Monday, November 8, 2010

Bathurst RDA has its grand opening amid claims it has taken participation fees from the school during its suspension

Yesterday marked the official opening of the Bathurst Riding for the Disabled Association's new site behind Carenne Special School by NSW Governor Prof Marie Bashir. The official opening coincided with the organisation's 30th birthday.

As reported in the Western Advocate, the new facility has been operating since June 2009. During that time there have been numerous disruptions caused by the incompetence and corruption of Michael Auld and Melinda Gavin. According to the Carenne Saviours, this year the RDA program has ran for two months at most.

The longest disruption to the program came when it was discovered in July that the board of RDA failed to have public liability insurance, believing that they could rely on the Department of Education and Training's insurance. Despite this, RDA still charged the school $80 per term per student for those who were to attend the program.

Carenne Gate calls on the committee of RDA to calculate the amount of time the program has ran this year and return any over payments by Carenne to it.