Friday, July 2, 2010

DET heavyweights visit Carenne to discuss Carenne Gate

Yesterday afternoon, relieving School Education Director Kate White, human resources manager Peter Seligman and legal officer Patrick Quinn met with Carenne Special School staff to discuss this blog.

Prior to their arrival, Carenne Principal Neil Moon told staff to make sure they complained about the blog and the effect it is having on staff. Mr Moon also told staff that they needed to tell the high level departmental staff that they feel as though the department is ignoring staff concerns and leaving Carenne to fend for itself.

One attendee at the meeting told Carenne Gate that Mr Quinn said the legal department was close to a "breakthrough" on closing the blog down while Mr Seligman claimed that he knew no Carenne staff were on the blog or feeding authors information and that it had all came from external sources. Of course, readers of this blog would know this to be completely delusional. As I wrote a few weeks ago, Mr Moon continues to claim that his staff aren't leaking information despite Carenne staff supplying me with copies of meeting minutes and staff bulletins.

If the blog is full of lies and misinformation like Ms White, Mr Seligman and Mr Quinn claim why is it that as soon as something is posted on this blog action is taken to fix it? Why is it that Neil Moon feels the need to counter it with his own lies in the local news?

The department has been made aware of Michael Auld's leaks and use of confidential information and has decided to do nothing and its obvious to any intelligent person that "carennetruth" and her aliases is a member of the Carenne Special School executive. It doesn't take much to figure out (even without her public admissions) that "carennetruth" is Lee Churches. The department has been provided with logs indicating the IP address of "carennetruth" and her associated aliases and has done nothing.

The plain and simple fact is that if there were no problems at Carenne there would be no need to discuss it in public. Instead, because of the cover-ups, lies, abuse and corruption there is a need to hold the department and individuals responsible accountable for their actions.