Monday, November 1, 2010

DET whistleblower claims Carenne has more worker's comp claims than other schools in Bathurst

A DET whistleblower has told Carenne Gate that he has been concerned about the lack of action at Carenne on OH&S matters with the school having more worker's compensation and injury claims than any other school in the Bathurst district.

The whistleblower claims that the school has an abnormally high number of claims for psychological injuries with back injuries also higher than most other schools.

"You can tell Peter Harvey time and time again that something needs to be done at Carenne but he just doesn't listen, he says the stress issues are caused by external factors," said the whistleblower.

The whistleblower claims that a number of staff at the school are repeatedly named in claims as causing problems, yet the department doesn't do anything about it. "You often see Angie Cranston named as being a bully at the school, yet the school won't do anything about her."

It shows that the environment at Carenne is a major concern which department officials are taking a blind eye to.