carenne but only reported it after you were sacked didn't you Jenny?
Jenny O'Neill wanted the money that's why she stayed quiet.
That's why she tried to sue Carenne Support and lost. She took $3,500 and ran.
February 23, 2011 8:37 PM
I happen to know for a fact that Michael Auld does not read let alone post on this pathetic website. The people who run it ought to be hung, drawn and quartered for making a perfectly good school dysfunctional.
I have known Michael Auld for many years and a better man you will not find.
February 23, 2011 8:37 PM
Everyone knows that Cheryl Chaplin is the leak, she is the one the police told us it was. The police have no reason to lie.
February 23, 2011 9:18 PM
She made one report while she was there but it was so vague it got thrown in the bin!
Who do you think runs the blog Mary>
Brian Carter and its a fact. Christine Porter has the proof from the federal police and he is going to be taken down for it.
Mary H
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9:49 PM
9:55 PM
Mary Housler you are one of the KLAN,And everything that comes out of your foul mouth is lies,Michael Auld covers up for your son doesn't he Mary that is why you say he is wonderful,The only ones that will be taken down is you and your klan friends Mary Housler.
Mary H
February 23,2011 9:55 PM
No wonder your best friends with Simone Russell both of you don't mind threatening innocent people do you both.
Mary H
February 23,2011 9:55 PM
Mary Housler there is no proof from the Federal Police that is another lie from Corrupt Geoff Salmon and his corrupt best friend Christine Porter,Who through her lies and corrupt ways will destroy you all.
Mary H
February 23,2011 9:47 PM
You wouldn't do Cheryl Chaplan Shoe laces up Mary Housler and the Police might find themselves in big trouble revealing Police Imformation,But that would have been your Best Friend Simone Russell wouldn't it Mary she very good at revealing police imformation.Cheryl should sue you all for Defamation .
Jenny O'Neill you are going to be charged soon and sued for defamation and that is a fact.
Oh Jenny O'Neill Is real Frighten ,The favour will be return and all the klan will be revealed and found guilty.
February 22, 2011 10:26 PM
Thank you Michael for confirming that Hatho is Simone(as if there was any doubt),also for letting us know that you knew beforehand about the identifiable questionnaires that the police and the klan used to set people up with.It goes to show that the police are more interested in covering up for there child abusing mates then actually pointing out the truth!!!(as if there was any doubt).
As for Hairy Mary sticking up for you what a JOKE, with a support team like that you are in trouble now aren't you?? LMAO
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