Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Only half of all teachers found to be corrupt sacked

Our main focus on this blog is on Carenne Special School and the issues there but a report by the Daily Telegraph indicates that there are problems with corruption among teachers in NSW.

The Telegraph claimed that of the 73 teachers referred to the ICAC, 22 were found guilty and one half of those were sacked. The other 11 were cautioned or demoted.

Three teachers were reported for accessing or distributing pornography with one found guilty and ordered to take counseling as a result. Two sexual misconduct allegations were reported but could not be proven.

The most prevelant concern in the teaching profession is theft and making fraudulent claims, something we have reported as occurring at Carenne. 21 staff were investigated and 9 were found guilty. Of those 9 there were 2 sackings, one forced resignation, one casual withdrawal and 2 cautions.

In the Telegraph, a departmental spokesman was quoted as claiming that the education department takes misconduct seriously and report matters where appropriate, they also said that matters referred to the ombudsman were relatively small compared to how many people the department employs.

The article doesn't talk about how many investigations were carried out by the department itself and how many of those resulted in referrals to other agencies.