Friday, July 30, 2010

RDA Program suspended, Auld and Gavin failed to have proper insurance

The maligned Riding for the Disabled Association of Bathurst, which has Michael Auld and Melinda Gavin sitting on the management committee of once again been suspended, this time due to the incompetence of the committee.

In June, Carenne Gate reported that the RDA program had been suspended due to Melinda Gavin taking a holiday, causing students to miss out. At that time, a number of people commented that the association was overly reliant on Mrs Gavin and that Mrs Gavin and Mr Auld were afraid of other people coming in and discovering the maladministration and corruption going on at RDA.

RDA has had to close its doors after it was realised that the management committee had not obtained proper public liability insurance. According to an RDA whistleblower, the organisation had not had proper insurance since it moved from its old site to the new site behind Carenne.
"Michael Auld told us that because the land was government land but given to us we didn't need public liability insurance and that the school's insurance would cover us," said the whistleblower.

"The first we knew it was wrong was just this week when we got told we had to suspend the program because there was no public liability insurance."

Only last month, we heard how RDA is paid $80 per student who attends and how they wanted to charge parents for their students to access the therapy farm which had been corruptly receiving funding from the school itself.